Become a Fairy

Chapter 4383 Showdown

Wen Tingfeng, brother and sister were still dancing with electric arcs of varying thickness, and their hair was standing on end. They were not injured, but they looked rather funny.

Jiang Yuan's complexion was ashen, and his body was still stained with some green flames. After returning, Jiang Yuan quickly patted out the remaining flames on his body, and his face still looked terrified. Lu Xiaotian could understand the fear on Jiang Yuan's face, after all, as the spirit of the magic vine, the other party still had an innate fear of extremely powerful flames.

Nie Qiantong's body size has shrunk a bit compared to before, like an ordinary girl of twelve or thirteen years old. After breaking away from the powerful gravity secret of the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree, her body shape began to crackle and return to normal.

"What a powerful mystery of gravity. Just relying on the power of the law, without being attached to the fairy weapon, there is such power in the magic soldier. This magic mirror fairy tree is really terrifying." Nie Qiantong looked deeply shocked.

Lou Yikong didn't get it right either, he still had a lot of ice slag all over his body, he was shivering when he exited, obviously he was severely frozen, but fortunately he didn't suffer any internal injuries, he just looked a little embarrassed , will recover after a period of rest.

In contrast, Fu Lianyue suffered more serious injuries. A golden thorn pierced her left leg, and her lower abdomen was almost pierced by another golden thorn. Fortunately, it was blocked by the fairy armor on her body. The current situation also surprised other people, even though its strength is relatively low among the crowd, but the Bingli fairy armor has an extraordinary origin, and Wen Tingfeng and his brother and sister will not be able to seriously injure Fu Lianyue in a short period of time. The lethality of the power of law fluctuating around the mirror fairy tree is astonishing.

"According to the records I got from Lou Yikong and I, the destructive power of the profound principles fluctuating around the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree should not be so strong." Fu Lianyue suppressed the injuries in her body and frowned. It's not light, but this trip has prepared a lot of medicines for healing, and it won't take too long to recover. The injury is not what worries her the most. The real tricky thing is that it is possible to see Baoshan close in front of her eyes. Returned empty-handed.

"It's really weird." Lou Yikong nodded.

"Let's rest for a while and explore again." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, he couldn't take care of too much in this kind of chaos, just now Fu Lianyue's situation was indeed extremely dangerous, and Lu Xiaotian didn't have extra energy to take care of Mu Xia.

"Brother Dongfang, you go directly to get the treasure from now on, and I'll wait for you outside." Mu Xia said at the right time.

"Why don't we visit in batches. If the previous losses are returned, there will always be a backup force to protect the law, so that we won't have a chance to breathe after encountering other dangers." Jiang Yuan suggested with a look in his eyes.

"Forget it, for the time being, I will go with fellow Daoist Jiang and fellow Daoist Nie." Lu Xiaotian had an idea, and there was no room for Jiang Yuan to refuse. "Both of you joined the team later, so you have to put in a bit more effort. Besides, the two of you are so strong that even me, the Alchemy Sage, volunteered, so I'm sure you won't shrink back."

"Dongfang Pill Sage was joking, I still think that Dongfang Pill Sage would have the idea of ​​getting something for nothing for refining some pills." Nie Qiantong smiled when he heard that, but he didn't think Lu Xiaotian's request was too much.

"Alright, let's go with Dongfang Dansheng." Jiang Yuan could only nod, Lu Xiaotian set an example, Jiang Yuan really had no room to refuse.

Lu Xiaotian and Jiang Yuan walked at a distance, as before, once they got close to the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree, the pressure they faced would increase.

What Lu Xiaotian was facing this time was a thunder attack, and a large number of lightning swarmed in, illuminating the entire airspace. It's just the purest and strongest power of the law, without any tricks, it's completely one power down ten times.

Jiang Yuan and Nie Qiantong respectively faced wind blades and countless leaves swirling like knives in the void. The leaves were withered and yellow, and the world was filled with a strong sense of aging and decay.

It's just a series of simple wind blades, and the continuously shrinking gust of wind around them is like a series of ropes that are constantly bound, restricting Jiang Yuan's room for maneuvering.

Jiang Yuan used his supernatural powers one after another, and was finally about to break free from the treacherous wind bondage and wind blade. He saw Lu Xiaotian's town demon tower strike in the air, and directly smashed a huge thunder ball that fell from the sky, and then Lu Xiaotian did not move forward. , but with a flick of his figure, he came directly to the back of Jiang Yuan. Not only that, Nie Qiantong also came to Jiang Yuan's left wing. Sandwich it directly in the middle.

At this moment, no matter how slow Jiang Yuan's reaction was, he still felt something was wrong.

"What's the meaning of Dongfang Dansheng?" Jiang Yuan forced a laugh. Nie Qiantong joined the team not long ago, and he was just following Lu Xiaotian's arrangement at this time.

"The spirit of the magic vine, if you hand over the vine crystal by yourself, I will save you from death." Lu Xiaotian looked at Jiang Yuan indifferently.

Nie Qiantong looked in front of her with a grim expression. Jiang Yuan, who had been fighting side by side, was actually the mighty and weird spirit of the magic vine? The opponent has been lurking in the team? Nie Qiantong looked at Jiang Yuan with fear in his eyes, but he was not particularly afraid. The corrosion rate of the immortal magic vines in places full of magic vines is extremely shocking. May be tricked. Right now, they are not within the territory. Even if the opponent is not a small threat, it is not so easy to quietly erode a strong person of their level. At least for Nie Qiantong.

"When did you find out? I asked myself that I didn't reveal any flaws from the beginning to the end." Jiang Yuan's complexion changed, and his heart was in a bad mood. The other party was so shrewd in his calculations that he chose to do it near the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree. Not to mention the chaotic power of the law of fluctuations here, it is also extremely powerful. This place is only a few hundred miles away from Wen Tingfeng brothers and sisters, Lou Yikong, and Fu Lianyue. Usually, it is just a blink of an eye for a strong person at their level. At this time, even if the fluctuations in the power of the surrounding laws do not become more intense, it will take at least an hour.

With Jiang Yuan's cultivation base, it is really not enough to control the attack of the eclipse magic vine in Wen Tingfeng and the others' bodies from this distance.

"This is not something you should consider. If you hand over the vine crystal, you only have ten breaths." Lu Xiaotian's aura gradually strengthened, and at the same time he used the power of space to penetrate into the surrounding void, preventing him from escaping.

"The rattan crystal is undoubtedly the second life for our magic vine spirits. Handing over the rattan crystal will mean ruining the path. Do you think I will hand it over to you easily?" Jiang Yuan said with a smile. Blood vessels protruded from his face, spreading around like earthworms.

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