Become a Fairy

Chapter 4113 process

Hundreds of thousands of immortal troops were locked in the Buddhist formation and were either killed or injured? Even Jin Shique and Palace Master Hanchi couldn't beat the deity? The lotus avatar looked at Shao Qian in front of him, although no one knew the deity better than him, but after hearing the news, the lotus avatar couldn't hide his surprise. Although he felt that the deity had the possibility of escape, after all, the deity didn't know how many times he was in danger The bad luck turned into good luck, but I didn't expect it to be in this way.

"If today's Xinggong army is defeated and suffered heavy losses, please let the Lord ignore the past and continue to sit behind Jiuyang City. Otherwise, demons will ravage Jiuyang City, and it will be too late for everything." Shao Qian asked Lianhua's clone again. Arched.

"The Celestial Army of Tianxing Palace was defeated, and it was difficult for the immortal army of Jiuyang City to retreat completely. These are the second. This time, the Guidance Coffin and the Gathering Demon Source Cave fell into the hands of demons. There will be endless troubles. I am afraid that Jiuyang City is already in danger." Peaceful day." The lotus clone sighed.

"Currently, the situation in Jiuyang City is in dire straits, and it is already difficult to deal with it by the city lord alone. In this case, it is even more necessary to let the lord sit in charge, and the overall situation must not be ruined by a moment of anger."

"I'm not so confused. Luoyang Prison is not that strong. You go back. With me, I will protect the rear of Jiuyang City." Lianhua clone shook his head.

"Thank you Lingzhu!" Shao Qian was overjoyed when he heard the words. In such a critical situation, it would make a big difference whether there is Jiuyang Lingzhu. The cooperation between Jiurenshan and Tianxing Palace has already been criticized by people. Shao Qian naturally didn't know that there was a lotus avatar behind it, and the lotus avatar was forced to resign as the commander of Jiuyang, which made the critical situation even worse. Jiuyang City fell into a situation that was about to split.

Jiuren Mountain has made a big mistake, and its prestige will inevitably be damaged. Whether it is the immortal army or the immortals under its jurisdiction, they will no longer believe in Jiuren Mountain as before. In Shao Qing's eyes, it is considered fair for the Lotus clone to act in the interests of Jiuyang City. At this time, besides Jiuren Mountain in Jiuyang City, only the lotus avatar can reach the strength of Jinxian in Jiuyang City. The influence of super strong men on direct warfare is no longer obvious, but whether there are such strong men sitting in command has a very obvious effect on boosting morale.

When the lotus avatar sits in the rear, not only is the rear orderly and orderly, but the probability of the lotus avatar taking action is also extremely high, which makes Jiuyang City suffer a lot of losses.

Therefore, Shao Qian and other immortal generals who were not very close to the lotus clone were quite convinced of the lotus clone. Although it is not yet against Jiurenshan, but there is a hidden dissatisfaction in Jiurenshan's heart when he secretly dealt with the lotus avatar when the strength of Jiuyang City was damaged.

On this point, even the city lord of Jiuren Mountain cannot influence other people's thoughts. Those who can cultivate to this level must have the Tao in their hearts, and they are not so easy to be influenced by others.

"You go back." Bianhua's avatar nodded, originally Jiurenshan took away a lot of authority as the city lord, but this time the lotus avatar must have more authority than before.

Perhaps in the eyes of Shao Qian and other immortal generals, as long as he can ignore the previous suspicions, Jiuyang City will have great hope, but they don't know that after the lotus avatar refused Jiurenshan's request, the rift between the two sides has become wider and wider, and it is impossible to do so now. bridged.

The conflict between the lotus avatar and Jiurenshan is not a question of how much benefit Jiurenshan gives, but the key lies in the deity. Jiurenshan helps Tianxing Palace to deal with Lu Xiaotian, and the two parties are completely hostile, but the mystery is not known to outsiders That's all.

Tian Xing Gong's immortal army was defeated in Luoyang Prison, and the news of the heavy loss could not be concealed. After all, the emergency mobilization of a large number of immortal troops in Jiuyang City could not be hidden from anyone. When Ren Shan led a large number of immortal troops to rescue the immortal army of Tian Xing Palace, Lu Xiaotian sat pale and crossed on an inconspicuous pumice stone in the Buddhist formation.

Even though Lu Xiaotian has experienced countless ups and downs, he still has lingering fears when he thinks of the previous battle with the immortal army.

On that day, there was a shortage of gold and stones, and the two masters of Hanchi Palace commanded nearly 170,000 immortal troops and Lu Xiaotian dealt with each other, intending to withdraw from the Buddhist formation and regroup. Lu Xiaotian naturally wouldn't give the other party this chance. With the lack of gold and stone, the lord of the Hanchi palace dealt with each other, and at the same time constantly used the blood of the real dragon to lure the evil dragon silkworm to attack the weak points of the immortal army's battle formation.

And the fairy army battle formation was undoubtedly extremely powerful at the beginning. After the evil dragon silkworm broke through one corner of the defense of the big formation one after another, the tear of the fairy army battle formation became wider and wider. But at the beginning, not many people really died under the minions of the evil dragon silkworm. The sum of the front and back is less than 30,000, and the evil dragon silkworm itself has been injured one after another. If it weren't for its amazing defense and recovery ability, coupled with the magical effect of the real dragon's blood, it would have been difficult to sustain.

The evil dragon silkworm is the direct cause of the collapse of the fairy army's battle formation, but it is not the decisive factor. The key is to break through one corner of the fairy army battle formation one after another, causing casualties to the fairy army. This is the root cause of the massive casualties of the Immortal Army.

If it weren't for the effects of the Gathering Demon Origin Cave and the Guiding Demon Coffin, even if the Heavenly Evil Dragon Silkworm and Lu Xiaotian joined forces to attack the formation of the immortal army, they would never be able to break through its defenses. At this time, the immortal army is in a cocoon. But having said that, if it weren't for these two extremely vicious monsters, it wouldn't have eroded the Buddhist formation to such an extent.

It is also difficult for the immortal army to penetrate into the Buddhist formation. Even those silver-leaf photongs could not completely resist the attack of the devilish energy, and under the continuous attack and consumption of these fairy troops, the things originally used to resist the devilish energy were becoming less and less effective. In the impact after attack, not many people died directly from Mo Ye Corpse Shadow Worm at the beginning, but most of them were injured in varying degrees, making it more and more difficult for the immortal army battle formation to maintain its original integrity.

However, Lu Xiaotian is not completely without consumption, even with his real dragon body, he can't stand this kind of consumption when he is constantly releasing the blood of the real dragon. And that day, after the evil dragon silkworm couldn't get the blood of the real dragon, it turned its attention to Lu Xiaotian again.

Fortunately, with the continuous damage to the battle formation of the immortal army, Lu Xiaotian has been able to spare a certain amount of energy to mobilize more power of the Buddhist formation, and barely blocked the evil dragon silkworm, Jin Shique and Hanchi Palace with one enemy and three The main three join forces. But that day, the ferocity of the evil dragon and silkworm really exceeded Lu Xiaotian's expectations.

This guy is also quite cunning, he was a bit clumsy at first, but after getting close to a certain distance, the Evil Dragon Silkworm once again showed an attack similar to that of Ghost Mist Kun, and with one bite, it almost collapsed the space around Lu Xiaotian's body one slice.

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