Become a Fairy

4317--Andrew Chixia Singing Horned Beast

It's no wonder that the demons in Luoyang Prison are so bold and reckless. As the city lord, Jiuren Mountain and a large number of elite immortal troops are pinned down at some exits of Luoyang Prison, and it is difficult to get out. Although the defense of the huge Jiuyang City is strong, it must Distributed everywhere, the power distributed to each point is not too strong.

As for Jiuren Mountain, there were constant battles with the monsters in Luoyang Prison, and the continuous damage and bleeding would inevitably require continuous mobilization of capable forces from Jiuyang City. This also makes it impossible for the defense of Jiuyang City to be flawless, as long as those monsters spend a little more time, they can always find some loopholes.

Not to mention that the real Soul Douluo realm of the lotus avatar has not reached the golden fairy mirror, even if one more golden fairy sits in this city, it will not be able to fundamentally change this situation.

Since Lu Xiaotian entered Luoyang Prison last time and caused a large number of casualties in the immortal army, many key points of Luoyang Prison have been lost to demons. The incomplete defense line is the reason for the frequent harassment of the main city. Under the secret promotion of Lianhua clone, intentionally or unintentionally, it is easy to manipulate the public opinion in the city to develop in a direction that is not conducive to Jiurenshan.

This is also the reason why Yihua Taoist could see the luck of the city lord's mansion move eastward as soon as he arrived in Jiuyang City.

A stream of dark red smoke crossed the city wall of Jiuyang City and entered the urban area. A huge ghost shadow covered it, and the bodies of a small number of immortal soldiers on the city wall began to change color under the rendering of the smoke.

There was a burst of chirping and screaming in the dark smoke, and monsters with horns in their foreheads, heads like donkeys, and bodies like leopards rushed out of the smoke.

Even though a small number of fairy soldiers were recruited, the fairy soldiers on the Jiuyang City side reacted quickly, and the squadrons of fairy soldiers came over immediately.

Whoosh, whoosh, a large number of arrows roared, and many monsters inside screamed and fell to the ground under the arrows.

"Jie Jie, I have taken a thousand immortals captive today and I will retreat on my own. If I am not satisfied, I don't mind doing more killings." The claws of the huge demon shadow inside were handed over.

"The golden fairy-level monster is the Chixia Crowing Horn Beast Chisu!" A fairy army present shouted in shock.

"It's only now that I see that it's too late, sons, kill with me, come in and come out quickly, don't let the fairy army be entangled!" The huge demon shadow let out a long laugh, and rushed into Jiuyang City at the head of the pack. Naturally, their strength was far from enough to capture Jiuyang City, but Chi Suan didn't have such great ambitions, and they left after taking advantage of it, even the immortal army of Jiuyang City couldn't catch up.

The huge claw shadows slapped down one after another, and hundreds of immortal soldiers were killed immediately. Even though the Immortal Army counterattacked extremely quickly and resolutely, and killed more Chixia Weeping Horned Beasts, this did not stop the Chixia Weeping Horned Beast from going crazy at all.

After paying a lot of deaths and injuries, the red scorpion personally took action, and groups of Chixia Crowhorn Beasts rushed into the city quickly, transporting the immortal soldiers who were subdued with varying degrees of injury, or the immortals who had no time to escape. out of town.

hum! A sword shadow pierced through the air, and dozens of Chixia Weeping Horned Beasts were directly annihilated under the sword light.

"Chisuan, you dare to come to Jiuyang City." The figure of the lotus avatar appeared in the void, and behind him were fourteen sword servants.

"Haha, it turned out to be the Commander of Jiuyang City. Although you suffered a loss in your hands at the beginning, you have been unable to leave Jiuyang City, and you are reluctant to open the defensive formation of Jiuyang City. What can I do?" Chi Suan laughed out loud, although there was fear in the eyes of the lotus avatar, but there was not much fear. At this time, the Chixia Crowhorn Beast's invasion of Jiuyang City not only did not stop but tended to intensify.

"Really, this time I will let you come and never come back." Lianhua clone smiled when he heard the words, and then he gestured to Xiao Yu and the others, "I will deal with this monster. After you clear up the monsters that invaded the city, come here It will be helpful for you to set up formations in the future if you can see what the fighting skills of Jinxian-level powerhouses are like."

All the sword attendants responded in unison, the sword light in their hands flashed forward and slashed forward. As the sword light flickered, in the eyes of those Chixia crying horned beasts, it was clear that the sword light was still some distance away from their body for a moment. But when he came back to his senses, he already felt a slight pain in his body. Then the body is separated.

The fourteen sword servants joined together at different times, and the Chixia Weeping Horned Beasts couldn't stop them at all. It was not until several Chixia Weeping Horned Beasts headed by Celestial Immortals emerged that they slightly blocked the momentum of the Fourteen Sword Attendants' attack .

The eyes of the lotus avatar swept across the fourteen sword servants. Xiao Yu was undoubtedly the most talented among the crowd. Ever since the lotus avatar felt integrated into the Qidazhen swordsmanship, the supreme swordsmanship became more and more perfect, so he passed it on to Xiao Yu. On the one hand, he needs trustworthy and capable subordinates to establish a force in Honghao Heavenly Court in the future. On the other hand, the lotus avatar also wants to see the performance of Supreme Sword Dao on different people.

Thousands of ordinary forms, great out of the ordinary. Xiao Yu might take another path of Supreme Sword Dao.

While distracted, a dark red smoke screen pushed horizontally towards the lotus clone like a thick wall.

The lotus avatar waved casually, followed by the shadow of the sword. With a chirping sound, the giant wall was split into two. Immediately with a move with both hands, seven flying swords appeared around the black lotus avatar dressed in black. The scenery inside the flying swords was different, like a blue sea and sky, with endless waves. It's like the undulating mountains, the peaks and ridges are stacked, or the sun is at the top of the sky, and the brilliance is brilliant.

Every time the sword is slashed, there is a different atmosphere, which arouses the power of heaven and earth. The Qi movement in Jiuyang City was surging, and it gradually merged into the sword's momentum, further increasing the power of the flying sword.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chi Suan's complexion changed slightly. The last time he fought against the lotus avatar was hundreds of years ago. At that time, Chi Suan suffered a small loss, but Chi Suan somehow felt that the lotus avatar relied on the power of the immortal army in Jiuyang City. He also didn't use some means, otherwise it would be hard to say who would win and who would win in a real fight. Over the past few hundred years, Chi Suan has consciously improved a bit, and under the instigation of Ba Mo and his fellows, he made trouble again. In addition to being encouraged and wanting to get some cheap money, there is also the idea of ​​finding a lotus avatar to vent his anger.

Just judging from the situation in front of him, although he has made great progress, the sword that the lotus avatar slashed out is even more powerful. The sword intent of the Seven Great Town Swords is endless. Once the two sides fight, the other side seems to have hidden countless sword intents to strike at any time after a sword strike, which makes Chi Suan feel like a thorn in his back.

Chisu opened his mouth, and flying knives that looked like ox horns shot out in a file. Each flying knife was engraved with complicated demon patterns. When the demon patterns flashed, the thick and thick monster energy condensed like a mountain.

Boom boom boom, the black knife and the opponent's flying sword clashed together, and the figures and ghost shadows in sight were all distorted.

The dark red smoke spread to every part of the space with amazing penetration.

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