Become a Fairy

Chapter 4490 Inspiration, visitor

In the depths of the void, Lu Xiaotian stood quietly on an inconspicuous flying stone. The flying stone moved silently and slid slowly in the air.

Aotong, Aosheng, Yun Chongshan, and Yun Chongyi lined up all around, looking vigilantly at all possible dangers that might appear in the void. Occasionally, a few of them would look in amazement at the drastic and astonishing changes in the sky around Lu Xiaotian.

At this time, the void around Lu Xiaotian sometimes raged with flames, sometimes the water poured like the sea, sometimes the strong wind screamed, or there were many mountains and mountains, and after a while, lightning flashed and thundered, and ice and snow were flying in the waterfall.

The eight situations are intertwined in the end, forming an independent small world in this barren void. There are lightning and thunder, wind and rain, mountains and water, and green trees

"The space of laws can be raised to this level." Aotong and the others didn't hide the reverence in their eyes. Even if Lu Xiaotian was still promoted to Golden Immortal for the time being, Aotong, Aosheng and even Yunzhongcheng were quite a few. The generals who have been instructed by Lu Xiaotian have no doubt that Lu Xiaotian's possibility of being promoted to the rank of Golden Immortal is only a matter of time.

However, the other immortal generals did not have a deeper experience with Lu Xiaotian after Aotong.

During this period of time, they followed Lu Xiaotian all the way to fight north and south, first destroying the crocodile pool, then clearing the rat cave, and finally destroying the wind ghost, Yaoyuan lion clan and other large and small tribes. Pushing the sphere of influence of Yunzhongcheng outward is much better.

Every time Lu Xiaotian personally joins the melee, there are nearly a hundred Celestial-level powerhouses of various races who have been killed by Lu Xiaotian, as for other low-level monsters, it is difficult to count.

During this period, when Lu Xiaotian continued to improve his own law space, he did not completely shy away from them. Aotong also watched Lu Xiaotian's law space continue to improve. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that after he had cultivated to Lu Xiaotian's level, he could still maintain it. Rapid improvement.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black, and the four of Aotong and his party are also improving rapidly under many conditions such as the exercises provided by Lu Xiaotian. In the past, there were many doubts in cultivation, but staying by Lu Xiaotian's side sometimes does not require Lu Xiaotian to deliberately occupy them. They can understand by themselves in the process of fighting skills or in the process of Lu Xiaotian's cultivation.

Among the many tribes around Yimie Yunzhongcheng, not all tribes are determined by the first battle, and there are also many fierce battles in a seesaw style. During this period of time, they have experienced all kinds of dangers far beyond the past.

But under the leadership of Lu Xiaotian, they have come all the way.

Looking at the ever-changing and alternating power of laws around Lu Xiaotian, Yun Zhongshu occasionally felt something, and inexplicably entered a mysterious state. Those who are close to the way, pass on the way. Yun Zhongshu was originally only guarding and protecting Lu Xiaotian. .

In fact, Lu Xiaotian maintained a high degree of vigilance against the outside world even in the state of cultivation, but as Lu Xiaotian's followers, they still guarded their duties no matter whether Lu Xiaotian needed it or not.

There are as many as eight types of power of law displayed by Lu Xiaotian right now, the five elements are changing, and ice, wind and thunder are intertwined. Even though Lu Xiaotian's exercises are different from theirs, but there is a great inclusiveness in them, Yun Zhongshu and others can always find a little bit of similarity with themselves.

It's just that they feel that the power of the law they cultivate is far less powerful than Lu Xiaotian's.

Yun Zhongshu sensed the similarities with the power of the law cultivated by Lu Xiaotian, and with the law space laid down by Lu Xiaotian, his own breath moved accordingly, and he also realized the kind of law space distributed in one domain. mystery.

A mysterious soft chant resounded in the void, and an extremely weak but still mysterious law space breath rippling around with the cloud weight technique as the center.

"This is." Aotong, Aosheng, and Yun Chongshan looked at Yun Zhongshu enviously after being surprised. Although they had not cultivated to this level, they still had good eyesight after staying by Lu Xiaotian's side for so long. .

Yun Zhongshu has clearly touched the essence of Lu Xiaotian's cultivation, even though it seems to be only superficial, but he has already entered the Tao. And they are still out of the way. It seems that there is only one step away, but it is far apart.

Previously, Yun Zhongshu was not considered strong among several dragon clans, even ranked third, only slightly stronger than Yun Zhongshan, and his strength was extremely limited. Compared with Aotong and Aosheng, the two dragon clans were actually inferior One way, but at this time among the four, Yun Zhongshu was the first to comprehend this way.

In the future, the hope of being promoted to the Jinxian level powerhouse will be greatly increased. How can this not be enviable?

Lu Xiaotian felt the strangeness around him, and he didn't deliberately disturb the other party's cultivation, but the law space around Lu Xiaotian naturally switched to a scene of many mountains and mountains amidst the turmoil, and various laws and mysteries The way of interweaving and changing thus evolved.

After a long time, this change gradually eased, and finally stopped.

Yun Zhongshu leaned over and bowed heavily to Lu Xiaotian, his face was full of excitement, "Thank you, the city lord, for preaching!"

"It's also you who have enlightened yourself, and the great way can be expected." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and received the gift from the other party. These four strengths are relatively ordinary, and their potentials are all good, but Yun Zhongshu was the first to understand the mystery of the law space. than he expected.

Comprehending this, it means that there is a possibility of being promoted to Jinxian. It can be said that Yun Zhongshu has already stepped into the golden fairy road.

"Without the guidance of the city lord, I don't know how long it will take for this subordinate to make progress to this point." Yun Zhongshu looked solemn.

Just as he was speaking, a spiritual light shot from a distance like a comet sweeping the sun.

"Someone is here from Luoyang Prison. It seems that I need to see him, and I will be busy later. Let's go."

A few of them moved forward at an astonishing speed in the void, and it didn't take long before they joined the army of cloud sand figurines stationed there, and then returned to Yunzhong City together.

"The city lord!"

Wherever Lu Xiaotian passed by, the voices of the warriors of the Yunsha Warriors were mighty, with a kind of reverence in their voices. During this time, Lu Xiaotian led them to fight everywhere and wiped out dozens of monster tribes. Every time Lu Xiaotian personally joined the In the mixed distance, it seems that it is immature to take such risks repeatedly as the lord of a city, but every time they win a big victory, the Yunsha Warrior tribe, who admire the strong, has ignored this point.

In addition, in addition to the four Aotong and Aosheng who have been following Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian also gave pointers to other generals of the cloud sand figurines. The strength of the Yunsha Warriors tribe is steadily improving. Conquering other monster tribes is also invincible.

In this case, Lu Xiaotian's prestige in Yunzhong City has naturally reached a new height.

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