Become a Fairy

Chapter 400: Journey to Find Fish

"Heavy water appears, star rocks appear? Where did you hear about it?" the wooden hairpin woman frowned.

"The ancestors have studied this Silent Star Stone for several generations, so they know more than ordinary people." Zhao Yuanjun said calmly.

"No matter who researched it, since heavy water has appeared, tell me, where is this Lonely Star Stone?" Zuo Xian rubbed his hands expectantly.

"You mean the star-eyed stonefish will appear in heavy water?" Old Monster Huang squinted his eyes.

"Yes, on the night of the full moon, the starlight is also the most intense. The star-eyed stone fish swallows the essence of the stars and the moon. It is rumored in the world that the star-eyed stone fish only lives in the lonely star lake, but they don't know that the star-eyed stone fish likes to appear in heavy water. .” Zhao Yuanjun’s eyes shone brightly, and he looked like a wise man.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Zhao, you, a latecomer, know quite a lot about the Lonely Star Stone and the Star-Eyed Stone Fish. If so, why did you come to find this Star-Eyed Stone Fish with me?" Zuo Xian was a little wary. Looking carefully at Zhao Yuanjun said.

"Naturally, I'm not strong enough to deal with the Xingmu Stonefish, and the Jixing Lake is vast and boundless. It will be even more difficult for the next person to find this place of heavy water. Besides, how many pairs of fish are there for the Xingmu Stonefish?" After the eye, the fish eye falls, it becomes the Silent Star Stone. I only need what I deserve, and I don’t ask for more. Because it is reasonable to rely on the strength of fellow Taoists.” Zhao Yuanjun explained .

Zuo Xian snorted twice, and didn't say anything more. Others also felt that what Zhao Yuanjun said was reasonable.

"Since this is the case, everyone should not be stingy with this bit of magic power. It is quite difficult to sail a boat on heavy water. Let's take a look in the air. If there is a star-eyed stone fish, everyone will work together to kill it. As for the Silent Star Stone , naturally it depends on who contributes more, whoever gets more points first." Mrs. Muchai said coldly, and her figure had already soared into the sky.

"We waited for several years, and finally waited for the appearance of the star-eyed stone fish. How can we miss such a good opportunity." Old Monster Huang smiled, and then flew out.

Because Zhao Li was still only refining Qi to complete the Great Consummation, he couldn't help much in the following matters, so he stayed on the wooden boat.

"Fellow Daoist Lu wait a moment." When Lu Xiaotian wanted to fly with the sword, Zhao Yuanjun secretly sent a voice transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

"Does Fellow Daoist Zhao have anything else to do?" Lu Xiaotian didn't expect Zhao Yuanjun to stop him at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, what's the matter with your leg? It's very dangerous to fight with the star-eyed stone fish later on." Zhao Yuanjun asked aloud.

"It's a long time ago. I need to use this Lonely Star Stone to heal my wounds from fighting with monks from other lands."

Zhao Yuanjun said, "In my opinion, the strength of these people is not weak. Although Fellow Daoist Lu has a problem with his legs, he has built his foundation for many years. It's just that they don't know that Fellow Daoist Lu has practiced the Breath Containment Technique, and they don't know the specific strength of Fellow Daoist Lu. Let's The two of them are probably not strong among the few people, and my granddaughter is only in the Qi refining period, and she has the least say in it. I am afraid that only the two of us can get a small share in the distribution of the Lonely Star Stone. initiative."

"In this case, it will depend on the situation later, and the two of us will work together."

Lu Xiaotian replied through voice transmission, although Zhao Yuanjun has some doubts, but Lu Xiaotian doesn't care too much about it. There is no secret about any monk. As long as he doesn't have any bad thoughts, the two will live in peace. Moreover, this person is so familiar with the situation of the Lonely Star Stone, which can save him a lot of trouble. Otherwise, he didn't know how long he would be busy looking for the whereabouts of the Lonely Star Stone by himself.

"It's so good, with the help of Fellow Daoist Lu, we won't be afraid of other people being rude in the future."

When Zhao Yuanjun heard this, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes. Although Lu Xiaotian doesn't seem to be in a very good condition now, and his legs have lost the ability to move, so it is inevitable that he will be subject to some restrictions when fighting, but more than ten years ago, Lu Xiaotian was already a foundation cultivator at that time. From Zhao Yuanjun's point of view, Lu Xiaotian To be able to successfully build a foundation at such a young age, the qualifications should be quite good. Now more than ten years have passed, even if the aura revealed in front of you is only in the middle stage of foundation establishment, according to Zhao Yuanjun's calculations, it should have reached the sixth floor of foundation establishment , no matter how close it is, it's the fifth floor. Among the crowd, his strength is already considered good.

"Grandpa, be careful." Zhao Li may have been secretly entrusted by Zhao Yuanjun, and he did not openly show that he knew Lu Xiaotian.

Zhao Yuanjun gave a few more instructions, threw a green throwing knife, and quickly patrolled in the air with other Foundation Establishment cultivators, looking for the star-eyed stonefish.

The people searched the lake for more than ten days, and occasionally found a few eddies of fish activities in the area where the heavy water appeared. On the fourth floor, the star-eyed stonefish I encountered was already a sixth-level monster. When the star-eyed stonefish appeared, Zuo Xian's consciousness froze, and he couldn't even notify the others. When he woke up, the star-eyed stonefish had disappeared.

Everyone sighed, especially the old monster Huang, who was even more displeased. According to him, he had been waiting here for more than ten years, and finally missed the star-eyed stonefish once.

After Yujian flew and searched for more than ten days, even the Muchai woman showed a little tired look.

So they took turns returning to the boat to rest. After all, such continuous flying in the air can only supplement the consumption of mana through the spirit stones prepared by oneself, which cannot be consumed by ordinary people.

Compared with the disappointment of these people, Lu Xiaotian's hanging heart sank instead. After all, he has only been here for a few months, and he has already discovered the activity traces of the star-eyed stonefish. Compared with these people on the boat, he is undoubtedly extremely lucky that's it. As for the ice-blue flames on his legs, there was not a day when Lu Xiaotian didn't want to dispel them earlier, it's just that there was no way for this kind of thing to be urgent.

It is extremely inconvenient for the boat to move in the heavy water, but after more than ten days of searching, although no trace of the star-eyed stonefish was found, the area of ​​the heavy water was also roughly made. After the boat was rowed out of the heavy water area, everyone divided up Two ways, one way flying with the sword, searching in the air, learning the lesson from last time, this time there are two people acting together. On the other way, the monks who had been flying in the air for too long, resting on the boat, rowed along the edge of the heavy water.

"Did you see that there is actually a floating island over there, and there seems to be some aura on it, let's go to that island to rest, it's better than staying on this boat all day." Standing on the bow of the boat, Wu Yiyi saw a green tree The shady island appeared in sight, and I couldn't help being overjoyed.

"Let's go to the island!" Zuo Xian, who was paddling at the stern, suddenly had his eyes lit up. He didn't expect that there was a floating island in this heavy water area.

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