Become a Fairy

Chapter 3906 Fire

"Where have you been, and how did you come across this monster?" He didn't get an answer from the black dragon, but Yuanshi Sword Demon was quite surprised at this time.

"Fellow daoists can recognize the origin of this thing, it would be even better. Is there a way to deal with it? The gravitational mysteries of the earth element law in this ghost place are quite terrifying. Involved in this place." Lu Xiaotian also felt a bit unlucky when he mentioned it, but he went to the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and there were so many twists and turns, he didn't see a drop of sea water, but fell into this endless abyss.

"There is a certain record of this thing in the ancient loan. I have encountered it in a dangerous place before, and it did appear in a place where the power of the law of the earth system is blazing. This monster is recorded in the ancient book as Huayan. The Earth Flame Crystal Nucleus has a certain power of the Earth Law, which can offset the influence of the Earth Law to a certain extent. Generally speaking, the stronger these monsters are, the stronger the power of the Earth Law contained in the Earth Flame Crystal Core will be. Many. Huayan is cunning and cruel by nature, extremely difficult to deal with, and quite vindictive, and usually lives in groups."

Yuanshi Sword Demon said in a dignified tone, "The location you mentioned can be somewhat similar to the Dique City in the ancient text. The danger in this Dique City is not only the monster Huayan, but also other more terrifying existences. If there is If possible, get out of here as soon as possible."

At this time, Yuanshi Sword Demon was also quite speechless to Lu Xiaotian. The entire fairyland is indeed not small, and there are indeed many dangerous places. There are many places where even golden immortals and even immortal-level powerhouses may have great dangers in the past. But under normal circumstances, each fairy's encounters are extremely limited, especially if he has not reached a certain level, his knowledge in the fairy world is not too broad. It's just that this situation is applicable to most people, but it is completely inappropriate for Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian has cultivated until now, and he has only just advanced to the rank of Celestial Immortal. The Jinxian-level powerhouse was also quite speechless.

Staying in this Qingguo enchantment was originally not what he wanted, but following Lu Xiaotian was equivalent to being coerced by him, and after so many years, the time for Yuanshi Sword Demon is not really long, it is almost like looking at Lu Xiaotian. Xiaotian has grown to the present point step by step. Even when he first met Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian was already at the peak of the spirit world, but for the Yuanshi Sword Demon from the plane of the fairy world, it is not enough to pick a fairy in the fairy world. Not inferior to Lu Xiaotian, it was really hard for Lu Xiaotian to be taken seriously by him at that time.

It's just that after so many years, all living beings in the fairy world are still all living beings, and even countless immortals and real immortals are silent in the long river of time, turning into a wisp of dust, not even the dust remains. And Lu Xiaotian is already standing at the relative top of the fairy world, even if there are stronger existences on it, it can be said that Lu Xiaotian's Yuanshen has already surpassed his Yuanshi Sword Demon at this time.

Yuanshi Sword Demon is also an arrogant person, and has seldom convinced others for so many years, but at this time, he can't help feeling a little respect for Lu Xiaotian. It is foreseeable that as long as Lu Xiaotian doesn't die halfway, it will only be a matter of time before he reaches or even surpasses his realm matter. For such an existence, even if Lu Xiaotian's strength is not as good as him now, Yuanshi Sword Demon can already treat him as an equal. As long as his fundamental interests are not shaken, Yuanshi Sword Demon is still more willing to provide some help to Lu Xiaotian, after all, the two sides can now be regarded as grasshoppers tied to the same rope.

"The Yellowstone Flame Man, that is, Hua Yan, is cruel and cunning by nature?" Lu Xiaotian paused when he heard the words, and a bad premonition rose in his heart for a moment.

"Yes, I have encountered this kind of monster before, and I must not take it lightly." Yuanshi Sword Demon said in an affirmative tone.

"It seems that I have been fooled by those two Huayans." Lu Xiaotian came to his senses, and told the other party the situation when he met the Huangshi flame person Huayan just now.

"Hurry up, the other party must have a deep meaning for what he did. It is very likely that his fellow clan is already on his way." Yuanshi Sword Demon said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Lu Xiaotian nodded. At this moment, Lu Xiaotian took advantage of the attention of the two Huangshi flames, Huayan, to be attracted by the seven star guards and the remaining puppet warriors, and his body was wriggling on the ground at an extremely slow speed. with.

There were still many low-level Jade Profound Immortal Army and Yunsha warriors present. Although those injured low-level Jade Profound Immortal Army tried their best to suppress the pain in their bodies, some people still groaned from time to time. And in this area where the profound meaning of gravity is everywhere, unless you can see it with the naked eye, it is difficult to control the whole audience with your spiritual sense alone. Even if the actual controller of those puppet warriors is the distraction of Emperor Qinling, Lu Xiaotian doesn't think anyone present has the power to control them. Stronger than him, even his primordial spirit is greatly restrained in this kind of place, this Huangshi flame man Huayan Lu Xiaotian doesn't believe how strong the other party's primordial spirit can be.

After all, there were many other targets present, so Lu Xiaotian's movements were relatively unobvious.

And every once in a while, there would always be patches of yellow halo appearing from time to time, and for a while, the two Yellowstone flame men did not dare to get too close to the seven star guards and the puppet warriors. After all, once they get too close, and they happen to be shrouded in that yellow halo, without the restraint of gravity here, the two Huangshi flames, Huayan, will be surrounded and killed in the blink of an eye.

After all, these two Huayans have not yet reached the Golden Immortal level, otherwise they would not have chosen to wait and see from a distance, and charged directly to them, easily finishing everyone present. Why bother.

If they were at the Celestial level, the two Huayans naturally did not dare to make any changes in the face of the many powerful people present.

At the same time that the yellow halo appeared, some low-level Yuxuan army and Yunsha warriors began to gather. In this unknown world, these people immediately thought of self-protection. Only by gathering together can there be such a sense of security.

At this time, the two Huayans naturally wouldn't just watch these low-level Yuxuan army and Yunsha warriors gather together. It seems that because they only discovered the movement of these people now, the two birch flames began to rush towards these people who began to gather when the yellow halo appeared.

Qiang Qiang Qiang. These immortal soldiers from the Yuxuan Immortal Army slashed at Hua Yan one after another, making crisp sounds, but there was not even a trace of mark left on his body. Hua Yan stretched out his hand, and there was a The gray awl thorn with yellow flames was shining, and it pierced the armor of the fairy army soldier in front of him just by sending it lightly. A large amount of blood was sucked into Huayan's body from the awl thorn, and the soldier of the Yuxuan army in front of him was pale. Pale quickly, until finally turning into a bloodless white corpse.

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