Become a Fairy

Chapter 413: Refining the Lone Star Stone, Building Eight Layers of Foundation

The mana in his body has been running for a few weeks, Lu Xiaotian adjusted his mentality to be calm enough to reach the point where there is no wave in the ancient well, and tested the ice-blue flames on his legs with mana, it was still as before, motionless, even the Jindan cultivator could not move. It is a strange thing not to know the source of this spiritual fire.

Since even Jindan cultivator didn't know, Lu Xiaotian didn't continue to waste his energy on unnecessary guesses. He spread his left hand, and a bead the size of a sea bowl appeared in the palm of his hand. Since he had been away from the body of the star-eyed stone fish for too long, it had already appeared on the surface. After a certain amount of petrification, it really looks like a large stone, but between the cracks of the stone, there is a soft starlight flickering faintly.

Lu Xiaotian's mana moved slightly, and the stones on the surface of the Silent Star Stone fell off one after another, revealing an extremely smooth and huge bead inside. The fish eye inside would blink occasionally, and the deep pupils seemed to have an inexplicable devouring power generally. When he stared at the Silent Star Stone, he suddenly felt that the ice-blue flame in his body, which would not move no matter how oppressed by mana, seemed to be beating slightly.

Lu Xiaotian was not surprised but delighted, although the beating was almost imperceptible, but he knew it was not his illusion, and soon, the ice blue flame moved slightly again.

Lu Xiaotian suppressed the surprise in his heart, and with a little movement of the mana in his palm, the Lonely Star Stone floated up from his palm, and slowly walked to a place a few feet away from Lu Xiaotian's eyes. Lu Xiaotian flicked his fingers repeatedly, and wisps of mana burst out from his fingertips, surrounding the Lonely Star Stone. As more and more mana popped out, the dense mana breath wrapped the Lonely Star Stone in groups.

Several hours later, Lu Xiaotian raised his brows slightly, it seemed that it was not easy to refine the Lonely Star Stone. There was no movement for several hours, but a lot of mana was swallowed by the Silent Star Stone.

Lu Xiaotian took a breath, and continued to maintain the output of mana. His legs have been disabled for several years and he can't move, which makes him feel extremely inconvenient, especially when fighting with many people, he is quite restricted. But since I have already waited for several years, I don't care about more time.

"Crack!" This lasted for more than ten days. With Lu Xiaotian's repeated sacrifices every day, a layer of cracks appeared on the surface of the Lonely Star Stone again. There are layers of shells that have lost their color, and when they fall to the ground, the shells become like ordinary stones. The volume of the Silent Star Stone suspended in front of his eyes became smaller again. However, the light of the Lonely Star Stone became brighter and brighter.

Such repetitions lasted for more than half a year, and Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being a little speechless. This process is more difficult than offering sacrifices to alchemy. After more than half a year, the Lonely Star Stone in front of him has shrunk to the size of a pigeon egg. No matter how Lu Xiaotian input mana, the Lonely Star Stone never shrunk.

I am afraid that if I shrink again, I will shrink. Lu Xiaotian withdrew his mana, and felt that the Silent Star Stone, which had nothing to do with him, now had a mysterious connection. Even if the mana was withdrawn, the refined Silent Star Stone was still suspended in the air, exuding bursts of aura.

Lu Xiaotian opened his mouth, and the brilliance and introverted Lone Star Stone fell into his mouth,

Sliding all the way to the dantian, Lu Xiaotian sank a ray of consciousness into the Silent Star Stone, and felt that the Silent Star Stone itself contained an inexplicable attraction. Guide the lonely star stone out of the dantian and into the meridians of the legs.

The Lonely Star Stone stagnated until it entered the zone that oppressed the ice-blue flame. It's useless no matter how Lu Xiaotian uses his spiritual consciousness to motivate him.

All of a sudden, Lu Xiaotian felt that the ice-blue flame on his leg, which was originally unmoved, seemed to be inexplicably drawn, spreading towards the Lonely Star Stone. It even broke through the original blockade. Lu Xiaotian was taken aback immediately, obviously he didn't expect this to happen. I tried to use mana to forcefully suppress it, but I couldn't suppress it at all.

A thin layer of cold sweat broke out on Lu Xiaotian's originally calm face at this time. If the Silent Star Stone can't play the role he imagined, I'm afraid he won't be able to recover. He has already experienced the power of the ice-blue flame. Once it spreads in the body, even the primordial spirit will be frozen.

Lu Xiaotian's eye almost reached his throat, the icy blue flame gushing out like a tide enveloped the Lonely Star Stone, and there was no sign of further spread. Seeing this, Lu Xiaotian was slightly relieved.

Not long after, Lu Xiaotian snorted again, and found that the ice-blue flame that wrapped the Lonely Star Stone seemed to be missing a small strand. It turned out to be really done! Lu Xiaotian was filled with joy, the icy blue flame that he had been helpless for several years was actually sucked in by the Silent Star Stone. Even though it was only a small wisp, it gave him hope. The wooden saw rope is broken, and the water drips through the stone. A small strand at a time, day and night, and one day, the ice-blue flames on the legs will be absorbed by the Lonely Star Stone.

The Silent Star Stone sank all the way into his left leg. However, the ice-blue flame on the right leg has not landed yet. Lu Xiaotian thought for a while, then took out another Silent Star Stone, and repeated what he had done before. People who cultivate immortals, although the years are much longer than ordinary people, they actually do similar things, day after day, even more boring, just like Lu Xiaotian refining the Jixing Stone in front of him. There are no tricks and no shortcuts. However, while refining the Silent Star Stone, Lu Xiaotian's other two primordial spirits were also deducing the formation, and their usual practice has not fallen behind.

Repeatedly, it was another half a year.

In fact, the time to leave Fangyin was a few days later than originally expected, because after refining the second Silent Star Stone, Lu Xiaotian found that he had reached the threshold of breakthrough again, so he stayed for a few more days and came back from the When he came out of the door, Lu Xiaotian was already a monk on the eighth floor of the foundation. Among all the foundation-building monks, there are not many who can cultivate higher than him. The ice-blue flames on the legs were suppressed by two Silent Star Stones, Lu Xiaotian was temporarily relieved, Yufengshu carried the wheelchair and Lu Xiaotian out of the room.

After Mrs. Muchai came back, Lu Xiaotian gave her several kinds of spiritual objects for body refining, which were all prepared by Lu Xiaotian when he was practicing "Horizontal Alchemy of the Golden Body". I gave the Muchai woman part of the practice of horizontally refining the golden body, and the Muchai woman has been retreating all the time. Retreating for a year is a common thing for most foundation-building monks, and it is not uncommon for some to retreat for several years at a time.

Lu Xiaotian saw that Mrs. Muchai hadn't finished her retreat, so she went directly to the Moon Mountain Range. Taking advantage of some time, hunt a few monsters and collect some monster spirits.

At this time, the other five foundation cultivators in Maple Leaf Valley saw the silver-haired young man leaving through the air, and they couldn't help pointing. They were a little unclear why the Patriarch directly gave them a strict order not to set foot in the backyard after returning. , If there are any good things in the clan, they will try their best to send them to the backyard. Although it is difficult to object due to the majesty of the Patriarch, the five Foundation Establishment monks are somewhat dissatisfied with this silver-haired young man.

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