Become a Fairy

Chapter 4230 persuasion

"Of course it's true. I'm also an elder who got into Suxi Island with great difficulty. If it weren't for the crazy maniac on Mojie Island who is my best buddy, I wouldn't have bothered me like this. Besides, based on the relationship between the two of us Feelings, how can I deceive you." Zhu Qi said.

"Having said that, I still need the personal token of the lunatic. After all, the Lion Clan is a tribe. Although I am the patriarch, if I want to persuade the other subordinates at a critical moment, I need to come up with enough things. It's not easy for me to make a decision about Xiang Kuang's personal belongings." Chi Min said after pondering for a while.

"I've prepared this a long time ago, what do you think it is?" Zhu Qi snorted, and saw Zhu Qi raised his palm, and a cyan ball emerged from it. A faint shadow appeared in the cyan ball, and the shadow inside gradually became clear, and the leaked breath came from Xiang Kuang.

"Mad Demon Soul Orb, this madman has really started to practice that overbearing demonic technique!" Chi Min exclaimed in surprise.

"This guy is obsessed with war, and he can't be judged by common sense. He followed my brother Lu all the way. Except for Brother Lu, he never convinced anyone. After ascending to the devil world, he turned to the devil. It's really hard to say where my cultivation base can reach. If I don't have any special encounters, I'm afraid I'm probably not as good as this lunatic." Although Zhu Qi talked back to Xiang Kuang a lot in front of him, in fact, he was still ashamed of Xiang Kuang. Quite convinced.

"When is Xiang Kuang going to do it? I will arrange for my confidants to be inserted into the important place of Haigui Palace to respond." After Chi Min's complexion changed for a while, he didn't hesitate any more. A wisp of primordial spirit is at least the crystallization of his hundreds of years of painstaking practice. Xiang Kuang spent so much effort to refine the mad demon soul bead, which is definitely not the only one. If this kind of mad demon soul bead is not given by the most trusted person, he will never give it lightly. . From this point, it can be seen that the relationship between Zhu Qi and Xiang Kuang is absolutely extraordinary. Zhu Qi has a carefree surname, and his mouth is especially noisy. He has a few wine and meat friends in Suxi Island, but none of them can really rely on each other, but he didn't expect his friendship with Xiang Kuang to be so good. kind of degree. Compared with the owner of Suxi Island, Xiang Kuang is a rising star, but he has also gained a great reputation in these years of fighting in the South and North. Compared with Suxi Island Master, he is a bit more enterprising.

Taking this opportunity to get closer to Xiang Kuang is not bad, after all, there is a bridge like Zhu Qi in the middle, and after seizing Suxi Island, the future of the Shijiao clan will not be bad.

"Okay, I think it's better to hit the day than to choose the day, let's make it today." Zhu Qijie said.

"Just today? Is this too hasty? I'm not prepared at all." Chi Min hesitated for a moment.

"There is no preparation on your side, and there is no preparation on the side of Suxi Island. Once you make a move here, don't think that Suxi Island has no eyeliner on your side. If you look like that, you will startle the snake. It's not too late, let's Let's make a mess, make a mess on your side, but the lunatic's side is already ready. As long as you make a gap on your side and order them not to resist, once the defense line around Suxi Island is opened, the entire Suxi Island has a greater chance." Zhu Qi said in a deep voice.

"It really is a lunatic." Chi Min gasped.

"It's not entirely the madman's idea, I discussed it with him at the same time." Zhu Qi said.

"Alright, let's do as you said. You and my confidants will lead a team of lion dragon beasts to meet the army of madmen in the name of eliminating monsters. I will personally go to the palace to wait for you to come." Chi Min He glanced at Zhu Qi in surprise. Before, he only thought that Zhu Qi was joking and talking a little too much, but he underestimated how scheming and decisive this guy is.

On that day, the black tide outside the Lion Palace on Suxi Island was surging as before. Thousands of lions and beasts went out with Zhu Qi, but when they returned, they turned into tens of thousands of people.

Those who were not aware of the situation on the Lion's Flood Dragon Palace noticed something unusual, but what made them strange was that the patriarch personally sent an order and refused to resist. At this time, except for Chi Min's very few confidantes, most of the Shijiao clan still don't know what happened. It's just that a large number of tortoises and ice-scaled sturgeons poured in from the gaps in the land of the lions and dragons. Everyone knew that the sky on Suxi Island was about to change.

At this time in the Lion Dragon Palace, several scaled eagles broke through the water, but before they flew far, they were shot down by a group of clan soldiers led by a lion dragon beast with white beard and hair with a black dragon crossbow. The scaled eagle's figure of more than a hundred feet fell down, and the blood stained the sea area red.

In another place, the three lion dragon beasts found excuses and left their original team, intending to take advantage of the turmoil in this sea area to get out. Two of them were shot by several places before they left the sea area controlled by Chi Min. The magic blade cut into several sections.

However, there was also a lion dragon beast that was split open only by a phantom.

"No, it's a trick. Hu Li is really cunning. He expected us to pursue him, and he specially arranged for us to join him. He must have gone to the very dangerous Devil Eel Trench. Let's chase after him!" One of them The lion flood beast said angrily.

"It's too late, Hu Li is full of tricks. Since we have already used this substitute to suffer, we have already lost the chance to intercept him. How dare you betray the clan? Damn it, let's report to the clan chief first." Ming shook his head.

"I don't know when the patriarch teamed up with Mojie Island. Even we are kept in the valley. Even if there is a little more time to prepare, Hu Ming won't be able to escape." Just then he spoke The lion dragon beast's tone was not without resentment.

"Shut up, the patriarch has a reason for acting like this. Even those of us who follow the patriarch all the year round feel so sudden. Do you think Suxi Island can react?"

Shi Ming reprimanded that clansman just now, and then his eyes sparkled.

"Speaking of which, our Lion Flood Clan's combat power can be ranked in the forefront on Suxi Island, but it has never received much attention and has always been excluded from the core. The area it guards is only a corner of the magic moon tidal array. If the speed of Mojie Island is a little slower, Suxi Island may have to react and lose this first-mover advantage. In my opinion, the other party moves so fast. Our tribe only needs to be dedicated to help Mojie Island to bring Moyue Tidal The gap in the formation is widened, allowing more troops from Mojie Island to rush in to disrupt the situation quickly. As long as the speed is fast enough, it doesn't matter even if Hu Li's traitor escapes successfully. There is so much movement in the Lion Hall, Su Shanyue must have been alerted, now the key is to see who is faster."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go back and report to the patriarch."

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