Become a Fairy

Chapter 4181 kill

(I really owe a chapter to book friends, thank you book friends for reminding me in the group.)

Yu Zhong and Skeleton Warrior also deeply admire Su Qing's toughness and perseverance, but now that Su Qing is at the end of her battle, the two of them will naturally not let go of any chance to kill Su Qing. The yin and thunder power surging in the space of time and space made their hearts a little more hazy. Even though the fierce battles in the past few years have caused heavy casualties to the space-eating ghost ant colony, the two of them will not feel good. Thousands, self-defeating eight hundred. Until now, the tribes on both sides have suffered huge losses, but no one can afford the price of defeat.

Whoosh, dozens of corpse blades slashed at Su Qing from all directions again, and at the same time, the skeleton warlord spit out several green flame flywheels, moving forward in the void with extremely strange trajectories, but drifting erratically. The green flames scattered by these green flame flywheels scattered everywhere in the void.

At this moment, strands of space-eating ghost ants still drilled out of the main ant nest that already had cracks, but under the spreading green flames, it didn't have much blocking effect.

Seeing the powerful attacks of the two opponents coming one after another, Su Qing felt bitter in her heart. Both the Skeleton Warrior and Yu Zhong are rare powerhouses among Xuanxian-level ghosts, and it is definitely not good to face the ghost army brought by the opponent. To deal with it, Su Qing persevered for several years, was repeatedly injured, and broke Yu Zhong several times. The methods of the skeleton warrior were all at the cost of damage to the brood. Up to now, it is difficult to sustain this level of attack up.

Seeing that the opponent's attack was getting closer and closer, Su Qing, who was weak, suddenly let go of everything. The last attack of the opponent's joint efforts was irresistible. Although the number of space-eating ghost ants at this time is still huge, compared to the heyday With a considerable distance, most of them have been blocked by Yu Zhong, the ghost army under the command of the skeleton warrior, and the small part around him has been unable to affect the fighting skills between the several Xuanxian-level ghosts.

It's just that even in the current situation, Su Qing still has no intention of giving up. Su Qing stared indifferently in front of her eyes. At this time, Su Qing's body had already drifted back into the main ant's nest, and with her palms slightly resting, Na'e Yan Jing turned into a black light ball between her palms, like a round The black sun rises, and there is a majestic aura emanating from the black sun. The black fire surges like a tide, collides with the green flame of the opponent, and barely resists the green flame's effort. Dozens of corpse blades have already broken open Fire came.

Su Qing sighed slightly, as if she could see herself and the main ant nest being cut to pieces under dozens of corpse knives. It's just that when dozens of corpse blades slashed towards him, the seemingly indestructible corpse blade suddenly froze in the void, an electric arc danced around its body, and the dozens of corpse blades suddenly wailed.

"Not good!" Yu Zhong and Skeleton Warlord were horrified at once. They knew with their toes that Luo Qian had already advanced to the next rank. strength.

The skeleton warrior and Yu Zhong who reacted immediately thought of fleeing. At this time, even though the two ghost armies already have a slight advantage as a whole, the advantage is actually relatively limited. If they rely on the ghost army under their command, they may be able to withstand one or two, and the sinister situation of facing a fairy-level ghost directly makes people feel horrible.

The two wanted to withdraw and retreat, but the space around them was like a muddy swamp.

"If you still want to leave now, let's all stay here." A cruel and violent voice sounded, Luo Qian's figure descended from the sky, surrounded by Yu Zhong, and the ghosts at the center of the skeleton general were all included by his cave-level ghost domain, Luo Qian, who had just advanced to the rank, was filled with unprecedented anger at this time, and he hadn't seen Su Qing suffer such a serious trauma for many years.

If he was one step late, once Yu Zhong and Skeleton Warlord implemented this attack, I am afraid that Su Qing would also disappear from this world. At that time, Luo Qian didn't know what the meaning of his own promotion would be. Fortunately, when the final blow came, he blocked it for Su Qing.

Luo Qian let out a long breath of relief, and Su Qing also felt relieved. Luo Qian's burly figure stood in front of him, and naturally blocked the ups and downs in front of him.

"Ex, senior, spare our life! As long as senior can spare our life, no matter what senior tells us to do from now on, we will definitely be able to do it." Yu Zhong begged for mercy with a look of panic on his face, and he found that even the way to escape was cut off. No matter how fast he was, it was impossible for him to be faster than the fairy-level ghost in front of him. At this time, we can only hope that Luo Qian can let them go if they still have some use value.

"If you didn't hurt Junior Sister Su so badly, it's not that I can't tolerate you. It's too late to say anything now. Die." Luo Qian shook his head, stretched out his hand a little, and two thunder pillars fell, letting Yu Zhong, the skeleton fight How to resist the two will not be able to delay the downward trend of Lei Zhu.

The last two Xuanxian-level ghosts screamed continuously in the rising thunder column, and disappeared without a trace. The hostile ghost army, which had the upper hand, was suddenly in a state of confusion. Without a unified command, their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The suppressed ant colony counterattacked and set off a bloodier killing.

Luo Qian easily killed some corpse storks, ghost crows, and a large group of skeletons. After losing their leader, these ghost armies began to retreat in groups, and suffered heavy casualties under the pursuit of the space-eating ghost ants. When Luo Qian went to see Su Qing's situation again, Su Qing was completely hidden in the main ant's nest at this time. It's just that the main ant nest has shrunk to less than half of its original size compared to its heyday. There was no breath of Su Qing inside, and Luo Qian looked worried. Although he had already cultivated to such a level, there was no effective way to deal with Su Qing's current state.

Even if the external threat is resolved, Luo Qian is still looking solemn at this time, and his eyes are sternly examining the surroundings. After defeating the opponent, besides continuing to chase the enemy ghost army and dividing part, the space-eating ghost ants have already There is a large number of ghost ants approaching the main ant nest with malicious intentions. In addition, a relatively weak group of ghost ants began to intercept and spread around the main ant nest, obviously wanting to protect the current Su Qing.

Luo Qian's heart broke out. Although Yu Zhong and the skeleton warrior died, and the hostile ghost army was completely defeated, for Su Qing, the real test had just begun. The enemy within is often more formidable than the enemy without.

Previously, in order to block the enemy, Su Qing sacrificed the auxiliary ant nest, and even the main ant nest suffered considerable damage. There is nothing under the threat. Now that the crisis is over, internal conflicts will naturally erupt. In contrast, the number of ant colonies responsible for intercepting at this time was nearly one-third less. If Luo Qian, a fairy-level ghost, was not sitting in command, most of the treacherous ghost ant colonies would have rushed up to kill them at this time. In addition to Su Qing's previous actions that hurt the ant nest, Su Qing was seriously injured and dying at this time, which is the best time to seize the throne and become the new ant queen.

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