Become a Fairy

Chapter 4477 Mutation

During a slight dizziness, five of Luo Ping'er were teleported to a stone hall one after another. The stone hall was separated by a light curtain, and several things were placed behind the light curtain.

"Qianshan Seal, haha, I finally found it." The iron crown old man's eyes first fell on the big seal behind the blue light curtain.

The three pieces of green with light red, or golden leaves exude a clear aura of fire attribute law.

"Leaf of Magic Mirror!" The faces of the plump woman Wu Xuejiao and Sturgeon Demon couldn't hide their excitement.

Luo Ping'er's eyes scanned the surroundings. She was naturally very interested in the Leaf of the Magic Mirror and another red jade coral that was about a foot tall, but there were several competitors present at the same time, so she couldn't take all the benefits for herself. have.

If you are greedy, you will lose, and besides these few people, there seem to be other people hiding in the dark, so she will not tolerate any rash actions.

In the end, Luo Ping'er's gaze fell on a distorted, colorless liquid that exudes illusion like a liquid.

"Thousand magic crystals!" Luo Ping'er's soft and charming eyes shone brightly. Compared with other treasures, this magic crystal was the most suitable for her.

At this time, the old man with the iron crown couldn't hold back his shot, and a huge gray rhino phantom roared and charged forward. hum! Hitting on the blue light curtain, the blue light curtain seemed to have amazing toughness, and the huge gray rhinoceros hit a big hole in it, but it didn't break.

The bigger the depression, the redder the face of the old man with the iron crown turned red, as if fighting against the blue light curtain at this time made him reach his limit.

A howl sounded, and the huge gray rhino couldn't hold on any longer in the competition with the blue light curtain, and was directly bounced back. The gray rhino hit the iron-crowned old man backwards, and with a bang, the iron-crowned old man flew backwards , It didn't stop until the stone arm behind it was knocked out of a human-shaped pit.

"This enchantment has a great anti-shock force." The old man with the iron crown spat out a mouthful of blood, with an uneasy expression on his face.

"Who among you here can see the strangeness of this light curtain? If there is no way, the five of us may not be able to force it open."

"Back then, the Lord of Chiling used the Nine Demons to bind the world to rule the roost. Later, after he was promoted to the Golden Immortal, this method was not used very much. The enchantment here is very similar to the method of the Nine Demons to bind the world."

"It is indeed the method of bounding the world by the Nine Demons. The meteorite magic flames emitted by the Nine Demons combine to form this almost indestructible barrier." Luo Ping'er said after carefully looking at the blue light screen for a while.

"The meteorite magic flame has hallucinogenic effects, and it complements the Thousand Illusion Magic Crystal behind it. Fairy Luo is proficient in this way, so there must be a way to break it." Sturgeon Demon turned his eyeballs and darted towards Luo Ping'er When she saw her exquisite body, a trace of unconcealable greed flashed in the depths of her pupils.

"There is a way to crack it. Use water to defeat fire. If you are willing to use the Moyuan Heavy Water of Fellow Daoist Zhong, you may not be able to pry a gap from the barrier in front of you." Luo Ping'er smiled lightly, with a bit of contempt at the corner of his mouth , Just because this guy dared to make up her mind, he really didn't know what to do.

"Friend Zhong Daoist, everyone has the strength to contribute, Moyuan Chongshui will not be reluctant to use it." Shu Jinhua and the old man with the iron crown looked at Sturgeon Demon at the same time.

"With my strength, even if I sacrifice the heavy water from the Demon Abyss, I'm afraid it will be difficult to break through this barrier. You can't be lazy at critical times." Seeing that the other people reached an agreement, Sturgeon knew that he couldn't refuse, and when they agreed Afterwards, a black pot was taken out immediately, and the sound of the rolling waves inside surged, and the black waves finally converged into groups of monster sturgeons and hit the blue light curtain in front of them.

The thin ice layer climbed up the blue light curtain and spread around at an astonishing speed. At this time, the blue light curtain began to vibrate violently, and the ice layer on it continued to crack and fall.

"Hurry up, I can't hold it anymore." Sturgeon struggled to maintain the attack while urging the others.

"Let's do it together. After the light beam I shot lands on it, you guys will attack these key areas." Luo Ping'er took it easy at this time, stretched out his palm and slapped it, and several light mirrors appeared in the palm of his small palm. , seven different light beams intertwined and broke into the blue light curtain.

Boom boom boom, during successive attacks, the blue light curtain began to shake unbearably, and finally collapsed into countless blue spots with a bang.

These blue spots are like pieces of finely shattered glass, and the line of sight is refracted by these shards. Luo Ping'er vaguely sees these shards, and it seems that there is a huge beast hiding behind them.

Seeing the others rushing towards what they needed one after another, Luo Ping'er paused.

Sure enough, like a stream of water, these tiny blue fragments gathered together and formed a giant blue whale in a blink of an eye. The giant blue whale opened its mouth wide. After several punches, it was still swallowed by the giant blue whale, and then there were screams from inside.

Taking advantage of the fact that the old man with the iron crown was engulfed by the giant blue whale, temporarily threatening the others, Luo Ping'er rushed forward one after another, each rushing towards the opposite treasure.

When Luo Ping'er took the thousand magic crystals into his hands, the giant blue whale spat out a white bone of a giant rhinoceros, which was the original form of the old man with the iron crown.

Seeing the giant blue whale continue to attack, Luo Ping'er, Wu Xuejiao and the others rushed out, fearing to stay here for a while.

Suddenly there was another scream, but it was the long brush in the calligraphy painter's hand, and a little ink light directly pierced Sturgeon's back.

"Friend Shu Daoist, what are you doing?" Sturgeon was suddenly shocked and angry.

"Don't do anything, come here to get my things, let's save our lives together." Shu Jinhua let out a snort, and the eyes that passed Luo Ping'er were even colder, without the half-hearted hospitality before.

Before the words were finished, the ink light in Sturgeon Demon's body seemed to be like a fountain, and black water was continuously gushing out from it.

Sturgeon screamed and threw several green beads. When the green beads exploded, a large amount of heavy water from the devil's abyss splashed everywhere.

Shu Jinhua was slightly apprehensive, and with a wave of his pen, the giant blue whale swam over, opened its mouth wide, and sucked most of the heavy water from the Demon Abyss into its stomach. At the same time, a light blue light rose from behind them. He wanted to block the escape route of several people.

"Fellow Daoist, we have no enmity in the past, and we have no grudges in the past, why should we be such killers!" Sturgeon said in a panic.

"What are you doing with so much talk, just stay here." Shu Jinhua sneered, his cold voice was already similar to a female voice.

"Don't think that you can beat the three of us for sure, we are not vegetarians." The Sturgeon has no time to care about this at this time, and immediately stretched out his palm, a miniature sturgeon swam away in a flash of lightning .

"Thousand World Sturgeon? There are reinforcements here?" Shu Jinhua couldn't help but look ugly.

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