Become a Fairy

4526--Andrew Star Waterfall Water Spirit

However, the two can also understand Lu Xiaotian's intentions. In the absence of Emperor Qinling, the entire Yunzhong City's Golden Immortal-level combat power is too lacking. This shortcoming is temporarily covered up.

However, in Aotong's view, the more fear is that Honghao Tianting Xuanyong's battlefield is surrounded by enemies everywhere. If this problem is not solved, Yunzhong City will suffer a big loss in this aspect sooner or later, even for Dong In the scene where hundreds of thousands of troops are fighting, the Golden Immortal level powerhouse is relatively small, but the role of the Golden Immortal powerhouse is still irreplaceable.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian just let them complete the running-in with the water, fire dragon and earth evil beads as soon as possible. In the future, after gathering the eight series of celestial dragons, they can fully display the power of the eight directions earth evil dragon shadow formation in the first place.

Even though there is a slight discomfort under the hands with all their strength, Aotong and Aosheng are still trying their best to overcome this discomfort. At this time, the gap in the battle formation of the fairy army has been opened. Aotong and Aosheng rushed into it, a large number of water dragons, fire dragons intertwined.

Although under the counterattack of the fairy army, a large number of water dragons and fire dragons were scattered and exploded into small water droplets without powder and finely divided flames. But the power of the water dragon's evil bead and the fire dragon's evil bead seemed to be endless, and more dragons were continuously separated.

A large number of red and blue dragons charged in the battle formation of the fairy army, boom, boom, the huge dragon claws grabbed one after another, and the ground or the buildings in the star castle were caught out of deep pits. Immediately, the soldiers of the immortal army captured were decapitated and flesh and blood were flying everywhere.

"You are from Yunzhongcheng!" Qian Mingjun looked at Yun Zhongshu who was slowly approaching in the void, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"It doesn't matter if you know or not, you are all going to die." Yun Zhong's terminology was flat with a chilling meaning. Back then, the Yunsha Terracotta Warriors were on the verge of extinction under the attack of the Honghao Heavenly Court's immortal army. When it came to Emperor Qinling, at that time, Emperor Qinling also accidentally discovered the extraordinary talent of the Yunsha Warriors. Later, he spent a lot of thought to pull the Yunsha Warriors out of the quagmire of genocide, and taught them the method of cultivation.

Until now, the Yunsha figurines are still extremely weak compared to Honghao Tianting, but under the leadership of Emperor Qinling, they have the strength to disrupt the situation. At this time, the Yunsha Terracotta Army became a sharp knife in the hands of Emperor Qinling.

Yun Zhongshu's hatred for Honghao Tianting was inherited by the clan elders into the spiritual brand since he was a child. At this time, he had the opportunity to take revenge on the other party, but the fierce murderous intent was vented, but it made Lu Xiaotian feel strange again.

It seems that there may be a lot of grievances between the Yunsha Terracotta Clan and Honghao Heavenly Court. Even after arriving at Yunzhongshan, Yunzhongshu's realm still cannot completely suppress the killing intent in his heart.

"Arrogance! This is the hinterland of Honghao Heavenly Court. Even if you can take advantage of it for a while, you really think you will be able to escape in the end. I advise you to still have time to escape as soon as possible. If it is a little later, once the army of Heavenly Court encircles you, I will tell you to die without a place to bury you!" Qian Mingjun scolded angrily.

"Scratching noise!" Yun Zhongshu snorted coldly, his consciousness moved only slightly, and the rolling yellow sand swelled with the wind, wanting to swallow the entire star castle.

"The power of the law is so strong. Hurry up and summon the Star Waterfall Water Spirit. We can't hold back a powerhouse of this level for long." Seeing the pressure around him getting heavier, Qian Mingjun couldn't help but see a trace of cold sweat from his back. While releasing his aura, Ming Jun urged the bearded man to summon the spirit of the star waterfall.

In addition to the 3,000 immortal troops on the bright side, the Star Fort here naturally has some other means. They are attacked here, and the rest may not be calm. When the reinforcements do not know when they will arrive, the Star Waterfall Shui Ling is here. Time became the only backup they could count on.

"It's coming, it's coming!" The bearded man was also anxious.

At this time, Yun Zhongshu had already slashed, and the blade seemed to have a great suction force on the two immortal-level powerhouses, Big Beard and Qian Mingjun, and the dust that spread far away was coming from farther away. The place pushes the two towards its blade. At the same time, the surrounding space seemed to carry an inexplicable sense of oppression as thick as a mountain. Many laws and profound meanings were interspersed in it. Da Huzi and Qian Mingjun were already in awe before they fully fought against each other, and the opponent's use of the power of law had been completely integrated into the surrounding space and saber momentum.

Yun Chongshan's saber movement seemed extremely slow, but the surrounding space seemed to have infinite power pushing them towards the edge of the saber. Even though Qian Mingjun and the bearded man tried their best to ease the process to a certain extent, they still couldn't change the general trend.

As for the rest of the star castle, water dragons and fire dragons have already disrupted the battle formation of the immortal army, which was originally gaped, and immortal soldiers continued to die under the dragon's claws or dragon's breath.

Although Yun Zhongshan's saber power is not as terrifying as Yun Zhongshu's, it is still not something that the idle angels can compete with. Wherever the long knife passed, there was no general, and the billowing dust surged. Once the team's defense of the immortal army was broken, the dust immediately hit the head and face like sharp needles. In a blink of an eye, there were more than ten immortal soldiers. After being pierced, the protective fairy cover, or fairy armor, was shot into a sieve by part of the extremely sharp yellow sand.

There was a kind of cruel smile in Yun Chongshan's eyes. The rolling yellow sand didn't seem to have much lethality. In fact, he mixed a lot of things, including the meteor crystals that he spent a lot of effort to collect. Sand, specially used to break the fairy armor. At this time, it is considered to have come in handy initially.

While Yun Chongshan, Ao Tong, and Ao Sheng reaped the lives of the immortal army wantonly, Qian Mingjun and Da Huzi were restrained by the law of space, and the several powerful immortal weapons sacrificed by the two were suppressed by the sword light, and I was sucked or squeezed by inexplicable strange force and was forced to approach the long knife in Yun Zhongshu's hand in bursts.

Qian Mingjun and Big Beard looked extremely ugly. Just when they didn't quite understand why Xingpu Shuiling hadn't moved yet, suddenly a burst of starlight seemed to spread towards this side like water, and Yun Zhongshu's saber glow flew towards him. At the same time, the two also felt the cool water.

Under the tremendous pressure, the two of them inevitably felt like they were in a desperate situation. As long as Xingpu Shuiling successfully restrained Yun Zhongshu, even if the situation in Xingbao was still irreversible, the two of them would have a chance to escape, no matter what. As for the battle to the death.

"The confrontation of the power of law is really very mysterious." Originally, it was enough to break the star castle with the combined strength of the four Yun Zhongshu, and Lu Xiaotian was able to stay out of it and watch the battle from the sidelines.

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