Become a Fairy

Chapter 3968 Kill Mantis King

Lu Xiaotian's demonized projection avatar came for this water and fire demon emperor stone, and taking this opportunity to force him out of his tracks, he saw the two-color mantis shadow of water and fire rushing towards him, and the demonized avatar suddenly swayed and sank into the narrow Within the shadow of the knife.

The flying knife traversed the void, and the knife intent vibrated away. The two phantoms of the praying mantis, one red and one blue, flew into the air, while the knife shadow flew away at an astonishing speed.

Water and Fire Mantis King didn't expect that the opponent still had a little bit of strength left, and now he suddenly launched an attack when he used the last resort. If the opponent had used such an attack at the beginning, he might not be able to last until now.

"Could it be that the other party came for the water and fire demon emperor stone?" Just as such a thought arose in the mind of the water and fire mantis king, the seemingly unpretentious knife shadow in the void had already come straight, and there was no way to avoid it. The speed of the other party's knife had already Exceeding its dodging speed, the Water and Fire Mantis King could only prop up his arms to block it deliberately.

There was no unexpected sound of fierce clashes, even the Water and Fire Mantis could not feel the weight of the opponent's long knife on his arms, but that was the case, a sharp knife intent was like a sharp needle There was a tiny hole in a piece of paper. The demon's saber intent continued to seep in from the small hole. At first, the Fire and Water Mantis King didn't feel much difference, and couldn't even cause much trauma to his body.

It's just that when the Water and Fire Mantis King wanted to fight back against the demonized clone, he found that the demonic energy in his body was unstable for a while.

Water Fire Mantis King couldn't help but change his face, which was much more serious than his physical injury.

The slender yet domineering flying knife in the void did not stop at all, and slashed again. It was too late when the Fire and Water Mantis King wanted to parry again. The imbalance of the two forces in his body made his attacks no longer as quick and effective as usual. Even a slight stagnation at this time was enough to kill him.

"Stop, stop, I am willing to surrender to the Yao Zun, and obey any orders from the Yao Zun from now on!" Shui Huo Tang Wang finally panicked at this moment, and hurriedly begged for mercy loudly.

It's just that no matter how much the Water and Fire Mantis King begged for mercy, the shadow of the knife that was chopped up never slowed down a bit. Taking advantage of the influence of the strength in his body, while the flying knives scattered the pair of forearms of the King of Water and Fire Mantis, a knife shadow suddenly flickered forward, circled around the neck of the King of Water and Fire Mantis, and suddenly the head of the King of Water and Fire Tang fly up. The shadow of the knife sank into his body.

The two shadows of mantis behind him, one blue and one red, continued to rush towards him, but these two shadows of mantis alone were not enough to pose a great threat to him.

The flying knife in the void directly split into two shadows, knocking the opponent back with a bang, and at the same time a piece of knife light spilled out, covering the body of the Water Fire Mantis King floating in the void. Sure enough, a red and blue intertwined mantis-shaped soul flew out of it, and was directly wrapped by the blade light, and then a phantom of a demonized clone appeared in the flying knife, swallowing the mantis-shaped soul in one gulp.

Then the figure of the demonized avatar twisted for a while, sometimes turning into the shape of a praying mantis, and sometimes turning into the image of Lu Xiaotian. On the contrary, after seeing the demonized avatar swallowing the primordial spirit of the water and fire mantis king, the two mantis phantoms also froze in place for a while, losing the command of the water and fire mantis king's primordial spirit. In addition, the demonized avatar already has a part of the breath of the water and fire mantis king, so I don't know whether to continue to attack the demonized avatar.

At this time, the Shui Ni Yao came with a group of monster soldiers, and the figure of the demonized avatar had stabilized, while the body of the Water Fire Mantis King was floating in the void. The water demon could not help being taken aback, and immediately cupped his hands to the demonized clone, "Congratulations, Your Majesty, for killing a powerful enemy!"

"After all, it can't compare to the method of devouring the demon soul by the deity." At this time, the demonized avatar barely suppressed the fluctuation of the strange aura on his body.

The water scorpion was so cold that he heard it, devouring the soul of the demon, this kind of method that harms the peace of heaven is extremely taboo, and the demon master Jiyun practiced this way, so he is not afraid of causing other monsters to attack him. It's not that this Jiyun Yaozun is amazing, and he can get some pointers under his command, the Shuiyi Yao probably can't stay still.

"Don't worry, I'm only interested in the demon souls that are useful to me, and I can't publicize what happened today." The demonized avatar smiled at the sight, if it weren't for the strength of the water and fire mantis king, who was also close to the water and fire demon emperor stone under the lake, Changes come later, and the demonized avatar is not in a hurry to devour it now. It's just that even the demonized avatar is familiar with the way of devouring the demon soul by the main body, but it is difficult to know the difficulty until it is really used.

After talking about the demonized avatar Tiguan, the head of the Water and Fire Mantis King flashed and shot towards the distant battlefield, "The Water and Fire Mantis King is dead, and the rest are all demons. Those who descend will live, and those who rebel will die!" The sound of the demonized avatar shook like thunder, and then the demon army under his command responded, and the mantis army of the water and fire mantis king lost all morale and was immediately defeated.

"Let's clean up the mess. From now on, this will be my second lair. After dealing with the war here, send a team back to report. For the time being, I will stay in this water and fire realm for a while to practice."

Immediately, the demonized avatar stretched out his hand and threw it, and the head of the Water Fire Mantis King was thrown at the opponent,

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After taking over the mantis king's head, the water demon quickly led away.

The demonized avatar nodded, then flashed its figure, and sent it to shoot at the lake. Before the water demon made any move, an army of Yunsha demon spirits, hidden in the thick clouds, came out and charged The lake was firmly surrounded on all sides.

The Shui Ni Yao had some guesses about the purpose of the ghost avatar, but at this time he couldn't go to check it in person. This Yunsha demon spirit army was the first group of troops that the demon avatar subdued, unless the war command was temporarily granted to Shui Ni Demon, except for the order to demonize the avatar, no one else can mobilize it.

The demonized avatar went straight into the lake, using the aura of the water and fire mantis king to open the lake's restriction. In a magnificent cave, a seemingly rough, blue and red intertwined stone looked extremely abrupt in this exquisite cave.

"What a water and fire demon emperor stone!" The demonized avatar showed a smile on his face, but he didn't immediately touch the water and fire demon emperor stone. Instead, he sat cross-legged directly next to him.

Just swallowed the demon soul of the Fire and Water Mantis King, and the demonized avatar is far from completely refining it. After the demon soul is completely refined, if the body can reach the level of the Water and Fire Mantis King, it will be difficult for the Jiyun Demon Cave in the future. The degree of dependence will be greatly reduced. After finally getting rid of the shackles of the deity, the demonized avatar naturally does not want to be restrained in the small circle of Jiyun demon cave.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian himself did not know that his demonized avatar had caused a bloody storm near Jiyun Demon Cave, but at this time, the alien beast Yazi, which had been separated from his body, caused waves of killings in the South China Sea. Hundreds of thousands of monsters scattered around the island.

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