Become a Fairy

Chapter 4245 Invasion

"Hehe, I heard that there is a fourth-rank alchemist in the Sunset Dragon Palace, and there are many other alchemists here, but today these alchemists will all die!" A baby-like laughter sounded. Under the circumstances, the other party did not seem to be affected much.

"Baimo infant's corpse has turned extremely meta!" Muye Hongchen raised his eyebrows, a sharp beam of light burst out from his eyes, and wind and fire surged around his body.

At this moment, the more than 500 dragon soldiers who were stationed here and were responsible for the safety of these pill saints rushed over, and their expressions changed after hearing Muye Hongchen's words.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who can recognize my strength!" The fine snowflakes fell again, and the other party laughed lightly, as if they didn't see the five hundred dragon soldiers in front of them.

"Back down and protect these alchemists! There should be more than one Baimo infant corpse coming." Muye Hongchen waved his hand, the fighting intent in his eyes was burning like a raging fire. At this time, corpses loomed among those snowflakes, and pieces of snowflakes flew towards Muye Hongchen.

Makino Hongchen stretched out his claws and struck in the void, and struck with several fluffy snowflakes, the shadow of the claws seemed to be frozen in the void by the snowflakes and solidified.

More than 500 dragon soldiers were divided into ten groups. The three leaders each held a Longyang scorching sun flag, and looked around solemnly. Even if it was rumored that Baimo's corpse was coming, they might not worry that Muye Hongchen would suffer.

Lu Xiaotian still controls the overall balance and transformation among these dozens of pill qi. His eyes looked somewhat surprised at Muye Hongchen and the Baimo infant corpse. Although he had already fought against a Jinxian level powerhouse, that was not his own strength. Looking at Muye Hongchen and the shadowy Baimo infant corpse at this time, There is still a great sense of novelty. Between Muye Hongchen and the corpse, Lu Xiaotian has already seen the traces where the power of their respective laws is almost round and full.

If Lu Xiaotian doesn't use the power of totem, he can only rely on himself to fight against the opponent, and he will only know if he has fought. Have a certain attainment.

You don't need to use some extraordinary means, let alone a golden immortal-level powerhouse, even a heavenly-level powerhouse with perfect power of law may not be able to win steadily. A heavenly immortal who has cultivated to this level, Even if you meet a Golden Immortal level strongman, if you are prepared, or under certain conditions, even if you can't beat the opponent, it may not be possible to escape.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call these heavenly-level powerhouses who have perfected the power of the law a half-step golden immortal. In addition to those who have already cultivated to this level, there are also some aliens who, due to various reasons, or their cultivation has declined during the calamity of the five declines of heaven and man, have fallen to the level of immortals, but they have maintained the perfect power of law. This kind of strong man between the heavenly immortal and the golden immortal is even more terrifying under the golden immortal. Even with the help of some rare treasures, it is still impossible to exert the strength of Jinxian level.

If the situation permits, Lu Xiaotian really wants to fight against such an opponent, so that he can understand the opponent's realm through fighting skills, and make up for the inadequacy of his own law power.

But at this moment, Zhao Dongan is in the midst of an epiphany, such an opportunity is rare, maybe Zhao Dongan will never meet again in this life. If one can realize enough things from this epiphany, it is entirely possible to break through to the realm of the fourth-rank Alchemy in the near future. And being interrupted prematurely, perhaps it is not too strange for his attainments in alchemy to stop here.

And Zhao Dongan's comprehension did not come from his own meditation, but from Lu Xiaotian using the world as a furnace to manipulate and reconcile dozens of pill qi of different strengths, and the combination and transformation of different pill qi. . Let Zhao Dong'an, who has reached a certain level of alchemy attainment, gain some insight, and then Lu Xiaotian deliberately guides the other party to understand more about the initial level of heaven and earth as a furnace. At this time, Zhao Dongan's epiphany is more like Lu Xiaotian's preaching.

Of course, this does not mean that Lu Xiaotian can create a fourth-rank Alchemy Sage, the key is for Zhao Dongan to reach the proper level in alchemy. Otherwise, everything would be out of the question.

Every extra fourth-rank alchemy is a precious asset for the Dragon Clan, even if the other party is from the Sunset Dragon Palace, not the Dragon Clan in the Qingguo Barrier, for Lu Xiaotian, it can help Zhao Dongan hit the fourth-rank alchemy The holy realm is equally significant.

The headless white corpse clan dispatched a Baimo infant corpse, presumably this is not the only killing move. And the other party can accurately touch the alchemy place of these alchemy saints, Lu Xiaotian estimates that it is mostly due to the spies inside the Dragon Clan. If he could kill a fourth-rank alchemist, it would be no less meaningful than winning a moderate-scale war. After all, Lu Xiaotian's ability to produce alchemy cannot be measured by ordinary fourth-rank alchemy.

What's more, in addition to Lu Xiaotian, the two Dragon tribes combined have thirty-three Pill Saints present. If these Pill Saints are counted, their strategic significance will be even more prominent, but these Pill Saints gather here, without a head. Lu Xiaotian could not think of any other possibility except for the spies of the Dragon Clan.

Since there are spies, the other party will have a backup, so naturally Lu Xiaotian can't act rashly. If the dragon army like Muye Hongchen doesn't play a proper interception role, Lu Xiaotian will naturally be the last barrier here.

The other party dared to launch an attack at this time, presumably the battle with the dragon clan at the outermost periphery was also extremely tragic, which dragged down the energy of Wen Tingdao, Muye Daofeng, Zhao Linjiang and several Jinxian-level dragon clans, as well as the main force of the dragon army.

Lu Xiaotian continued to evolve alchemy as usual, although he didn't know how long Zhao Dongan's current state would last, but Lu Xiaotian wanted to shorten this process as much as possible under the circumstances.

However, while guiding the alchemy, Lu Xiaotian still has the energy to watch the fierce battle between the Baimo baby corpse and Muye Hongchen outside.

At this time, ten teams headed by more than five hundred dragon soldiers, three Xuanxian-level dragons each held a Longyang Lieyang flag and threw it directly into the void. There is a fire dragon walking around, which looks extremely majestic.

At this time, the big formation has not yet been launched, and the Dragon Clan present is not in a hurry. There is no headless white corpse, or the army of the Lin Clan invaded this place, which means that the other party will not have many people, and those who dare to go deep into the Sunset Dragon Palace In the heartland area, the opponent may be destroyed if he delays a little.

At this time, besides the heavenly immortal-level powerhouse Makino Hongchen, there are more than five hundred dragon soldiers guarding this area, and they rely on formations, so they will not be afraid of the opponent's methods.

However, Muye Hongchen didn't feel very relaxed at this time, the truth was in front of him, but Baimo Yingshi refused to retreat, so he must have something to rely on.

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