Become a Fairy

Chapter 3949 Accident

The flying sword crosses the void, roaming freely in the boundless void, surrounded by passing clouds, mountains and rivers, and the earth from time to time. In the endless blue sea, there is also an endless broken space.

Booming. There is a sea of ​​thunder and thunder, and pillars of thunderclouds rise up in the surrounding space, intersecting each other. At this moment, the whole space is like the water surface under the hurricane. The stormy waves, even the soul element flying sword condensed by Lu Xiaotian with the projection clone Under this huge twist, it also ripples like the surface of water.

In the end, the soul element was swept into the void like some water waves and shattered.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian himself, who was sitting cross-legged on the small island, twitched his mouth, but Lu Xiaotian had long been mentally prepared for this situation. Even though he has already improved his strength, he can face this dangerous void and want to project successfully. Going to the demon world is by no means an easy task.

Lu Xiaotian has long been prepared for this, even with his current cultivation base, whether he can succeed in the end depends on luck, and he didn't expect to succeed easily once or twice.

After failing once, Lu Xiaotian didn't take it seriously, and continued to make the second attempt.

This has been going on for decades, during which Lu Xiaotian has made many attempts, but this time Lu Xiaotian's face is strange. For decades, Lu Xiaotian has tried more than ten times, without exception, he failed. But in the end, the number of times of failures is nothing more than that, Lu Xiaotian never thought that he could easily find Luo Qing again.

It's just that these two recent failures made Lu Xiaotian quite surprised. He didn't find Luo Qing, and the projection avatar didn't die, but fell into an extreme cloud demon cave. Infiltrated by Yunsha, before completely losing contact, Lu Xiaotian could sense that his projection avatar was out of control. There are too many extreme demon clouds impregnated, and the distractions in it have also been demonized. Generally, there will be no accidents for the distracted spirits that are separated out. In all likelihood, they have been destroyed, but there are always exceptions. However, my distracted spirit and projection clone were demonized in Jiyun Demon Cave. If the deity can find that distraction in a short time, he can eliminate this part of the threat at any time.

It's just that now he is far away from the extreme cloud monster cave, and Lu Xiaotian is beyond his reach, and when the other party has lost control, he can't control the other party at all.

However, such a mere projection avatar can't have much impact on Lu Xiaotian, and Lu Xiaotian doesn't think it will be too much trouble, but the projection avatar is still too weak after all with a mere ray of distraction, but Lu Xiaotian never expected After the projected avatar came to the demon world, there was another encounter. The avatar that he projected in the past was found by the first avatar that had already been demonized. The avatar that had been demonized was wearing a dark blue armor, and his whole body was extremely rich. A bit of a monster.

The demonic aura on the projected avatar after demonization is strong enough to shock even the gods. After completing the demonization, the strength has been greatly improved. It’s a little weaker, and it’s not something that can happen overnight if you want to cultivate the primordial spirit. The demonized avatar actually sent a crooked idea to Lu Xiaotian’s side. Find Luo Qing.

The demonized avatar actually used this to find the avatar that Lu Xiaotian projected in the past to continue looking for Luo Qing, and then devoured it to strengthen himself. It is not easy to devour the ordinary soul, and the way to strengthen the primordial spirit is not easy. It may be cultivated to a high level, and there are still great disadvantages.

But this kind of problem is not a problem at all for the demonized clone. It has the same roots as the clone behind Lu Xiaotian, and devouring the clone behind Lu Xiaotian is undoubtedly the fastest way to strengthen itself for the demonized clone.

After merging with another projection clone of Lu Xiaotian, the strength of this demonized clone has been enhanced again. Lu Xiaotian frowned at this time, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​continuing to project to the demon world. The two originate from the same source, once Lu Xiaotian's side is successfully projected to the demon world, as long as the distance is not too far, the other party will feel it. At that time, you can use this feeling to find it all the way.

After this clone was swallowed, Lu Xiaotian no longer projected the plane of the demon world.

It took decades before and after. In the continuous exploration, while Lu Xiaotian's understanding of the power of space has improved, with the gradual improvement of his cultivation base, in the repeated attempts of plane projection, for projection Even the demon world has some experience. I just didn't expect such an accident to happen. After the projection clone is completely out of control, it will bring this kind of evil result.

Lu Xiaotian held his chin, thought about it back and forth, and there was no other way for the time being. Then Lu Xiaotian shook his head, it seems that if he wants to project the plane of the demon world again, he may have to wait for a while. At least one's own strength must be improved considerably. When performing plane projection, the strength of the projection clone is not weaker than that of the completely demonized clone. Otherwise, no matter how many projections are made, it will only be cheaper for the demonized clone. In addition to wasting energy, you can't get the desired results.

It's just that the demonized clone has now swallowed another clone, and it's not something Lu Xiaotian can do in a short period of time if he wants to more than double the strength of the projection clone.

Even if it is for projection, it can no longer go to the demon world.

It’s just that besides the demon world, Lu Xiaotian doesn’t have much purpose for the time being. However, in the process of continuous projection for decades, Lu Xiaotian took a lot of detours, and at the same time, he discovered that exploring the void is also beneficial to Lu Xiaotian himself. Especially when passing through different planes, the mysterious spatial fluctuations will give Lu Xiaotian a strange experience every time. Lu Xiaotian's perception of the law of space has been advancing.

Moreover, Lu Xiaotian found that while he was perfecting the profound meaning of his own space law, the space in the Qingguo Barrier seemed to have slightly changed. The distribution of the fairy spirit in it was more even and reasonable, and the combination with each piece of land was also deeper.

Even if you can't go to the demon world temporarily, you can go to other deeper voids or planes to explore.

Right now, Lu Xiaotian's main energy is on refining the eighteen series of puppet warriors. The second is self-cultivation. The South China Sea Dragon Palace and the East China Sea Dragon Palace can't afford to fight. Lu Xiaotian can be regarded as free for a while, and there are no other urgent matters to deal with for the time being. Du Xin's actions are considered effective. Lu Xiaotian saw the Zishan palace owner Yu Jing and several other dragons flying through the void. Obviously, Du Xin sent these dragons to the South China Sea Dragon Palace through some connections.

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