Become a Fairy

Chapter 4002 six-eared stone monkey

Taijing Sea Urchin's face was serious, the other party was clearly in front of him just now, but he didn't know when Lu Xiaotian left.

"What a powerful senior celestial being." Thinking of the process of taking the initiative to attack just now, the Taijing sea urchin who had already recovered a life still couldn't help shrinking his neck, this head almost didn't belong to him.

The Taijing sea urchin who just picked up a life couldn't help but wonder who the heavenly immortal strongman just now was. As for letting yourself go.

Shaking his head, the Taijing sea urchin put these complicated thoughts behind him. The entire Honghao Heavenly Court is so big, and he is just a not-so-great sea urchin monster in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, so how could he know all the high-level people in the Heavenly Court.

"Time flies, and it's thousands of years in the blink of an eye!" Arriving in the Shijing Desert area again, Lu Xiaotian had a faint smile on his face when he saw the strange and familiar scene of the sand and dust in the desert condensing into a mirror. After advancing to the Profound Immortal Realm, Lu Xiaotian came here once. At this time, he came back to his old place. He has been in the Celestial Immortal Realm for a while, and the feeling is different.

From the East China Sea Dragon Palace all the way across thousands of mountains and rivers, passing through the Chaotic Starfield in the middle, the little fire crow and the little white dog had fun in the riotous starfield for a while, and at the same time, the little white dog used the sparks in the riotous starfield to sharpen his own spark meteorite, and his control The number of Xinghuo meteorites has reached thirty-six, showing the appearance of thirty-six Tiangang, and it seems that the Tiangang Xinghuo is about to be refined.

If Lu Xiaotian didn't want to cause trouble, he tried his best to avoid those Honghao Tianting's immortal officials all the way. With his current strength, it is not too difficult to do this, and he rushed to the Stone Mirror Desert relatively calmly. .

There is a dusty place in front of me, and stone mirrors are constantly condensed. It is not so easy for the strong in the real fairyland to get out of trouble when they enter this place. It is even common for them to be trapped in it for hundreds or thousands of years.

Lu Xiaotian stepped into it step by step, like walking on flat ground. In the yellow-brown dust, two faint voices came to the ears, one of which was like a gossamer, and it sounded like it might not be long.

The other one is like a baby waiting to be fed, anxious, dependent and helpless.

Wherever Lu Xiaotian walked, the dust dispersed automatically. At this time, the sand python, which was as thick as a bucket and full of violent aura, curled up, and what was strangled by its body was a six-eared stone monkey. Both sides are at the level of true immortals. Although the aura of the six-eared stone monkey is disordered, it should be stronger than that of the sand python. monkey.

At this time, the six-eared stone monkey had several wounds bitten by the sand python on its body, and when it was dying, it still supported the baby with one hand, and tried to push away the entanglement of the sand python with the other hand. It's just that when he is seriously injured, how can he still have the ability to do this.

The strangulation of the sand python is getting tighter and tighter, and the six-eared stone monkey has almost reached its limit, and the brilliance of the demon core in its body is weakened, and it seems that it will be extinguished at any time. The young stone monkey was held up by one hand and survived temporarily, but just like its mother, its eyes were full of despair.

The sand python smiled strangely, and was about to strangle the six-eared stone monkey, the transgressing monster here, but the sand dust, which was considered violent just now, was restrained by some kind of force, and its speed slowed down one after another.

In the end, the sand and dust completely fell into a still state, and the naked eye could clearly see the grains of sand and dust suspended in the surroundings. A silver-haired man in green clothes stepped out of it. The strange laughter of the sand python stopped abruptly like the dust. Violent eyes stared at Lu Xiaotian vigilantly. The python's head was raised high, as if it was ready to attack at any time.

"Let go of this pair of stone monkeys, and leave on your own." Lu Xiaotian said softly, all the way from the South China Sea Dragon Palace, Lu Xiaotian has seen many scenes of monsters being preyed, basically Lu Xiaotian didn't intervene. The operation of this world has its own rules. It is the law between heaven and earth that hunters prey on prey. Lu Xiaotian can't control everything, and he doesn't have such kindness.

Only occasionally, there will still be some situations that make Lu Xiaotian move his heart, such as the stone monkey in front of him who loves his mother and son deeply. Since he was passing by, it would be no harm to save the stone monkey mother and child.

"Impossible!" Sand Python growled, although he felt that the human man in front of him would not be easy to deal with, but he was used to domineering in this Stone Mirror Desert, and even the guardian immortals here did not dare to provoke him, so he came here suddenly It's not easy to let a human fairy let go of the six-eared stone monkey mother and child with just a word!

The sand python's tall python raised its head, its sharp fangs were exposed in its mouth, and it roared. He wanted to mobilize the dust around him, but the sand python was surprised to find that no matter how hard he tried, the dust around him remained motionless uncontrollably.

From the violent eyes of the sand python, Lu Xiaotian could see the endless killing intent that was born and cultivated in the other party. Even if such a monster gets into the green fruit barrier, it will be a trouble. Immediately, he flicked his finger, and a finger shadow directly sank into Sand Python's forehead.

Immediately, the body of the robust sand python collapsed and fell to the ground. It's just that in an instant, it completely lost its vitality. As for the six-eared rock monkey, even though it was dying, it still hugged the cub hard. His eyes cast a grateful and begging look on Lu Xiaotian faintly. The injuries on its body were too severe, and it was just holding on with one breath. Now that the big enemy is gone, the six-eared stone monkey let go of his breath. If he didn't die directly, it's just because he still misses the future of the little stone monkey.

At this time, the six-eared stone monkey undoubtedly wanted to entrust the cub to Lu Xiaotian, otherwise, with the cub's ability, it would not be able to survive in the Stone Mirror Desert even if it did not encounter other powerful monsters. Only Lu Xiaotian can take him out of here and give the cub a relatively bright future.

"Although your injuries are serious, there is nothing you can do. This sand python occupies one side for this giant monster, and has already stolen the luck of the world in this sandy area. With this luck in the sandy area, it can hang you Fate, as long as you don’t act too recklessly in the future and provoke people from the heavens, you can survive.” Lu Xiaotian glanced at the young stone monkey’s paws tightly grasping the six-eared stone monkey’s weak arm, and shook his head slightly. You can bring the young stone monkey into the green fruit enchantment, but just now I used my spiritual sense to inspect the six-eared stone monkey, and found that the six-eared stone monkey is very suitable for the atmosphere of this stone mirror desert, especially the demon in its body. Dan can almost directly blend into the Stone Mirror Desert.

The sand python who was killed by Lu Xiaotian's finger just now should have sensed this too. Even in the face of Lu Xiaotian's threat, knowing that Lu Xiaotian would be difficult to deal with, he would still take action, most likely he would not give up the demon pill in the six-eared stone monkey.

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