Become a Fairy

Chapter 3944 Exhortation

"If they have already fallen into the chaos, that is their fate. No one can blame them. There are countless immortal soldiers who fell in the chaos of the cloud sand figurines. It doesn't matter if a few dragons are killed or wounded." Lu Xiao said, even he I have walked before the gate of hell, not to mention the dragons of Dark Crystal. Whether it can survive really depends on the luck of the other party.

Du Xin nodded, secretly thinking that the Heavenly Court is really harsh on the Dragon Clan. In terms of cultivation and ability alone, Ying Feng in front of him is stronger than many human celestial beings. During the battle, if Lu Xiaotian could display his own abilities, perhaps so many immortal soldiers would not have been killed or injured. Heavenly Court is wary of only talking about race, regardless of character and ability. It is indeed too much in this respect, at least in Du Xin's view.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian didn't want to slow down his speed to the South China Sea Dragon Palace because of Yu Jing and others. In addition, there is still a hidden danger in Lu Xiaotian's heart, and he doesn't know if the Seven Star Guard has survived, the other party has seen himself become Huayan. Maybe in the eyes of the other party, there is something strange after all, even if he doesn't doubt his identity, he will always think it is a huge threat.

However, judging from the fairy army in front of them, there is no change for the time being. Maybe the star sword formed by the fusion of the seven star guards has already fallen into the chaotic stone flow. Otherwise, if the other party wanted to arrest him, they would have already sent someone over.

No matter what, it is right to leave the area directly controlled by the lands of Yuxuan Heavenly Court as soon as possible and go to the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea as soon as possible.

Many disabled immortal soldiers on the flying boat were unloaded and handed over to the generals of the immortal army in front of them, Lu Xiaotian took Du Xin all the way to the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Lu Xiaotian traveled fast all the way, in order to avoid accidents, he tried his best to go to places that were inaccessible, but even so, he was still stopped by other dragon-hunting envoys.

There was a middle-aged man and woman in front of him, they seemed to be deeply in love with each other, they walked hand in hand, looking very affectionate, but when they saw Lu Xiaotian, the love on their faces turned into bitter hatred and killing intent.

"Who is the person who dares to walk so recklessly under the rule of Yuxuan Heavenly Court, but treats me as nothing?" The square-faced man scolded.

"I am Ming Desi Du Xin. The two fellow Taoists must not misunderstand. He is Ying Feng from the Dragon Palace of the South China Sea. He has made great contributions to the enemy in the secret realm of Tantric Buddhism and the fairyland of Weishan. This time, he was also entrusted by me to lead I'm going to the South China Sea to find what I need to heal my wounds." Du Xin's strength was far from recovered at this time, but his behavior was no different from ordinary people. The other party showed it.

"It turns out to be Fellow Daoist Du of Ming Desi, sorry!" After seeing Du Xin's background, the man and woman turned pale, and looked at Lu Xiaotian with a slightly relaxed expression, but they still reminded aloud, "South China Sea We just heard about Yingfeng from the Dragon Palace. I heard that this dragon is really powerful, but he always cherishes himself and cherishes his feathers. Maybe he has contributed a lot, but he may not have given his full strength. Otherwise, why would Fellow Daoist Du be injured? Many immortal troops in the Weishan Immortal Territory were damaged, but he was the only one who was able to retreat several times. Fellow Daoist Du, don't be deceived by Ying Feng's appearance."

"May I ask the two fellow Taoists that the rumors you heard came from Miao Qianmu?" Du Xin said with an uneasy expression.

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" The woman in the white skirt who was looking for the Dragon Envoy saw that Du Xin was quite protective of Lu Xiaotian, and couldn't help but have some opinions on him.

"That's all for the matter of the Secret Realm of the Esoteric School. After all, I didn't see it with my own eyes. However, in the battle of the Weishan Immortal Territory, although the race was different, I, as a member of the Ming Desi, have to say something fair. Fellow Daoist Miao was biased because of his prejudice. He did not listen to what Fellow Daoist Ying said, which led to the initial defeat of the Celestial Army of the Weishan Immortal Territory, and he himself was able to escape and survive after being shot by Fellow Daoist Ying. It’s okay to be ungrateful, and to hurt others secretly. It's a gentleman's style." Du Xin said with a clear and authentic attitude.

"Forget it, since Fellow Daoist Ying has contributed a lot, it can be regarded as a contribution to the Heavenly Court and hard work. You two, Fellow Daoist Du, can do what you want."

The square-faced middle-aged man nodded, and didn't want to make trouble anymore. Even if Lu Xiaotian was alone, the two of them might ridicule a few words under the condition of knowing their identities, and they wouldn't attack Lu Xiaotian. The South China Sea Dragon Palace is also one of the few dragon powerhouses second only to the South China Sea Dragon King. In the Yuxuan Heavenly Court, if he has a registered status, if he has not committed any crime, the incumbent officials of the Yuxuan Heavenly Court will violate the rules of heaven if they act recklessly. What's more, now that the opponent has Du Xin as a guarantee, the two of them have no reason to do anything.

Seeing the two dragon-seeking envoys approaching aggressively and leaving, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help feeling that there are people in the court who are good at handling things, even in the fairy world. If you don't know how to do things to yourself, you are afraid that you will inevitably make things difficult.

"Because of sincerity, gold and stone are opened. Heaven has suppressed the dragons for a long time, and this cannot be changed in a short period of time. But as long as you can contribute to Heaven and accumulate merit, you can share more The heavenly court luck. When the position of fellow daoists in the heavenly court has reached a certain level, naturally you don’t have to face these sarcastic remarks.” Although Lu Xiaotian behaved the same as ordinary people all the way, it seems that he has reached the point where honor and disgrace are not disturbed, and foreign objects cannot invade , But in this case, either Lu Xiaotian really forgot all favors and disgraces, or Lu Xiaotian remembered all these grievances and grievances, and the deeper the savings, the sooner or later there will be an outbreak.

If it's the latter, it means that Ying Feng's scheming has been deep to a certain extent, and once it breaks out, it will indeed cause serious disaster for a period of time. If this kind of person doesn't explode, it's enough. Once it explodes, it will be a situation of heaven and earth falling apart. However, no matter how violent the outbreak is, compared to the behemoth Yuxuan Tianting, the entire dragon clan is insignificant ants, and it will naturally help Lu Xiaotian at the end of the day.

Du Xin naturally did not hope that Lu Xiaotian would embark on such a path.

"I will keep the words of fellow Taoist Du in my heart." Lu Xiaotian nodded. Although there are many people in Yuxuan Tianting like Miao Qianmu who hate the dragon clan, or who are contemptuous, there are also people who behave relatively decently like Du Xin. generation. The friendship between Lu Xiaotian and Du Xin was formed after Weishan Xianyu. Before Weishan Xianyu, the vast majority of people in the heavenly court respected the dragons at a respectful distance. No one would easily take some risks for nothing or offend many people for irrelevant existence. This is human nature. Lu Xiaotian really doesn't have much jealousy, but since he has cultivated into the Dragon Clan, Lu Xiaotian has to fight for himself and for the Dragon Clan.


Chapter 3967 arrived

"Fellow Daoist Ying is extremely talented. As long as you devote yourself to the Tao and have no distractions, sooner or later you will be able to stand side by side with all the immortals. When you have free time, come to the South China Sea Dragon Palace to ask for a drink from Fellow Daoist Ying. You will not refuse Thousands of miles away." Du Xin changed his tone and said with a smile.

"As long as I'm still in Hainan Dragon Palace, I'm most welcome." Lu Xiaotian gave an ambiguous answer when he heard the words. Ying Feng's identity is only temporary, and he doesn't know how long this identity will last. It depends on the situation later. depends. If he wasn't there, naturally no one would come to welcome Du Xin.

"Okay, then it's a deal." Du Xin nodded, and the two started their journey again.

The four seas are either directly connected, or connected to the endless barren sea, and crossing the barren sea can also reach the other side's sea area. Passing through the ancient barren land, Qingyan Tianlin, at a barren and exposed rock, I saw a piece of rough blue-gray rock. The turbulent tide slapped on the stone wall, and the crushed ice mixed in the wave was as sharp as a sharp blade. A large amount of gravel hit the stone wall and was swept away by the sea water.

There was a faint bloody and dead air in the sea water, and it was unknown how far away it came from.

Along the way, Lu Xiaotian and Du Xin walked all the way, during which Du Xin helped Lu Xiaotian inquire about the war between the South China Sea Dragon Palace and the East China Sea Dragon Palace. The two sides have been fighting for so many years, and there have been casualties between the two dragon palaces. However, due to Lu Xiaotian, the South China Sea Dragon Palace has continuously lost many Celestial-level dragons, lost too much blood, and is gradually at a disadvantage in the battle with the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

Generally speaking, there were quite a few casualties during the battle. Later, when Yuxuan Heavenly Court saw that the battle was not going well with the South China Sea Dragon Palace, they gradually sent more people, which gradually equalized the strength of the two sides. Then the war on the South China Sea Dragon Palace began to balance out.

It's just that it sounds shallow on paper, but now that I'm on the ground, even at this seaside, I can clearly feel the blood and death in the sea water. One can imagine the death in the battle between the two dragon palaces. It has been tragic to a certain extent.

"Send you a thousand miles away, there will be a farewell. The South China Sea has arrived. Friends Daoist, we will meet later." Du Xin saw Lu Xiaotian staring at the bloody seawater in a daze, and thought that Lu Xiaotian was worried about the death and injury of the Dragon Palace in the South China Sea. I can't find too good words to comfort Lu Xiaotian, so I can only say goodbye to Lu Xiaotian at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Du, take care!" Lu Xiaotian nodded, watching Du Xin turn around and leave through the air, seeing that the South China Sea was close in front of him, Lu Xiaotian breathed a long sigh of relief.

After going through twists and turns, he finally reached the South China Sea. Although the war between the South China Sea and the East China Sea Dragon Palace is temporarily over, this is not a big deal for Lu Xiaotian. He originally came to the South China Sea Dragon Palace to take advantage of the war to recruit some strong dragons into the green fruit barrier. If the opportunity permits, it is natural to take advantage of the situation to gather a wave, the opportunity is not just waiting, from the secret realm of Tantric Buddhism, to breaking through the heavenly fairyland, rolling over the Yungang sandy area, and the city of the earth, there is not much time to rest along the way. The battle between the East China Sea Dragon Palace and the South China Sea Dragon Palace has fallen into calm, and it is not bad to take a break for a while.

Now that the fighting has ceased, Lu Xiaotian naturally has no intention of rushing to the South China Sea Dragon Palace immediately. When he goes to the South China Sea Dragon Palace, he will inevitably face some trivial matters, so it's better to stay on the sidelines for the time being.

Lu Xiaotian's figure flew up, submerged in the vast sea tide, and one or two kraken corpses floated over the sea from time to time, Lu Xiaotian shook his head when he saw it, no matter whether he was a dragon race or a human race, he naturally didn't like to be in this kind of sea monster. Stay in dirty seas for a long time.

Even if you practice temporarily in the South China Sea, you still need to find a peaceful and clean place.

All the way deep into the South China Sea, Lu Xiaotian did not deliberately pursue to find a place to clean up as soon as possible, but the journey was urgent and sometimes slow. South China Sea is just a general term. In fact, the South China Sea Dragon Palace in its heyday in ancient times was far from what it is at this time.

The current South China Sea has been divided into dozens, and the sea area controlled by the South China Sea Dragon Palace is only a part of it. As for the others, they are all under the control of different Sea Monster Clans, but the South China Sea Dragon Palace is still the most powerful force among them.

At this time, the area where Lu Xiaotian transited was naturally also belonged to the South Sea Dragon Palace, and he did not operate in other areas of the Sea Monster Clan, so as not to cause complications.

After flying for several months in a row, they arrived at a sea area where the aura of fairy spirits was not too strong. In addition to the general aura of fairy spirits, there were more than a dozen large and small islands in this sea area. There are no powerful monsters on it, and Lu Xiaotian's divine sense covers it a little, so he can check it out clearly. Among so many islands around, the black stork demon living on the island with the strongest fairy atmosphere is only a real fairy-level monster. Monsters of this level are naturally far from being able to pose enough threats to Lu Xiaotian.

The fairy breath on any of the islands here is not enough to meet Lu Xiaotian's needs, so Lu Xiaotian naturally picked one of the most inconspicuous islands, which is only a few hundred miles in diameter. There are very few murlocs on it, only a few dozen in total. They are slightly taller than ordinary people, with scales growing on them, and they use fish skin or island leaves as clothing.

There are also some demon crabs and turtles living by the sea. Groups of monster birds circled back and forth in the sea.

When Lu Xiaotian landed on the island, two blind crabs approached Lu Xiaotian fiercely. After Baoquan sensed a trace of dragon energy deliberately leaked out by Lu Xiaotian, he immediately jumped out as if inexplicably frightened, and splashed into the sea water with a bang.

Lu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled when he saw it, and his spiritual consciousness shrouded him. On this small island with a radius of hundreds of miles, there are only two fairy-level monsters, and they just settled here temporarily. The language is enough, and the area is still relatively crowded.

On the cliffs in the south of the island, petrels build their nests, and flocks of petrels fly back and forth. The swallow nests on the cliffs stretch their necks and wait for the food brought by their parents.

The red sea cedar floats above the cliff like red clouds, and occupying this beautiful place is a fairy-level sea turtle, which is basking in the sun on a boulder with its neck stretched out. The other one is also a demon sea turtle, the two should be familiar with each other, and they have a good relationship. They stayed on both sides of the island, one south and one north, and within one step of Lu Xiaotian, they had already crossed the entire island and reached the south coast of the island.

"Who!" The demon sea turtle immediately woke up, and a layer of cold sweat almost broke out on the back. With the strength of him and his brother, they are usually cautious in this South China Sea, and never dare to cause trouble everywhere. The two brothers chose to avoid this small island with extreme caution. They had repeatedly confirmed that there were no powerful monsters living here, so they chose to stay here temporarily.

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