Become a Fairy

Chapter 4207 total, doubts

"The fog of the maze made you bump into it. This luck is really good enough." Xiang Kuang was speechless for a while when he heard it. Weird existences like the fog of the maze can be encountered but not sought after, let alone crossed over. Jie Feisheng's Zhu Qi is a golden fairy in the Demon Realm, and even a strong person like Xianjun can come across this thing entirely by luck.

However, those who can enter the world of obsession, and those who can escape completely in the end, most of them survived a catastrophe, and there must be blessings in the future. Even if you don't ask, you can probably figure out why Zhu Qi was able to keep provoking Mojie Island before he came back and escaped repeatedly in the face of pursuit. And Luo Ping'er's previous cultivation methods were not very compatible. With the help of Lu Xiaotian, the cultivation level was not far behind, but she was not good at fighting skills. Later, Luo Ping'er's methods became more powerful, and she also started to practice illusion, and it started after she got the Seven Mirrors of Illusion from Lu Xiaotian.

I heard that the mist of the maze is also a godsend for those who practice this way. If Luo Ping'er accidentally enters the mist of the maze, it will not be a great opportunity for Luo Ping'er.

"To survive a catastrophe, there must be future blessings. If it weren't for that chance, I really wouldn't be where I am now." Zhu Qi nodded.

"Then what."

"After I arrived in the Demon Realm, I wandered around without a fixed place. I was planning to stabilize the hidden dragon sea, but I accidentally saw a shadow orb. The woman inside was just like Luo Ping'er, fighting with others. I also heard others say that Luo Ping'er was transferred to this place, I don't know if it was coerced by others, or because of other reasons, I always felt a little uneasy, so I rushed over to have a look." Zhu Qi said.

"Now do you know where Luo Ping'er is?" Xiang Kuang frowned. Although he and Luo Ping'er came from the same interface, because of Lu Xiaotian's relationship, he was in the original Lingxu Secret Realm, and later in the Chiyue Desert. They stayed in the same place for many years, but Xiang Kuang and Luo Ping'er basically had no communication. Naturally, there is no friendship. It's just that even if it's because of Lu Xiaotian's relationship, Xiang Kuang naturally can't ignore it since he got the news about Luo Ping'er.

"I don't know yet, but I didn't stay in vain for so long. Most of this matter has something to do with the son of the island owner of Suxi Island." Having said this, Zhu Qi also became serious.

"No wonder you guys would go to Suxi Island. It's a simple matter. Originally, I was going to fight Suxi Island. Don't go back. Help me take Suxi Island together." The wine jar in Xiang Kuang's hand He knocked heavily on the table.

"As far as I know, your Mojie Island is about the same power as Suxi Island. Although your rising momentum is not weak, Suxi Island's background seems to be deeper. Can a strong attack really win?" Zhu Qi said somewhat Doubtful.

"Then what can we do? Do you want to have a co-operation between the inside and the outside? This is too risky. That old fox Xi Mo is not so easy to be fooled. Don't steal the chicken, let yourself be put back in." Xiang Kuang shook his head and said.

"The army is dispatched, and such a big battle can't be hidden from the other party. Even my Mojie Island may not be without the other party's meticulous work. Don't mess with these things. I see you go outside Suxi Island to scold the other party. , Scolding for seventy-seven forty-nine days is more effective than anything else."

"Of course I can't do it alone, but don't I have a Taoist companion who has a high position in Suxi Island?" Zhu Qi laughed, "We are so good at summing up, how can we cheat each other."

"Are you looking for a Taoist partner again?" Xiang Kuang was surprised.

"What do you mean again? I've been in the Demon Realm for so long, so I just found one." Zhu Qi argued hastily.

Xiang Kuang was speechless when he heard this, Zhu Qi was always idle when he was in the Chiyue Desert, his wives and concubines were in groups to describe Zhu Qi, that would be to underestimate him, but this guy never insisted, I would like you Although the matter maniac finds it troublesome, he naturally doesn't care about it. If the other party has a Taoist partner on Suxi Island, the situation will naturally be a little different.

"Your concubine is not reliable. Is it the person who is after you, or is it after your heart. Don't let us figure it out, but put ourselves in it instead." Xiang Kuang said.

"What did you say? You are doubting my personality charm, old pig." Zhu Qi touched the hard hair on the top of his head.

Just when Zhu Qi and Xiang Kuang were trying to figure out how to deal with Suxi Island, Wen Yan and his party from the Dragon Clan in the secret territory were still on their way to rendezvous with the remnants of the tribe. It's just that after assembling a few broken clansmen, Wen Yan, Wen Yiyi and the Dragon Clan were somewhat confused by the news they heard.

"What did you say? The one who was killed outside the Mulang altar that day was the headless white corpse clan Yuan Tianshi, Yuan Zhijie?" Wen Yan looked at the clan member Mu Yeqing in surprise, Wen Yiyi and Wen Ting He also looked shocked. In the headless white corpse clan, although Yuan Tianshi is about the same age as the two generations below and belongs to the higher generation, his cultivation talent is extremely astonishing, and the dragon tribe has heard of it for a long time.

At that time, Wen Yan was struggling against Kuisha. In fact, Wen Yan's cultivation was not as good as that of Kuisha. It's just that the five-clawed golden dragon has a noble lineage, a powerful dragon body, and extremely strong defense. The speed is stronger than that of other dragons. Rather than defeating Kuisha in the end, it is better to say that it dragged down Kuisha. But Kuisha's strength is far behind Yuan Tianshi's. Wen Yan used the dragon body to drag Kuisha down, but she couldn't use this method to deal with Yuan Tianshi.

"Not only Yuan Tian Corpse, Yuan Zhijie, but also the elite Snow Corpse Army of the headless White Corpse Clan and several other Corpse Corps totaling more than ten thousand and one subpot of Yinyouhu have all been destroyed, and now they are headless. The White Corpse Clan is thoroughly investigating this matter, vowing to arrest the black hands and avenge their shame." The news added by Makino Qing was even more shocking.

Wen Yan, Wen Yi, Wen Ting couldn't help but look at each other.

Wen Yan thought of Lu Xiaotian, but she quickly shook her head again. It was reasonable for Lu Xiaotian to kill Kui Ling, whose strength was almost the same as that of Kui Sha, but the elite army of two thousand snow corpses, plus Yuan Tian corpse, Yuan Zhijie , and there are several other headless white corpse armies, this is by no means a fairy-level strongman can do it, even if the strength is not as good as Lu Xiaotian, Wen Yan thinks that the growth potential may not be weaker than Lu Xiaotian, or even stronger. As a five-clawed golden dragon, she will never be able to do these things when she grows up to the level of a fairy, and Lu Xiaotian can't do it by herself.

Except for Lu Xiaotian, who else would have exterminated these elite corpse races? Golden Immortal-level dragons from other tribes? It seems that there is no such idle time. Tianmu Thirty-six Altars vibrated. The Jinxian-level dragons of any tribe are either sitting in their own tribes, or they have already checked other areas of Tianmu Thirty-six Altars, Mulang Altar and the surrounding seven altars. Wen Yan's tribe is in charge.

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