Become a Fairy

Chapter 4123 Wuxian Mountain

Wuxian Mountain, like a pillar of the sky, connects Qingming on the top and reaches Jiuyou on the bottom. It is one of the three immortal mountains of Tianxing Palace in the eyes of the outside world. It is said that here is the place where Wu Xianjie, the master of the Tianxing Palace, lived for a thousand robberies. Thousand Tribulation Xingjun has three major tribulation bodies, which are divided into the key points of the Tian Xing Palace, enjoying the power of the Tian Xing Palace to punish the world, and casting his immortal body.

Even Jin Shique, the master of the Jinhong Palace, can hardly see the true face of the Thousand Tribulation Xingjun at ordinary times. Only when necessary, can he meet a body of the Thousand Tribulation Xingjun.

In the eyes of ordinary immortals, even when they are close, it is difficult to see the true face of the Wuxian Tribulation Palace, or it cannot be seen with the naked eye, nor can it be perceived by the spiritual sense. Wuxian Tribulation Palace is also an extremely mysterious existence for the vast majority of immortals in the heavenly court, and it is difficult to see it if there is no chance.

Even the people of Tianxing Palace, if they were not allowed or summoned, they would not be able to witness Wuxian's robbery.

There are five robbery prisons near Wuxian Jiegong, each of which leads directly to Wuxian Mountain and connects with Wujie Immortal Palace. Like a passage, five different forces are intertwined to isolate this space. Under the enshrined offerings, it has become more majestic, ethereal and unpredictable.

At this time, a golden chariot came galloping through the clouds. Directly approach Wuxian Mountain.

"Bold, who dares to trespass on Wuxian Mountain!" A majestic voice sounded in the clouds and mist, and I saw two huge halberd-wielding cloud armor immortals straight into the clouds, and the two halberds directly blocked the golden dragon. In front of the chariot.

At this time, above the golden chariot were Lue and a young woman with a sad complexion.

"Jin Wuyan, the daughter of the master of the Jinhong Palace, please see the Xingjun!" Lue flew down from the chariot, and bowed her hands to the two cloud-armored generals holding halberds.

"I want to see Xingjun directly enter Wuxian Mountain from Wujie Prison with the Five Prison Order. Anyone who trespasses here will be punished by Xingjie!"

"The order of the five prisons is not to be given lightly by the envoys of the five prisons. The battle in Luoyang Prison is extremely urgent, hundreds of thousands of immortal troops have perished, and the stele of the soul of the master of the Jinhong Palace has been cracked. I hope that the Xingjun will show mercy and see if there is any room for redemption! "

Lue was anxious and panicked, and she also got down from the golden chariot and bowed down to the general direction of Wuxian Mountain. Leaving aside the immortal army over Jiuyang City, the elite headquarters sent by Tianxing Palace, as well as the accumulated army of immortals mobilized from other immortal domains successively It's nearly half a million, and dozens of rock giants, dragon and tiger boundary symbols, demon guide coffins, demon gathering officials and other ominous creatures have been dispatched.

The Golden Immortals and formations at Tianxing Palace have been deduced before, and it is no problem for this lineup to crack the Buddhist formation, but no one expected that the Tianxing Palace's immortal army was almost destroyed in Luoyang Prison hit.

The master of the Jinhong Palace fell into it, and the master of the Hanchi Palace who did not belong to the Tianxing Palace escaped, but the other party retreated directly after returning, and did not see anyone from the Tianxing Palace. It is not completely clear until now, except for those who have been directly lost in the formation, there are still a large number of immortal troops sent by Tianxing Palace who have been cut off by the army of demons, and Jiuren Mountain in Jiuyang City is also a trick , although he led an immortal army from Jiuyang City to respond in person, but Jiurenshan is also very aware of the harsh situation that Jiuyang City is facing later. Tianxing Palace can retreat if it loses in Luoyang Prison, although this time it really endured If there is a heavy loss, the reputation of Tianxing Palace will inevitably be greatly damaged, and it will become a joke for others.

But the defeat in Luoyang Prison can be said to be labor pains for Tianxing Palace, but it is far from shaking its foundation. But it is different for Jiuyang City. Tianxing Palace has limited influence in Jiuyang City, but Jiuyang City is directly facing the threat of Luoyang Prison.

At this time, although Jiuxianshan personally led an army of immortals to rescue the more than 200,000 immortal troops cut off from Tianxing Palace, it was a drop in the bucket for the situation in Luoyang Prison. For the sake of its own immortal army and the safety of Jiuyang City, it is naturally impossible for Jiurenshan to work hard for Tianxing Palace. Jiurenshan personally led the immortal army to the rescue, and fought several battles with the allied forces of ghosts and demons, causing losses to each other. At least the Celestial Army of the Heavenly Punishment Palace was gone, and the responsibility could not be completely shifted to Jiurenshan later.

At this time, even if Tian Xing Palace dispatched troops, it would be too much to quench their thirst. Even if the heart demon of killing and slaughtering, Ba Wuya and the others have been attracted by the fluctuating breath in the Buddhist formation and have not thrown themselves into the melee.

However, the Lord of the Hanchi Palace left, Jiurenshan preserved its strength, and there was only one Golden Immortal-level powerhouse remaining in charge, and it was impossible to shake the direction of the entire battlefield. Anyone could see that the Tianxing Palace's immortal army was wiped out in Luoyang Prison It's just a matter of time.

Lu'e's voice fell slightly, and suddenly there was a gust of wind and clouds between the sky and the earth, and the surging clouds condensed a giant human face, which seemed to be full of supreme majesty, making Lu'e almost dare not look directly at it.

"The monsters in Luoyang Prison are already so rampant!" There was a hint of anger in the indifferent eyes of the giant human face.

"Indeed, Tian Xinggong's heavy loss in Luo Yang Prison this time is unprecedented in tens of thousands of years." Lu E sighed, before intercepting Lu Xiaotian's advance outside Luo Yang Prison, Lu E still thought that Lu Xiao Tian was just a newly promoted Celestial Immortal. She is sitting in the favorable location of Cong Yuelin, surrounded by several immortal armies, Lu Xiaotian will never be able to escape from her nose no matter what.

But in fact, Lu Xiaotian not only escaped smoothly, but also got out of control when he entered Luoyang Prison. With such a big battle in Tianxing Palace, he thought that he had paid enough attention to Lu Xiaotian, but he did not expect to encounter an unprecedented fiasco.

At this time, several hall masters of Tianxing Palace already regretted that they had chosen Lu Xiaotian to suppress the momentum of Tiandan Palace. Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice. Although Lu Xiaotian can no longer return to Tiandan Palace, the loss of Tianxing Palace far exceeds that of the other party.

At this time, Lue recounted the general situation in Luoyang Prison, and suddenly the clouds in the sky drooped angrily, and the surrounding airspace seemed to enter a state of terrifying congealment, the solemn atmosphere almost suppressed the entire airspace shattered.

Feeling this terrifying atmosphere, Lue, the celestial powerhouse, did not dare to take a breath, and even under this terrifying momentum, he couldn't help his body trembling a little. This is the supreme power of Wuxian's robbery. ? How terrifying has the cultivation of the Thousand Tribulation Xingjun of Tianxing Palace reached? This kind of boundless power of will can be suppressed to such an extent that she, a fairy, can hardly bear the thought of resistance.

"During the years I've been ignoring common affairs, have several hall masters managed the situation to such an embarrassing level?" the giant human-faced urn asked.

Lue and Jin Wuyan did not dare to make a sound at this time, the pressure from the other side was too terrifying. Under this almost frozen atmosphere, the other party has been roughly informed of the whole story, and the specific decision depends on Wuxian Jieshen's decision.

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