Become a Fairy

Chapter 4389 Escape

hum! Flames surged on the huge swastika, and at the same time, the white light of the relic began to blend into it. Compared with the past, this huge Buddha seal is a bit more solid and heavy.

The swastika crushed down like a sky curtain, shaking all the ordinary magic vines around the spirit of the magic vine to pieces. The somewhat panicked body of the spirit of the magic vine was also revealed. The outstretched rattan turned into a giant hand and directly supported the Buddha seal sky.

However, Lou Yikong and Fu Lianyue's reactions were not slow at all. Taking advantage of the time when the spirit of the magic vine was suppressed by Lu Xiaotian, the glazed star beads and the Haoxian ice light on the Haoxian ice mirror hit the spirit of the magic vine at the same time.

The spirit of the magic vine was able to withstand Lu Xiaotian's strong pressure, and at the same time, the gray-green aura emerged from his body layer by layer, offsetting most of the power of the glazed star beads and Haoxian ice light. With one enemy and three hits, he managed to maintain it.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the spirit of the magic vine is already at the end of its strength, and it is only a matter of time before it is killed on the spot. The skin begins to decay rapidly.

Whoosh, an ice sword passed through the spirit of the magic vine, and that strong and ugly body crashed down.

"You two take the vine crystal, and I'll help Wen Tingfeng and them destroy the enemy!" Lu Xiaotian raised his hand to take back the Buddha's seal.

Lu Xiaotian didn't delay at all. They came from the land of magic vines, and there must be a lot of spirits of magic vines. Try to kill as many as possible right now, and the pressure later will be less.

However, when Lu Xiaotian was about to rush to help Wen Tingfeng and Mu Xia, flying stones of different sizes and with a golden aura flew across the head and face between the clouds of the Magic Mirror and the air. There are still golden-gray flames flickering on the flying stone.

"Golden Underworld Demon Fire!" At this time, Lu Xiaotian's face was also dignified. The power of the Golden Underworld Demon Fire is not weak, but it is not as good as the Phaseless Profound Fire. As for the gap with the Nirvana Holy Flame, it will be even bigger Some. But at this time, there are too many flying stones with a sharp golden aura in the void.

The ants killed the elephants more, obviously he and Nie Qiantong came to reinforce them, which made the fighting skills in this area fluctuate further, which had already aroused the countermeasures of the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree.

The three remaining magic vine spirits hadn't been able to break through the seven-color sword light curtain of Wen Tingfeng brothers and sisters, but once Lu Xiaotian's reinforcements arrived, the situation would be overwhelming.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The Jinming Demon Fire was attached to the overwhelming stones, and its lethality was not weak. In the case of an astonishing number, the seven-color sword light curtain didn't last long before it would shoot out large and small monsters. hole.

The three spirits of the magic vine were able to escape from inside, and even Lu Xiaotian couldn't stop it, but Wen Tingfeng slashed out angrily and dragged one of them down. The unlucky spirit of the magic vine struggled a few times, but was thrown into the body by a golden arrow flying from the void, but it was Nie Qiantong who came secretly and severely injured the remaining spirit of the magic vine. spirit.

Wen Tingfeng and Wen Tingyu, who had held a grudge for a long time, slashed past the spirit of the magic vine almost at the same time. In an instant, the body of the spirit of the magic vine was torn apart. An emerald green vine crystal fell from the sky and was picked up by Wen Tingfeng.

The other two spirits of the magic vine were unable to stop them, and had already escaped from the gap in panic.

"It's better to let these two guys escape." Wen Tingyu stomped his feet and said unwillingly.

"It's not bad to be able to kill three magic vine spirits after several battles in succession. With the vine crystal in hand, we don't have to worry about the other party's threat for the time being. It's a small trouble. We have to try our best to restrain ourselves, and it would be best if we can avoid contact with other monsters." Nie Qiantong smiled as he flew forward.

At this time, as the battle paused, the power of the originally violent Magic Mirror Cloud dropped sharply, and the subsequent impact at this level no longer posed much threat to them.

"Let's take a step to see Uncle One." Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm, and the same emerald green vine crystal emerged, "This is Jiang Yuan's vine crystal. I heard that you brothers and sisters, fellow Daoist, and you four, use this vine crystal." It can use the fastest speed to pull out the eclipse magic vine in the body. As for the other vine crystal, you can give it to Mu Xia, although it is less effective, if you spend more time and energy, the problem will not be too big."

"That's okay, thanks to Dongfang Dansheng who transferred Jiang Yuan away and killed her, otherwise even if she was right in front of us, we would be wary." After receiving Lu Xiaotian and throwing it into Tengjing, Wen Tingfeng and the others were greatly relieved. Yuan, they felt like thorns on their backs, having trouble sleeping and eating.

"Naturally, Dongfang Pill Sage made every move. We have personally experienced the power of the magic vine spirit. It is difficult to win against four of the opponent with the strength of five people. Speaking of which, it is also thanks to Fellow Daoist Mu, who contributed to this battle. It's not small." Fu Lianyue's face seemed unintentional, but the corners of her mouth held a hint of a half-smile.

"It's also thanks to Big Brother Dongfang's care over the years, plus those few pills, that the injuries in my body have improved." Mu Xia smiled when she heard the words, as if she didn't understand what Fu Lianyue meant.

"Well, it's good that it's okay." Lu Xiaotian nodded, not intending to delve into it. The Immortal Corrosion Demon Vine is indeed extremely powerful. When he met Mu Xia at the beginning, the other party seemed to be quite injured, but now looking back, Mu Xia has nothing to do. It looks weak and unbearable to fight, and there is no meaning of reservation. When Fu Lianyue pointed this out, she was undoubtedly telling Lu Xiaotian that Mu Xia, as the daughter of a fairy king, had no weaker background than any of them present, nor was she as vulnerable as she had shown before.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian didn't seem to care about Mu Xia's small thoughts, Fu Lianyue snorted coldly and didn't say anything more.

"You each pull out the immortal vines in your body, and Daoist Nie and I will protect the law for you." Lu Xiaotian sat down cross-legged after saying a word.

The other people looked serious, and the most urgent thing to do is to get rid of the eclipse magic vine in the body first, otherwise no one can feel at ease for the rest of the journey.

Lu Xiaotian sat quietly on one side, watching the cloud of the magic mirror in the distance before it condensed, with a thoughtful look in his eyes, this magic mirror fairy tree has all the profound meanings of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and the eight laws of ice, wind and thunder . Alternating and merging with each other is impermanent, and exhausts the magic of changing laws. It's hard to imagine that a fairy tree can reach such a level if you don't see it with your own eyes.

The law and profound meaning that Lu Xiaotian cultivated is not much different from this Magic Mirror Immortal Tree except for the extra space, time, and blood law. Of course, among the Five Elements Laws, Lu Xiaotian's wood system, and the ice system of the Three Wonders have not yet cultivated the corresponding laws and mysteries. How many others have cultivated one to many different mysteries.

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