Become a Fairy

Chapter 4458 Deterrence

Surrounded by icy air, the prison here is like a huge world of ice and snow. There is also a lot of demonic aura mixed in it. Even an immortal walking in this prison is extremely vulnerable to this icy breath.

In the slightest, there is a possibility of frostbite.

The prisons for detaining monsters inside are separate, ranging in size and scale, based on some ice eyes and cold currents inside.

Lu Xiaotian jumped into the prison all the way, seeing prisons of different sizes from time to time, surrounded by huge black icicles to form a relatively closed space. The demons and ghosts imprisoned inside are either dying, or under the invasion of the cold breath for many years, the body surface has been covered with a thick layer of ice, the expressions of the monsters inside are frozen there, and the anger leaking from the eyes can occasionally be seen.

Obviously being imprisoned here can only wait for death, which makes these monsters full of hatred for Xuanyin City.

From time to time, you can meet the Xuanxian squad responsible for patrolling in the prison, and you can occasionally see the immortals at the level of angels. The other party wanted to stop Lu Xiaotian's rampage in the prison, but he couldn't keep up with Lu Xiaotian's speed.

After entering the Dongyin Xuanbing Prison, Lu Xiaotian found that although the icy atmosphere inside was complicated, it was beneficial for him to hide, but after so many years, after Xuanyin City kept sorting out it, it was not enough to affect the subsequent pursuit. The silver-haired old man Tick Xiu and other monsters.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered, and the immediate plan is to destroy the icicles that suppress the cold springs, icy vortexes and other places in the prison. The power of ice in the prison was completely disrupted, so that he could take advantage of the chaos and escape.

As a result, the chances of the many Xuanxian squads in this prison, and even the Celestial-level powerhouse in charge of this place, surviving are very unlikely to be one in ten.

But what made Lu Xiaotian hesitate a little was Lou Yikong, Fu Lianyue, and Wen Tingyu who rushed in desperately. If these three people are not there, Lu Xiaotian can destroy the prison here unscrupulously so that he can escape.

Now that the three of them are defending him like this, it is not easy for Lu Xiaotian to let them also be suspected of fornicating demons.

It doesn't make much difference whether he destroys the prison on the left or right, or whether Tick Xiu and other monsters handle it, it just takes a little more effort.

Sure enough, behind him, the Black Flame Fireball, Gu Niao, Wujiao Yao and other monsters came rushing one after another, and the two sides fought again without any tricks.

Black flames criss-crossed, demon soldiers, and magic blades slashed towards Lu Xiaotian's position one after another.

Lu Xiaotian and the opponent fought and walked, and the place where they passed was splashed with ice and snow, and the splashed black flames scorched the surrounding ice crystals to sizzle. The melted ice turned into torrents of water and hit everywhere.

The inside of the prison is very spacious, after all, it is not as high as the sky outside. At this time, the astonishing speed at which the silver-haired old man Tick Xiu could transform into a black flame demon peng was restricted. Lu Xiaotian also felt a little easier to deal with.

Lou Yikong, Fu Lianyue, Wen Tingyu and each other also fought each other again. Once the chaos arose, it became more and more intense. Wherever they passed, the icicles in the prison that were used to calm the ice springs and swirls of cold air were so fierce It was continuously affected by the impact, and fine cracks began to appear on the icicle.

Bang bang bang. These cracks gradually expanded until the icicle couldn't bear it any longer and exploded directly, turning into countless fine ice cubes, and the solid ice on the surface of the frozen monster's body inside melted.

"Bang bang." A burst of explosions sounded one after another.

"Haha. The turtle sons of Xuanyin City, I have been trapped for three thousand years, and now I am finally free. I will tear your flesh off piece by piece."

Wanton laughter burst out one after another, the anger and hatred in the heart of the demon who was constantly getting out of trouble had long been accumulated to the extreme, and it was in desperate need of venting at this time.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian and others were fighting fiercely with a group of demons, from the outside, the silver-haired old man Tick Xiu and a group of demons are more like entering the prison to disrupt the situation, regardless of whether the other party wants to destroy the prison and cause chaos or for other reasons, Right now, the key is that they get out of trouble. Lou Yikong and the others are extremely hostile to Lu Xiaotian who is obviously coming to suppress demons from Yuxuan Heavenly Court.

"Heavenly Immortals of Yuxuan Heavenly Court, this will let you know how powerful I am!" The silver-haired old man took the initiative to join the team attacking Lu Xiaotian and his party without trying to win him over.

Lu Xiaotian frowned slightly, he hadn't thought of this level before, and now he was in big trouble, as a powerful multi-eyed elephant demon joined the battle circle, the thick elephant's nostrils opened, sucking like a huge whirlpool Coming over, the pressure on Lu Xiaotian who was facing Tick Xiu and other monsters increased suddenly.

Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, and the Nirvana Faxiang loomed behind him, and the Faxiang stretched out his arms, as if breaking through the shackles of space, and directly pulled the thick elephant trunk in his hand. At the same time, a black sickle-like magic blade pierced into the dharma behind him and continued to cut at the vital points of Lu Xiaotian's abdomen. Even after being buffered, the huge force still caused a sharp pain in Lu Xiaotian's chest and abdomen, and a sweetness in his throat. Blood was spat out.

However, after seeing Lu Xiaotian's sharp eyes, it was Tick Xiu who wanted to kill Lu Xiaotian, and there was inevitably a bit of fear in the lonely eyes. The multi-eyed elephant demon just got out of trouble, years of grievances caused him to act a little impulsively, and the other party still didn't understand Lu Xiaotian's horror. Seeing that Lu Xiaotian planned to take down one or two monsters to frighten others at the cost of injury. Tick ​​Xiu did not dare to approach rashly.

Sure enough, after the multi-eyed elephant demon blocked the two Buddha seals, it was directly pressed down from the top of the head by the demon-suppressing tower thrown by Lu Xiaotian. The multi-eyed elephant demon only had time to stretch his arms, but it couldn't stop the endless stream terror force. The bones of the body were crushed and crackled.

Hearing the scream of the multi-eyed elephant, his body burst open, and a miniature elephant flew out, looking at Lu Xiaotian with fear in his eyes. He was full of grievances in the panic, he just got out of trouble, and originally wanted to vent his anger, but who knew that he had encountered such a terrifying opponent, and the opponent's style of play was so crazy, he did not hesitate to give him a heavy blow in the form of injury .

"If you want to vent your anger, go find the immortal army guarding this prison by yourself, and you won't be happy if you don't find me here!" Lu Xiaotian's eyes were cold and stern, and the few demons who had just escaped were shocked by his shots.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian was injured, Tick Xiu felt a little happy, and immediately besieged with Gu Niao and Wu Jiao Yao again.

It's just that although Lu Xiaotian shocked the few monsters who had just escaped from the prison, Lou Yikong, Fu Lianyue, and Wen Tingyu couldn't do it. These escaped monsters abandoned Lu Xiaotian and went straight to the three of them.

The pressure on Fu Lianyue and the others increased sharply. They didn't have the means of exchanging injuries for lives like Lu Xiaotian. At present, the space for maneuvering is directly doubled and compressed. If there is no external force to intervene, it will not take long to lose or even die.

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