Become a Fairy

4299--Andrew Undead Dragon Clan

It's just that Ge Wunian miscalculated Lu Xiaotian's ability to resist attacks. Even if Ge Wunian is confident that the next blow will make Lu Xiaotian lose his ability to resist, or even kill him. It's just that Mu Ziyan said that Fang Shiji and the alchemy saints of Yuxuan Heavenly Court were not vegetarians either.

Although Fang Shiji and his party did not show any immediate intention to attack, Ge Wunian and Xie Ying did not dare to take another risk. Lu Xiaotian got the alchemy materials from Yin Hu, and with the astonishing alchemy speed shown by Lu Xiaotian, there must be a huge threat behind him.

Only Fang Shiji and the thirty or so alchemy saints are the real deadly existences, and a series of distractions will result in a complete loss.

Rumbling, seeing that Ge Wunian and the others did not intend to take advantage of the situation to kill Lu Xiaotian, Fang Shiji and Mu Ziyan looked at each other and secretly thought it was a pity, and then immediately launched an attack. The mighty pill energy turned into ten huge dragon shadows roaring and charging towards them.

Ge Wunian, Xie Ying, and the others in the Honghao Heavenly Court hurriedly parryed, and the alchemy turned into a huge hideous barrier. After all, they had spent part of their energy trying to deal with Lu Xiaotian. At this moment, they were suddenly attacked, causing Ge Wunian to fight back. The group was a little passive. In the huge shock wave, the floating island under Ge Wunian and his party was pushed thousands of feet backward out of thin air.

The transformed alchemy evolved into various weapons, and they struck together violently. Ge Wunian and Xie Ying's party managed to parry for a long time before turning the corner and gaining a firm foothold again.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian has no opponents for the time being, and he is away from many alchemy saints. He is just refining alchemy on his own. Fang Shiji and others have already formed a complete alchemy formation, which excludes Lu Xiaotian from the outside. It is not that Lu Xiaotian cannot integrate into it. Going into this alchemy formation, it's just that Fang Shiji and others are obviously worried that Lu Xiaotian's integration will break the balance of this alchemy formation, and instead give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"Golden Profound Jade Bead Pill Formation? There is still a gap left, which is interesting." Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, since Fang Shiji and his party didn't expect much from him early in the morning, but they wanted to absorb the pill energy from him through this gap , is simply wishful thinking.

Lu Xiaotian continued to refine the Dragon Spirit Jinxuan Ji Dao Pill, and the conflict of Dan Qi in the surrounding area became more and more intense, and the cracks that were torn out in the area with several floating islands as the core became bigger and bigger. There have been more and more dragon grievances emerging, and the black aura rising around has isolated most of the area. Only dozens of alchemy saints from Sifang Tianting gathered to form a light group, as for Lu Xiaotian, he had gradually been obliterated in the darkness. The whole world was shaking violently.

"Roar!" A series of extremely violent howls resounded.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes were like lightning, piercing through the black aura, and saw mutilated bone dragons in the endless abyss, and bone beasts with dragon heads and beast bodies rushing out of it.

"Undead Dragon Clan!" At this time, Fang Shiji, Mu Ziyan, and other alchemy sages who were busy destroying their opponents were startled. These could not simply be called dragons, but maybe they were closer to a kind of ghost. The same remnant souls of different resentful spirits have been fused to occupy the bodies of some dragons in the past, but because these incomplete resentful spirits are not complete dragon souls at all, besides the descendants of the dragons themselves, the dragons also have dragons. A family, or different sources such as carp and dragon. After the fusion of different remnant souls, there were some mutations attached to some keel bones that still had spiritual consciousness. In the end, such a ghostly thing was formed.

The strength of these monsters varies, and after so many years of precipitation, the number must not be small, and they are called the Necromancer Dragon Clan by several heavenly courts. The place where the undead dragon clan was born must be the place where resentment is most concentrated. He also hates the immortals of the heavens the most.

Facing the densely packed bone dragons and bone dragon beasts, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling.

At this time, the brilliance on the dragon-slaying guillotine flickered, and a shadow fell into the abyss. Countless bone dragons and bone dragon beasts were turned into dust when they encountered this shadow. After Zhan Longgui's blow, the black aura that shrouded the surroundings faintly faded a lot.

However, there are still quite a few bone dragons, and the bone dragon beasts emerge from it, but the number has not reached a certain level. It seems that Dragon Slayer has no interest in doing it. After all, these undead dragons are very different from the dragons.

However, the threat to Lu Xiaotian and other alchemy sages did not decrease because of this. At this time, the bone dragons and bone dragon beasts of the brigade came rushing, Lu Xiaotian was also in chaos, and the other alchemy saints in the four directions were also trapped. Overwhelmed in the chaos of war. Although the fighting between the two sides is no longer as fierce as before, the fluctuations caused by the fighting with these undead dragons have not been relieved at all, but there is a tendency to want to play fiercely.

At this time, a group of alchemy saints are still continuing to refine alchemy. As alchemy saints, only after combining alchemy with resentful spirits can they exert their due lethality. Defend against the attacks of these undead dragons. Lu Xiaotian is no different. However, as Lu Xiaotian exists alone at this time, perhaps his aura is not as strong as those brought by these groups of alchemy saints, and the attacks he attracts are relatively weaker. With Lu Xiaotian's cultivation in alchemy, plus Lu Xiaotian's deliberate restraint With a part of the alchemy, the pressure is relatively reduced a lot.

A large number of undead dragons were chopped into bones under the shadow of swords and swords transformed by Dan Qi. It's just that under the attack of these undead dragons, the alchemy formations of the Sifang Heavenly Court gradually began to struggle. In addition to these undead dragons, although those wraiths can make the pill energy have a strong lethality, it is too much. In order to resist the undead dragons, these alchemy have no choice but to integrate more and more wraiths. If there are too many, it is inevitable that he will fall into the same situation as Yin Hu before.

At this time, some alchemy pills have been successfully refined one after another, and the fight with the undead dragon clan has become more and more fierce.

Amid the sound of the long dragon chant, several dragon claws that came down from the probe were cut off directly by the giant blade transformed by the pill energy, but a thick dragon tail pierced into Fang Shiji's more than 30 pills with lightning speed. Between the saints, the huge alchemy array was split into two halves. Immediately, two third-rank alchemy sages escaped and died tragically. On the other side, Honghao Tianting lost Yin Hu, the fourth-rank alchemist, and the situation was not much better. Several bone dragon beasts broke through the defense and rushed into the alchemy formation, directly knocking three or four alchemists into the air. On the other hand, Mingluo and Nandan Tianting did not have a fourth-rank alchemy, so the situation is better.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was on the side. Seeing Fang Shiji, Mu Ziqi and his party were in danger and did not intend to rescue the alchemy. Save. At this time, he was also under the attack of hundreds of undead dragons of different strengths, and he seemed to have no intention of caring about him. However, in Fang Shiji's and Mu Ziyan's eyes, Lu Xiaotian should still have some energy to spare, but just now he had plotted against Lu Xiaotian one after another, and at this moment he asked Lu Xiaotian to help them save the crisis, but the two couldn't open their mouths for a while.

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