Become a Fairy

Chapter 4510

The Golden Immortal-level Abyss Falling Beast also summoned countless star fire meteorites, and when the laws and spaces of each were intertwined and at loggerheads, other methods had to be used to decide the winner.

Jiuqu Xinghe suddenly suffered so many blows, the face of the middle-aged Taoist nun could not help but swell red, Jing Yihun said it well, even with the cultivation base of the middle-aged Taoist, it is impossible to fully display the mystery of Xinghe Luan's movement All the power of a super fairy weapon.

And this fairy weapon is mainly used in the scene at the beginning of the battle of the large fairy army. At this time, it was somewhat out of date. As a Jinxian-level powerhouse from Honghao Heavenly Court, he was well-informed, and he explained the disadvantages of this Xuantian-level immortal weapon in one sentence.

However, the disadvantages are also relative. The emergence of Xinghe Luandong still brought great pressure to them. At this time, they had to join forces and fight fiercely, and there was no room for any chances or reservations.

"Is this old man a vegetarian?" The black-robed old man yelled violently, holding an astrolabe in his hand, and the shadows of the pentagrams shot out one after another, like spinning knives, hitting the two Ice Hidden strongmen opposite. By.

Jun Mo and Jun Hu fled into the icebergs in a flash, intending to use the innate advantages of the Ice Hermits to avoid the opponent's attack, but the black-robed old man had expected this for a long time. Beams of starlight swept across, and two shadows suddenly appeared in the glacier.

The old man in black robe took advantage of the situation and waved his sleeves. Several mountain ridge star thorns hit the frozen river directly.

Boom, Kaka, the shock caused by the short-term frozen Jiuqu Galaxy's powerful fighters, under the impact of the galaxy itself, the snow-covered glacier began to collapse, and the mighty river began to surge again.

A large number of ghost soldiers, Honghao Tianting fairy army, Xingji tribe fighters, and even the huge Abyss Falling Beast could hardly hold themselves under the impact of this galaxy.

Bang bang bang, the strength of Jiuqu Xinghe is not just the powerful impact. The Heavenly Court Immortal Army and the Underworld Bone Soldiers who were included in it couldn't bear the power of the law under the water waves exuding starlight, and their bodies were directly exploded. Except for the disgusting bone flames of Mingsha, the scattered blood and soul were all taken away.

Lu Xiaotian was also under the impact of the mighty galaxy at this time. He originally wanted to avoid it, but the law and profound meaning under that vast wave was far stronger than him now, and even the law space around him was under this wave. All fell apart directly. Under the Xuantian-level immortal weapon, Jing Yihun, Yuan Gang and other powerful people were quite panicked, and they did not dare to underestimate the method of suppressing the bottom of the box. The Abyss Falling Beast controlled by Lu Xiaotian is naturally hard to stop.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was also extremely hesitant. He had already sensed the location of the fragments of the Boundary Repair Stone through the power of space, but he couldn't get close to it. Through the fluctuations generated by the fighting skills of these Golden Immortal-level powerhouses, the power of space accumulated by Lu Xiaotian could allow him Get rid of the entanglement of the galaxy in a very short time.

It's just that there is only one chance, and Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to waste this precious opportunity. It's also because the fragments of the Boundary Restoration Stone are too powerful, and each time it repairs the cracked space in the shadow of the starry sky tower in a very short period of time, otherwise the power of space that Lu Xiaotian can borrow will not be the only one in front of him.

"Don't act rashly, you have to wait for these Golden Immortal-level powerhouses to open up one of their corners. You can't break into this multi-dimensional array. If it's really impossible, find a way to get out now, and get out of the tower according to my method." Mo Yuyan was arrested After informing the outside world of the situation, worried that Lu Xiaotian would take risks, he hurriedly said.

"This Jiuqu Xinghe is too powerful. Even if it is not mainly coming for me, those few Jinxian-level powerhouses have shared most of the pressure. Now it is not something we can leave if we want to." Lu Xiaotian was at this time Within the Jiuqu Galaxy, it also received a huge impact, and its huge body was ups and downs in this surging wave.

"Anyway, play it by ear." Mo Yuyan slapped her forehead, and she didn't know whether it was her luck or misfortune to be with Lu Xiaotian. Although she had gone through many dangers, such a big scene was the first one. encounter. If she had to worry about Lu Xiaotian, Mo Yuyan asked herself that there was still a certain chance of avoiding such a dangerous situation in front of her.

Hush, huh, huh. Even in this situation, the Xingji tribe fighters who were also caught in the torrent were still attacking Lu Xiaotian when they drifted down to the vicinity of Lu Xiaotian. It's just that under the great influence, the attack is already very weak, not enough to hurt him, so Lu Xiaotian naturally didn't pay much attention to it.

At this time, most of Lu Xiaotian's attention was on the 360 ​​stars that formed the star-covered formation.

The things wrapped in the power of the stars contained in these 360 ​​stars are undoubtedly the fragments of the Boundary Restoration Stone. Even these Jinxian-level powerhouses in front of them can't break in easily, even if they forcibly open the loopholes in this formation, the time may be extremely short.

"These Jinxian-level powerhouses are powerless, but I want to help them!" Various thoughts flashed through Lu Xiaotian's mind. The huge wave broke through, creating a short respite for the few Abyss Falling Beasts behind.

Whether these Jinxian-level powerhouses in front of us can break through the Xingluo Wanxiang Formation under the huge pressure of the Jiuqu Galaxy is still a big variable. Lu Xiaotian is ready to help them, but their strength is limited. Only with more power can there be hope. At this time, other falling beasts, even Honghao Tianting's army, or Ice Hermit warriors naturally become objects that Lu Xiaotian can use.

As for being an enemy of the Xingji tribe, they don't care so much.

Lu Xiaotian struggled to resist the huge wave of starlight rushing towards him, which gave other Abyss Falling Beasts who were relatively close to them a temporary respite. Immediately, with Lu Xiaotian as the center, Abyss Falling Beasts continued to gather. In a short moment of effort, there are more than a few hundred.

These huge Falling Abyss Beasts attack together, the power of the two elements of earth and fire alternates, intertwined together, and forcibly props up a small space for foothold in this roaring nine-curved galaxy. Going up, this space also seemed to be crumbling, and Lu Xiaotian, as the core organizer, was struggling even more, but with this temporary safe haven, more and more Falling Abyss Beasts gathered, which made the power here continue to expand.

The middle-aged Taoist frowned and glanced at Lu Xiaotian's side, she was surprised that the fairy-level falling beasts in front of her could do such a thing. The middle-aged Taoist wanted to disintegrate the more and more falling beasts gathered by Lu Xiaotian. Group, but how can other Jinxian-level powerhouses make them happy?

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