Become a Fairy

Chapter 4380 talk

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In the end, the spirit of the weapon in Zicha was completely erased, and the Zicha, which had a sense of abnormal power, was now dimmed, except that the spirituality of the purple wood crystal iron, which was the main body of the Zicha, was greatly reduced. The blue halo was extracted.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Lu Xiaotian's side from afar, and was startled when he saw the blue halo in Lu Xiaotian's hand. The slightly purple halo in the green had an aura similar to that of the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree. , Fu Lianyue can tell the difference.

"This is?" Fu Lianyue was the first to speak in doubt.

"I always feel that the monster soldiers of the Muyu clan are a bit weird, so let's see what's inside." Lu Xiaotian said hesitantly.

"It seems to be similar to the aura of the Fajing Immortal Tree. What did the Eastern Pill Sage discover?" Fu Lianyue said.

"I don't know if it will work." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and didn't reveal much.

"Dongfang Dansheng was joking, how can you do useless things with your strength." Jiang Yuan smiled when he heard this.

"I hope it can play a certain role in the process of finding the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree, or it can play a sufficient role in the subsequent revenge against the Muyu tribe." Lu Xiaotian ambiguously perfunctory.

Jiang Yuan shook his head, Yuxiong's purple fork is made of purple wood flame iron as the main material, and a lot of natural materials and earth treasures are incorporated in it, and after tens of thousands of years of sacrificial training by Yuxiong, the monster soldier itself It is extremely strong, even though Lu Xiaotian is about to cultivate seven kinds of mysteries in the law of fire, but it is not easy to directly destroy this demon soldier. At least the few of them present couldn't do it, but Lu Xiaotian managed to do it abruptly with his current cultivation base. Jiang Yuan found that Lu Xiaotian always seemed to be able to do things beyond his normal cultivation, often exceeding expectations, which naturally made the unpredictable Jiang Yuan feel more troublesome.

However, Lu Xiaotian didn't care about this, and continued to refine the cyan aura in his palm, blending it into his body, calling a little immortal essence and blending it with a trace of cyan halo, and found that the sense of oppression from the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree was indeed reduced a little.

"So that's it!" Confirmed the guess, Lu Xiaotian was greatly relieved. The cyan halo was forcibly extracted from the purple fork by using the method of exhausting the water, and the consumption was a little less. Under the circumstances, after all, I have a little more confidence. Even though Jiang Yuan was extremely wary of him, he didn't know exactly how far he could use this cyan halo.

After initially refining the cyan halo, Lu Xiaotian did not continue to destroy the seven purple rings for the time being. According to his feeling at this time, there is no supporting method. For the time being, he couldn't integrate more of this power into his body.

Let’s talk about it later, after recovering for a while, the others are still recovering. Lu Xiaotian recalled the whole process from breaking into the magic vine area until now to see if he missed anything. After thinking about it carefully before and after, Lu Xiaotian found that the monster clans he encountered along the way, although their strength was tyrannical, brought heavy losses to the invading Celestial Squads of Sifang Tiantingtian. But if we really want to discuss the strength of the strength, in fact, it is not so big that it cannot be hostile. It stands to reason that the immortals of the several heavenly courts shouldn't be so vulnerable.

In fact, whether it is the Ice Shadow Clan, the Spirit of the Demon Vine, or the Muyu Clan, they do not have a crushing advantage over the strength of the Wen Tingfeng brothers and sisters. However, the Celestial Squads of the Heavenly Courts from all sides suffered so many casualties, mostly due to factors such as the right time and place of these monster races.

The spirit of the magic vines is in the land densely covered with eccentric magic vines, the Ice Shadow Clan is in the land of snow storms, and the Muyu Clan refined the materials from the Magic Mirror Immortal Tree into demon soldiers some time ago. Use the battle array inherited from the Jiao clan and the clan to arrange dangerous situations. As for the Chiyan clan, Lu Xiaotian had limited contact with him. Inside retreated.

Even if it is the spirit of the magic vine, Lu Xiaotian has personally fought against people before. It is really hard to guard against people in a place where the magic vines are everywhere. Not necessarily.

It’s just that Lu Xiaotian discovered that there may be certain contradictions among these monster races, or there may be fierce competition, but relatively speaking, it is generally more aimed at the Celestial Squad from the Four Heavenly Courts. Lu Xiaotian generally feels this way, but he does not Know if it's exactly right.

"Dongfang Dansheng!" Lu Xiaotian was hesitating in his heart, and suddenly heard the wind and sound transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"Don't change the expression of Dongfang Dansheng. What I'm going to say next is not trivial." Wen Tingfeng said in a solemn tone, "Wen Tingyu and I should have been corroded by the eclipse fairy vine. The other party's methods are extremely clever. We Doubt about Jiang Yuan's origin."

"Oh? How do you say that?" Lu Xiaotian asked in surprise.

"Wen Tingyu and I were both eroded by the Immortal Corrosion Demon Vine. The other party has been eroded deeply, but it can't be seen from the appearance until now. I guess someone should be controlling it, otherwise it wouldn't be like this. Wait for the monster It is impossible to get close to us, only Jiang Yuan, who joined in later, can do it." Wen Tingfeng analyzed.

"Since that's the case, won't it be enough to take Jiang Yuan and force him to take back the eclipsed magic vine in your body?" Lu Xiaotian said.

"The combination of Wen Tingyu and I has the ability to delay the eclipse magic vine in the body to a certain extent, and we can also fight outsiders, but we must stay away from Jiang Yuan. If we really want to deal with Jiang Yuan, I'm afraid we still need Dongfang Pill." Sheng Yili took it down." Wen Tingfeng said bitterly, "If that's the case, it's fine, Lou Yikong and Fu Lianyue's cultivation bases are shallower than ours, and we may not be aware of it now, and the magic vine When the spirit gets into trouble, the two of them may not be able to bear it."

"It's quite tricky to say that." Lu Xiaotian seemed to ponder for a while, and secretly cultivated to the level of Wen Tingfeng brothers and sisters, they are not easy to be with, they can temporarily restrain the eclipse magic vine in the body, If this is the case, it will save him some worries. If you really start, you won't have to take care of Wen Tingfeng brothers and sisters in a short time, but Lu Xiaotian is more scrupulous from the beginning to the end or Mu Xia, Lou Yikong, and Fu Lianyue. Jiang Yuan's existence still made him a little bit wary.

"Is there a way for Dongfang Dansheng to restrain Jiang Yuan in a short time?" Wen Tingfeng asked.

"No, and I don't know what the consequences will be if Jiang Yuan activates the Immortal Erosion Demon Vine. No matter how fast I do it, it won't be as fast as Jiang Yuan's control of the Immortal Erosion Demon Vine." Lu Xiaotian said bluntly.

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