Become a Fairy

4159--Andrew Cloud Shadow Soul, Weixiong Army

In the Jiyun Continent, there are wandering clouds and mists everywhere. You can't see the emptiness of the sky and the solidity of the earth, but you can see endless clouds, where the immortals are thick and it is difficult for monsters to enter. The indifferent place wanders like fog.

In the four places where the clouds and mist roam, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, all kinds of rare monsters and birds, and fierce monsters shuttle among them.

In the depths of the Extreme Cloud Continent, from time to time, there will be vortices formed by various clouds and mists. Some vortexes will collapse over time, while others will always exist, leading directly to the endless abyss. And these abysses are the so-called Extreme Cloud Demon Caves!

There was a sound of war drums, and a large group of monster soldiers came out of the clouds and mist in a giant dragon boat. These giant bear warships are surrounded by nine dragon heads, and a dragon flag is waving in the wind on the giant boat.

Dozens of huge boats are guarding the flagship in the middle. In the middle of the flagship, a huge golden flower is on the way. A man with a slightly handsome face in black Chinese clothes is hugging two gorgeous and scantily clad women on the left and right. A row of waitresses behind.

"Yaozun, 50,000 miles further ahead is Yunsha Island. A group of cloud-patterned centipedes settled here decades ago after killing a small tribe under Yaozun's command. The envoys sent by Yaozun have been captured by Yunsha According to reports from the spies, the other party has already built a demon city on Yunsha Island and set up formations." A monkey monster with cloud pupils next to him bowed his hands to the demon master Jiyun with a very respectful and authentic attitude.

"Trash, this deity has only been in seclusion for decades, and such a big change has occurred. If this deity has been in seclusion for a longer period of time, will someone else kill even the Jiyun demon cave?" Jiyun Yao Zun snorted coldly.

"Yaozun, this old slave is incompetent. This old slave has no right to mobilize too many demon troops. The number of demon troops is small, and the conquest of Yunsha Island has been defeated again and again. There are already two small tribes that have seen Yaozun lose again and again. The wooing on the island has already come into effect. The old slave can only seek stability for the time being, to stabilize the overall situation, and make a decision after the Yaozun exits the customs." The cloud-eyed monkey demon saw the cold eyes of the Jiyun Yaozun, and jumped to the ground in fright Prostrate on the ground to plead guilty.

"Forget it, during this period of time you have no credit but also hard work. Let's talk about it after cleaning up Yunsha Island first."

Jiyun Yaozun waved his hand, signaling the Yuntong Monkey Monster to back down, and at the same time, his eyes drifted towards the direction of Yunsha Island. Ever since he swallowed another projected avatar projected into the demon world, the hateful deity has realized this and has not Projection, the biggest factor that restricts his strength improvement at present is that his soul is bound to a certain extent, and the growth is extremely slow. After all, it is projected from the real body to the demon world, and it is not obtained by his own cultivation. Even if the strength of the Xuanxian level is already considered Quite tyrannical, but it is extremely difficult to advance to the strength of the Celestial Immortal.

If the deity projects one or two avatars into the demon world, the problem can be solved fundamentally, but this kind of thing can only be thought about now.

After so many years of cultivation, Jiyun Yaozun, that is, Lu Xiaotian, the demonized projection avatar, has also improved in strength, but the shackles he faces to break through to the strength of the Celestial Immortal are much more difficult than other monsters.

Of course, Jiyun Yaozun knew that Lu Xiaotian would not easily project him again, so he didn't pin his hopes on such an extremely unlikely matter. Over the years that Jiyun Yaozun has been in seclusion, Yunsha Island has been occupied by the cloud pattern centipede, and he has defeated his demon army several times in a row, which has shaken the army's morale. The army's collection has gathered enough cloud shadow soul crystals and many other treasures of heaven and earth, and cultivated seven cloud shadow souls in his body. After combining these seven cloud shadow souls into one, he can basically To make up for the flaws in the primordial spirit, and let him break through to the level of immortality, there is no longer such a big barrier as before. Even if it is still difficult, the hope will be greater after all.

If the situation didn't allow it, Jiyun Yaozun would not want to conflict with other forces at this juncture. It would be enough for An An to completely refine the soul of Qidao Yunying, but in this demon world where the strong are respected, the enemy has already When they hit the door and people's hearts are fluctuating, if Jiyun Yaozun can't show something, he will be regarded as weak by other monster clans, and even the original subordinates of Jiyun Yaozun will feel that his control is not enough. The centipede was driven away from the demon cave here, and how much effort it would take to rebuild such a force later. Perhaps under the pursuit of the cloud-patterned centipede, it might be difficult to find a resting place in a short time.

So this volt must be fought, Jiyun Yaozun is no better than Lu Xiaotian himself, there is a green fruit enchantment in his body that can accumulate resources. He needs a lot of preparation if he wants to hit the strength of the Celestial Immortal, especially if he has certain flaws. Establishing a faction is a relatively extremely efficient choice.

However, if Jiyun Yaozun is not forced by the situation this time, he does not intend to take action himself. This is quite unfavorable for him to refine the soul of the seven cloud shadows. After these years of training, the demon army is still well-trained, although it cannot be compared with those large tribes in the demon world.

After all, Jiyun Yaozun is somewhat different from other ordinary monsters who have cultivated to the Profound Immortal Realm. Because of Lu Xiaotian's relationship with him, his vision and knowledge are not at the same level as other Xuanxian-level monsters. , and this is where his advantage lies.

A large army rushed to Yunsha Island, surrounded by clouds and evil spirits. The Yunsha stone marrow is produced here, which will help Jiyun Yaozun refine the soul of Yunying, otherwise it would not have been the case before. here. I just didn't expect a cloud-patterned centipede tribe to appear out of nowhere.

"Yaozun, according to reports from the spies in front, the cloud-patterned centipede has spread its stronghold to the Hubanjian area!" The cloud-eyed stone monkey received sound transmission symbols one after another, and kept reporting the latest situation to Jiyun Yaozun.

"How's the situation of the Tiger Banjian enemy?" Jiyun Yaozun asked.

"There are not many enemies, only nearly a thousand." Yuntong Yaohou said.

"Let the boat move forward, I will also look at the methods of the cloud-patterned centipede demon army, and mobilize the extremely armored guards to attack." Jiyun Yaozun said.

The cloud pupil monster monkey understood and immediately began to convey instructions.

A blue and white triangular flag was sacrificed on the boat of Ji Yun Yaozun. On the pennant was a light blue monster with spikes all over its body and a shape similar to a bear. The helmets worn by these bear-shaped monsters were very unique. On the side, there is a long spike on the top of the head in the shape of a triangle, and there are circles of blue and black chains wrapped around each body. One end of the chain is a huge jab hammer, and the whole chain is covered with blue clouds.

This tribe is the Weixiong Army under the command of Jiyun Yaozun, and it is a team that is very good at attacking fortifications. Jiyun Yaozun's subordinates have already suffered losses one after another in the opponent's hands, and they must show a certain momentum in the first battle.

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