Become a Fairy

Chapter 4480 Cloud City

In the mighty chaotic atmosphere, thick cloud pillars pierced into the sky like giant fronts. At this time, millions of cloud sand figurines are using warships to push together large and small land floating in the void, or to transport them to designated positions.

On one of the lands, in a huge furnace the size of an abyss, the flames of the earth were raging, and the blue-black flames exuded amazing power, melting a piece of Luoyao spar inside, and the black breath emitted by the Luoyao spar melted into it. into a dark gray rock.

A gigantic sand figurine with a height of several thousand feet picked up the refined stone like a giant peak with a bang, and put it on the huge boat.

It was transferred from the huge boat to the place where the cloud pillars intertwined, and then there were giant sand figurines to unload it.

Even in the shape of a terracotta giant, when encountering some heavy stone bars, it takes several people to carry them on their shoulders and hands. Or hang it with a thick Xuanyao crystal chain.

"This is the first city we built in the Xuanyong Battlefield, Cloud City, how is it? It's not bad." Ao Zhan proudly introduced to Ao Lei, who was recently transferred from the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. A celestial-level dragon who was brought over by the side has always been secretive in the fairy world. In the past, he did not dare to show his true colors, fearing that it would lead to a joint siege by several heavenly courts.

At this time, Emperor Qinling had made it clear that the chariots and horses had occupied a large area of ​​the fairy world, and they no longer had to hide in the dark like before.

Yunzhong City is waiting to be rebuilt, but as the first city of the Yunsha Warriors, it is also their hope. Looking at this city that is far from being formed, Ao Zhan's eyes are filled with longing. This place is dominated by cloud sand figurines, and Ao Zhan also knows that Emperor Qinling has other powerful forces in his hands. It's just that these are not important. What's important is that Emperor Qinling has promised to allow the establishment of a place where dragons can live in his ruled land in the future.

You don't have to be oppressed by heaven anymore, and you don't have to worry about the precariousness of time.

At this time, in order to expand Yunzhong City as much as possible, Ao Zhan spared no effort. At this time, the power of the Dragon Clan in Yunzhong City is too weak, and Ao Zhan is trying to find a way to strengthen the power of the Dragon Clan here. In the past, Aotong not only practiced ordinary skills in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, but also lacked sufficient resources. It was okay to deal with ordinary angels, but it was still far from the real strong.

However, Aotong's aptitude and comprehension are very good. After finally pulling Aotong into the pirate ship, it is natural to fully exert the role of Aotong. Given that his current strength is still a bit weak, Ao Zhan immediately Then I thought of Lu Xiaotian.

"Although the construction has only just begun, the scale of this city in the clouds is beyond imagination." Aotong looked back from the cloud sand figurines who were building the city in full swing, and then he was a little worried, "The Eastern Alchemy is now expensive. The city lord of Yunzhong City is also a fourth-rank alchemy saint, with a high status and great power in his hands, it is already good to see him once, will it be a bit abrupt to ask him to help alchemy?"

"It's okay, maybe it's because Dongfang Dansheng entered the fairy world from other interfaces. Before that, in Honghao, Yuxuan Heavenly Court was squeezed out a lot. They didn't treat us dragons harshly, but gave them very preferential treatment. Recently, I have been looking for On behalf of alchemy, he also helped several other dragons to refine some pills. Dongfang Dansheng never refuses anyone who comes. Your strength should be stronger, and your realm is not weak. If you want to come to Dongfang Dansheng, you will not be rejected requested."

Ao Zhan had a confident look on his face, "Besides, Dongfang Dansheng was chosen as the city lord by the puppet emperor when he first entered Yunzhong City. Convincing existence. Dongfang Dan Sheng Dan Dao is stronger than cultivation base, if you want to secure the position of the cover owner, you will need the support of some people."

"Before, I was entrusted with some important tasks by the puppet emperor. Because the strength of the dragon clan under my command is not strong, and my own cultivation is not particularly outstanding, I have never been excluded. The current situation of Dongfang Dansheng will only be worse than my original situation. It's even more embarrassing, if you can't win as many people as possible to support, the position of city lord may not be so secure."

Aotong's original expression was not particularly surprising. The higher the position, the more complicated the relationship and situation around him.

"It's not a good habit to talk about others behind their backs." Ao Zhan, after two conversations, suddenly heard a voice beside him.

"City Lord." Ao Zhan was taken aback, and quickly said, "It's my subordinates who talk too much, so don't blame the City Lord."

Aotong was even more terrified at this time, after all, he was a newcomer, his position was extremely unstable, and he was caught by the other party when he was talking about Lu Xiaotian behind his back. Even though Lu Xiaotian is still at the level of the Celestial Immortal Realm due to his cultivation base, his strength is lacking, and his foundation is not very stable, which makes the position of the city lord seem unstable, but it is still a piece of cake to deal with a few Celestial-level powerhouses.

"It's nothing to blame. What you said is true. I just need you to do something. Come quickly."

"Okay, okay, I'll be here soon." Ao Zhan also secretly wiped off his cold sweat, even though Lu Xiaotian's cultivation seems a little low for ruling the entire Yunzhong City, such a huge fairy city is located on the battlefield of Xuanyong Inside, the city lord should have the strength of the Golden Immortal level, there is a city lord in Xuanyin City, black and white Xuanzun, and three Golden Immortal-level fighters. Before that, there was a Golden Immortal-level strongman who was seriously injured by the Qinling Emperor. Failed to return to Xuanyin City in time.

The scale of this Yunzhong City will only be higher than Xuanyin City in the future, and it is not surprising that it will even be several times larger. Although the forces outside the four heavenly courts are weak, some of them can be aggregated, and the scale is far from comparable to Xuanyin City . It's just that Xuanyin City was first established, and the creatures suitable for cultivation here are extremely limited at this time. Under such a dangerous environment, only cloud sand figurines, a very small number of people, and some demons are suitable here.

As for some demons and ghosts roaming around in Xuanyong battlefield, they are unruly and unruly, and cannot be easily subdued. At this time, Yunzhong City has to mobilize a large number of troops to regularly clean up the threats posed by these monsters.

The City Lord's Mansion is still extremely simple now, just a relatively large-scale but extremely simple stone palace. The maids in the City Lord's Mansion originally wanted to buy something for Lu Xiaotian, but Lu Xiaotian refused, and even the maids only kept two. , relatively speaking, it looks extremely shabby, the key is that most of these two maids usually have nothing to do.

Ao Zhan and Aotong got Lu Xiaotian's permission, and after verifying their identities, they drove straight in.

"City Lord, what is this?" Dozens of red dragons were walking in the void where Lu Xiaotian sat cross-legged in sight, exuding an extremely majestic and grand aura. If they didn't know Lu Xiaotian's identity, both of them would almost think that Lu Xiaotian was a dragon clan up.

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