Become a Fairy

Chapter 3886 Promotion

Originally, the sword intent of the lotus avatar has been suppressed to almost nothing. In the eyes of everyone, the lotus avatar is relatively too weak. Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe also can't understand how the lotus avatar is able to do it. It is an iron-clad fact. The majestic and supreme sword intent poured down, even if it was not as powerful as the seven swords, it was like a supreme emperor of blood, but the emperor in front of him had not yet fully grown, but it did not affect his release of boundless terror. sword intent.

A figure faintly appeared in the sword shadow, and the figure gradually became solid. In the eyes of outsiders, the lotus clone had appeared in the sword shadow at some time. The whole person is completely integrated with the more and more solid sword shadow.

In the eyes of those with lower realms, it is no longer clear whether what is in front of them is a person or a sword, or maybe both.

hum! The sword intent roared, the ocean rolled, the fire was as fierce as the sun, and the earth shook. Different situations can be seen in the seven sword lights. The seven sword lights are intertwined, just like a scene of heaven and earth collapsing, water and fire raging in chaos.

"This is the real Seven Great Suppressing Swords, and this kid really succeeded." Seeing the situation in the void from afar, Jiurenshan couldn't help but blink when he thought of the power of the Seven Great Suppressing Swords in the past , just relying on the seven town swords alone, once the lotus avatar succeeds in advancing, the entire Jiuyang City will be under him alone, and the potential will not be lower than his Jiuren Mountain, and I don't know what kind of future this kid will go. The level surpasses the kendo of the Seven Great Swords, such a state, such a heart, Jiurenshan can't help but feel a little admiration in his heart. This was the first time he felt such emotions towards a junior who had not yet fully advanced to the Heavenly Wonderland.

The sound of the seven sword chants, the different sword lights, after realizing that the sword intent of the lotus clone could not be destroyed at all, had no choice but to acquiesce in the existence of the lotus clone. In the sword intention, the seven swords can also get great benefits from it. In this case, the mutual exclusion is getting less and less. And the sword shadow transformed by the lotus avatar also gradually dissipated.

Instead, a shadow of a lotus clone appeared on each of the seven swords. These seven figures became clearer and clearer, and those who guarded the sword each sensed a mighty sword intent surging towards them. There is the sword intent of the seven swords that I am relatively familiar with in the past, and there is also a more mysterious and broad essence of swordsmanship contained in it.

At the same time, the sword intentions in these people's bodies are also involuntarily released. Between the alternation of different sword intentions, they realize their own shortcomings and use several major swords to improve themselves. This kind of improvement is not a simple immortality Growth, but the sublimation of a kind of kendo artistic conception.

The lotus avatar was not stingy with his gift at this moment, and he himself could perceive different things from the artistic conception of the sword guards in the seven places.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue. Under the grand artistic conception of the seven swords and the guards of the swords, they unconsciously turned themselves into one of them, big or small.

Then the turbulent sword intent in the void began to calm down, returning to before the turmoil of the lotus clone.

And the lotus avatar sitting cross-legged under Zhenshan's sword slowly stood up, stepped in the void, and came between the clouds. In the distant void, a burst of scorching hot breath that made people feel destructive surged. The entire void turned into a crimson color.

Destruction by fire? Looking at the distant void from Jiuren Mountain, one after another flame demon phantoms emerged in that scarlet space. Among the calamities of the five declines of heaven and man, the fire calamity is one of the most powerful calamities, but the lotus avatar with seven swords The counterattacks were resolved one by one, and the biggest crisis for the lotus avatar has passed. This catastrophe of the gods is more than a star and a half worse than the resistance of the seven swords.

In fact, it was not as expected by Hu Jiurenshan. The lotus avatar did not stay in the misty fire for too long. The space was sliced ​​open by a sword, and the profound meaning of the law of wind looming in the sword's intent blew away the stubborn flames. When the lotus clone stepped out of the flames, it was already an out-and-out powerhouse in the fairyland. Due to the Seven Great Swords, the entire Jiuyang City will be inferior to him, the official city lord, in terms of strength and status in the future, and it is he, the city lord, who is a lot lower than the lotus avatar who is obviously in the realm. , and be polite.

"Haha, it's successful, it's really successful. From now on, I should be called You Wuming Daoist." Xun Yangzi watched the lotus avatar return and laughed, and went up to meet Guan Yuehe together. When they were sent to Tiansang Wasteland together with Guan Yuehe, they thought it was a hard job. In fact, Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe were really worried for a while when they fought against each other at the edge of Tianyou Wasteland. The threat of the Seven Great Suppressing Swords is not small. At that time, the Chihu and Sangling Clans regarded it as a serious problem, and organized many attacks against the Seven Great Suppressing Swords in turn. The Seven Great Suppressing Swords were also injured several times. Thanks to them Those who guard the sword tried their best to support them, and these disasters were barely eliminated.

It's just that in the battle with the Sangling clan, these sword guards were also the first to bear the brunt, and naturally suffered heavy casualties. Among them, there are many deaths and injuries of the Celestial Sword Guardian, some of them were killed by the enemy, and a considerable part of them were caused by Qilei's sword's sword intent. If it hadn't been for the appearance of the lotus avatar, Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe's ending would not have been much better when facing the Seven Great Suppressing Swords whose sword intent was already out of balance.

Thinking of being a Xuanxian junior at the beginning, it seems that the promotion time is not too long, and he has grown to such a level in a blink of an eye, especially becoming the biggest support of Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe in Jiuyang City . How to say their lotus avatar can be regarded as a kind of support.

"Ge Lao and you can just call me Wuming, don't give birth." For Xun Yangzi, Guan Yuehe, the two people who sincerely support him and help him refine his sword intent with all his strength, the lotus avatar still maintains a certain degree. respectful.

"Okay, then we won't be polite to you. We will call you what we called before." Xun Yangzi was extremely satisfied with the attitude of the lotus avatar. Not used to it.

The lotus avatar was talking, when suddenly he looked towards the void with some feeling, and saw that a portal opened in the void. A middle-aged man with a calm and prestige face walked out of it, a little lighter than the impression he had.

"City Lord!" Xun Yangzi and Guan Yuehe hurriedly saluted each other after seeing Jiuren Mountain.

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