Become a Fairy

Chapter 4139 return to the South China Sea

Lu Xiaotian drove for half a year from the previous canyon to the outside of the Blue Lotus Immortal Realm, which is an upper-class fairy realm in Jiuyang City, with outstanding people. The strength is quite strong. It is said that there are more than a hundred heavenly-level powerhouses in the Blue Lotus Immortal Domain, and the mixed domain blue lotus flourishes. The reason why they chose to cross the border here was mainly because they could reach the Tiansang Wilderness by crossing the Blood Sand River.

As Lu Xiaotian rushed all the way to the South China Sea, he naturally needed to consider the escape route once Honghao Tianting found his whereabouts. Compared with Tiansang Wilderness, it is obviously a good refuge.

And the Blood Sand River is also an extremely dangerous place. Those who enter the Xuanxian Realm will be in danger of their lives at any time, and it is not suitable for the actions of a large number of fairy troops. One or two Golden Immortals threatened to be even bigger.

Lu Xiaotian also didn't expect to meet Mo Yuyan on the way out of Honghao Heavenly Court. At this time, Lu Xiaotian had no intention of meeting Mo Yuyan. Directly passing by this area, at this time Honghao Tianting, especially Tianxing Palace, was dispatching troops to deal with the disaster brought by Luoyang Prison, and did not notice that Lu Xiaotian had come out of Luoyang Prison. After all, the passage from Luoyang Prison to the outside world is not completely fixed, and it is impossible for Honghao Heavenly Court to fortify everywhere. And it is obviously even more difficult to guard against a strong man of Lu Xiaotian's level.

Without chasing soldiers, Lu Xiaotian's journey to leave Hongting Heavenly Court was relatively calm.

And on the way to leave Honghao Heavenly Court, Lu Xiaotian also heard some situations in Luoyang Prison. In addition to all the losses in the Maha Jingling Brahma formation, the more than 200,000 immortal troops left outside the formation were directly cut off by the army of demons several times larger.

Although Jiurenshan personally led the immortal army to the rescue and successfully evacuated nearly 100,000 Xinggong immortal army, the immortal army of Jiuyang City also suffered tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. It was a heavy loss in this battle. Counting the deaths and injuries of Lu Xiaotian before he escaped into Luoyang Prison in the big formation, the number of immortal troops directly and indirectly caused by Lu Xiaotian's death has exceeded 400,000!

During the retreat of the fairy army all the way, the monsters in Luomian Prison tasted enough sweetness and chased them all the way. It turned out that several key points that the fairy army of Jiuyang City defended by virtue of danger were obtained from the magic source cave and the guide. The army of demons in the coffin broke through one after another.

The army of demons in Luoyang Prison has pushed the battle line outside the prison, and Jiuyang City has ushered in unprecedented turmoil.

But all of this is destined to have nothing to do with Lu Xiaotian. There will be hundreds of thousands of casualties in Jiuyang City every day, or even more, which is also the trouble of Honghao Heavenly Court. However, it may not be so easy for Lu Xiaotian to travel so leisurely.

Even so, Lu Xiaotian was extremely careful all the way here, he would rather take more detours, and try to avoid contact with or meet with some people from Honghao Tianting.

A few years later, under a certain deep sea in the South China Sea, on a coral reef, schools of colorful fish frolicked and frolicked. An eighteen-foot-sized tiger-spotted demon shark came swaying its head and tail. Behind the tiger-spotted demon shark, a group of demon shark. Surround this piece of coral reef that covers hundreds of miles. Immediately, a group of tiger demon sharks opened a path, and a sea monkey demon with a monkey head and a fish body was escorted up by the tiger demon sharks. Its blue-brown body is tightly tied with a black rope. From time to time, shadows flicker on the black rope, as if they are biting the body of the sea monkey monster. trembling.

"This anti-blood whip is so powerful that you must have tried it. If you want to avoid the pain of flesh and blood, you should hand over the dragon baby vermilion blood fruit earlier. Don't think that I don't know that your Taoist companion has fled here , even if you don't cooperate, our search inch by inch will find out your Taoist partner sooner or later!" The leader of the tiger-spotted demon shark snorted coldly.

"I, even if I die, I won't reveal a single word. Don't bother thinking about it." The restrained sea monkey demon sneered, then screamed again, and his whole body twitched in pain.

"Leave him alive. After finding another sea monkey monster, I will kill his Taoist companion in front of this guy. I want to see if this guy will continue to be stubborn." The leader of the tiger demon shark sneered With a sound, his figure suddenly manifested into a human form, and when he stretched out his hand, groups of monster sharks rushed into this area.

Before these monster sharks searched around, a huge dragon aura vibrated out in all directions. The low-level demon sharks that rushed to the coral reef area froze immediately, their eyes full of fear.

"Which fellow daoist is here, please come forward and meet me." The leader of the tiger-spotted demon shark also had a heartbeat at this time, and cupped his hands in the distance, thinking that there are tens of thousands of people behind him, and he will not be overwhelmed by the breath in front of him. startled.

"What's the crime for disturbing this king's meditation here?" A cold low voice sounded, and Lu Xiaotian, who had turned into Ying Feng, stepped out from an inconspicuous corner of the coral reef, and glanced at the many demon sharks present. Rushing all the way to the South China Sea, he found an earth-type fairy crystal vein here. Lu Xiaotian stopped here and rushed all the way from Honghao Tianting to the South China Sea. Lu Xiaotian was going to rest for a while. After learning about the situation in the South China Sea Dragon Palace , and then decide whether to go directly to the South China Sea Dragon Palace or continue wandering in the South China Sea area. It's just that he didn't rest for a long time, and these tiger-spotted monster sharks surrounded him from all directions.

Although there are tens of thousands of tiger-spotted demon sharks in front of him, Lu Xiaotian doesn't care too much about it. After all, it is already the sea area directly under the jurisdiction of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and these tiger-spotted demon sharks are still in battle. It will not be too easy to stop him .

"I don't know which prince in the Dragon Palace your lord is?" Although the leader of the tiger-spotted demon shark was afraid of the aura that appeared on Lu Xiaotian's body at this time, he didn't look too scared.

"Ying Feng!"

"What?" As Lu Xiaotian came out, the group of tiger-spotted demon sharks surged in front of him, and there were voices of discussion everywhere.

At that time, Lu Xiaotian disappeared in the swarm of bloodline monsters, and then the battle between the South China Sea Dragon Palace and the East China Sea Dragon Palace began, and it has not ended until now. Ke Yingfeng hunted down a large number of fairy-level monsters, and also broke through in the South China Sea Dragon Palace. Great reputation. In the entire Dragon Palace sea area, apart from the Dragon King of the South China Sea, the most admired by all the sea monsters is Ying Feng, who is second only to the Dragon King in strength.

"You are King Feng? Didn't you fall into the swarm of bloodline monsters a long time ago?" The leader of the tiger-spotted demon shark looked at Lu Xiaotian repeatedly.

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