Become a Fairy

Chapter 4418

"Damn the son of the Seven Swords." After all, Jiu Renshan was a hero of the generation. At this time, Qi Jian had broken free from the blockade, and Jiu Renshan roughly guessed a certain possibility.

That is, the sons of the Seven Swords who were assassinated by him had long been prepared against him, and even after their fall, they had left behind.

For a long time, the sons of Seven Swords have fallen under the assassination of Jiurenshan, which made Jiurenshan have a habit of thinking, thinking that he is the master of Jiuyang City and can control everything.

The sudden change made him realize that a big hole had been pierced in his previous management without realizing it, so Jiurenshan was naturally furious.

The Jiujue Peak, whose aura once again climbed to the peak, crushed towards the Lotus clone.

"What's going on?" At this time, several golden fairy-level monsters watching the battle were also surprised for a while. The sword intent that suddenly rose vertically and horizontally made several golden fairy-level demons couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

"It's that Wuming Sword Immortal who has prepared other means. It's really courageous to use it at this time." Ziqing Mingyanhu said in a deep voice.

"It seems that the fighting style of the two is about to change again, but this is also good. The more intense the fight between the two, the greater the internal friction, and our capture of Jiuyang City will be relatively smooth later."

The killing heart demon said in a dark voice, as long as he can break into Jiuyang City and spread the heart demons wantonly, his strength will be able to improve, which was bestowed by Lu Xiaotian back then, and the killing demons have not fully recovered until now.

If one day I meet my former enemy again, I will definitely let him be fed up with the demons in his heart and die!

"Come with the sword!" Faced with the increasingly violent attack of Jiuren Mountain, the Lotus Clone immediately stretched out its hand and grasped it.

Immediately, thousands of sword shadows surrounded by several flying swords flew from the sky, plunged into the billowing dust, and cut into the huge palace.

Ding ding ding. The sharp sand and stones hit the flying sword frequently and made a dense crisp sound. The strange and huge power of law intertwined in the mountain, and countless sword shadows surged like a long river. In the end, they failed Stopping this mighty river of swords, countless sword shadows turned into swords in the hands of lotus avatars.

At this moment, the lotus avatar is holding the sword in his hand, Jiuren Mountain in front of him is still Jiuren Mountain, Jiujue Peak is still Jiujue Peak, the enemy and his means are still the same, but the lotus avatar feels that everything has changed again, as if the seal of the city lord of Jiuren Mountain The degree of fit with Jiuyang City has not become impeccable, and there are obvious cracks, but the degree of fit between his seven swords and Jiuyang City is even higher.

Seven towns and sword towns Jiuyang, it seems that the rumors are true. There was a bit of a smile on the face of the lotus clone, and the long sword in the back slashed down.

Amidst the rumbling sound, thousands of sword lights criss-crossed, and the intertwined earth-law mysteries were constantly cutting and shattering. The sword energy that was originally wrapped in that huge palace and thick sand and dust seemed to cut through the heavy clouds. Goodbye Bright blue sky.

Where the sword light passed, the huge palace collapsed one after another.

Boom boom boom. Jiujue Peak hits one after another, Jiurenshan's face is ugly for a while, knowing that ordinary means will not have any effect on the lotus avatar. Compete.

The battle in the void became fierce again, with peaks coming and going and swords flying, facing the powerful lotus avatar, Jiurenshan could no longer maintain the detached posture of sitting on top of the palace overlooking all living beings. It has been pulled to the same level as the lotus clone.

At this moment, Xiao Yu and the other sword servants and the sword guards breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing the sword energy in the void once again, and having reunited with the majestic and majestic mountain.

The battle between the lotus avatar and Jiuren Mountain lasted for several days. In the end, the lotus avatar gathered the power of the seven swords and cut off a piece of floating land outside Jiuyang Immortal City. By the power of this sword, three Jiujue Peaks were broken, and a deep sword wound appeared on his chest, which went straight into his heart.

Not long after Jiurenshan escaped into Luoyang Prison, when Xiao Yu and others arrived, Jiurenshan had already escaped into Luoyang Prison.

"My lord, we won! How far are you from Jiuren Mountain?" Xiao Yu said with great joy. After going through a trough to victory, this kind of transition is particularly exciting.

"It's not that I defeated Jiurenshan, it's that Jiuyang City abandoned him." After Lianhua cloned himself for a long while, he looked away from the direction where Jiurenshan was fleeing.

What does this mean? All the sword servants and sword guards that Xiao Yu rushed over were shocked when they heard the words of the lotus avatar, and they didn't know what the lotus avatar said.

"Go back and follow me to rectify the defense of Jiuyang City. The sky in Jiuyang City is about to change."

The lotus avatar looked at the direction of Luo Yang Prison, and Ziqing Mingyanhu, Bamo, and Erosion Demon had been peeping at his fight with Jiurenshan for a long time.

The lotus avatar has already sensed the turbulent demon aura. If the opponent doesn't take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to aggressively attack Jiuyang City, the lotus avatar will be surprised.

But what made the Lotus clone even more strange was that Jiuren Mountain was actually infected with demon energy, which was even more serious than that of Xue Daoyuan, the deputy city lord at the time.

The difference is that Xue Daoyuan tried his best to resist the invasion of demonic energy, and finally his cultivation base dropped drastically, and now he only has the combat power of a fairy.

But Jiuren Mountain is addicted to it and cannot extricate itself. In fact, the lotus avatar didn't defeat Jiurenshan this time, even though Zhu Qinghai took out the original sword intent of the seven swords, making the seven swords break free from Jiurenshan's blockade and rush towards the lotus avatar.

Even if the strength of the lotus avatar is greatly increased, it can only compete with Jiuren Mountain, or even a little bit inferior.

In the end, Jiurenshan was severely injured by the sword of the lotus avatar. It was not so much defeated by the lotus avatar as it was defeated by himself.

The Jiuren Mountain Demon Obstacle was born early, and it is usually suppressed very well, so there is no problem. Its self-cultivation is advanced, and the savings are too deep, so the problem will not erupt easily.

And this time in the case of fierce fighting with the lotus avatar, especially Zhu Qinghai took out the original sword intent left by the sons of the seven swords of the previous generations, which made up for part of the trauma that Zhenjian had suffered, and made the lotus avatar greatly improved.

In order to win, Jiurenshan had to go all out, and under such circumstances, he could no longer completely suppress the demonic thoughts in his body.

And Jiurenshan has always relied heavily on the seal of the city lord, because of the evil thoughts in his body, he also began to have a gap with Jiurenshan, not only failed to provide Jiurenshan with help, but instead conflicted with the evil thoughts in his body.

In this case, Jiurenshan was naturally defeated by the Lotus clone, and finally retreated into Luoyang Prison with serious injuries.

Jiuren Mountain can't retreat, he is infected with demonic thoughts and provokes disputes regardless of the huge threat of Luoyang Prison, and more importantly, the demonic thoughts in his body have been exposed in the fighting, if he can kill the lotus avatar on the spot, it will be natural Everything will go smoothly, but in the case of defeat, things will be revealed. Not to mention what the lotus avatar will do to him, Jiurenshan himself has become a frightened bird.

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