Become a Fairy

Chapter 3871 The Immortal Army Marches Ahead

"The two Taoist friends Miao Qianmu and Du Xin in front were attacked by the army of cloud sand warriors and the flying leopard Wu Yunqi. Immediately, the Immortal Army sent troops to help Miao Qianmu and Du Xin, fellow Taoists."

Lu Xiaotian flew to the front of the fairy army, and directly showed the Weishan order. Without Miao Qianmu and Du Xin, and without showing the Weishan order, Lu Xiaotian never expected that the other party would let him board the ship easily.

With the injection of the Dragon Yuan into the Weishan Token, the Weishan Token in the token is majestic and mighty. If Du Xin or Miao Qianmu hadn't taken the initiative to grant it, it would be difficult for Lu Xiaotian to arouse the power of the Weishan Token in a short time. The handsome immortal general on the opposite side naturally wouldn't follow Lu Xiaotian's order.

"Follow the order!" After the handsome immortal general on the opposite side bowed his hands and saluted, a gap opened in the aura of the immortal army, and Lu Xiaotian flew in.

"Senior Dragon Clan, do you want other Dragon Clans to rest in other places temporarily?" The handsome young immortal general frowned when he saw that the Zishan Palace Master and other relatively low-strength Dragon Clans were also clustered around Lu Xiaotian.

"You fairy army is worried about me, and I am also worried about you fairy army. Originally, I was going to the South China Sea Dragon Palace, but I was stopped halfway. If I can't bear it, I will just take them away." Lu Xiaotian was neither salty nor indifferent Honestly, he didn't bother to show off as a fairy-level powerhouse with these fairy soldiers. He was once blocked by those Xuanxian juniors before, not to mention the handsome man in front of him is the commander of this army of immortals.

"That's it." The handsome man Shao Qing nodded without saying anything more. Just now, the atmosphere between Lu Xiaotian and Miao Qianmu was not right, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party didn't even sell Miao Qianmu's face, let alone him, with Miao Qianmu and Lu Xiaotian going to fight in the ring, he didn't bother to take care of many of them.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of warships in the void meandered away, heading for the direction Lu Xiaotian pointed.

Palace Master Zishan and others sat quietly on a corner of the deck and made their own arrangements. Originally, they, the dragon clan, were transferred to Weishan City. After receiving such a cold reception, they thought their return was hopeless, and their clan members fell beside them one after another, which made the atmosphere among these dragon clan unprecedented. However, they did not expect that Lu Xiaotian would pass by this place, and the confrontation between Miao Qianmu and Miao Qianmu appeared in front of their eyes several times because of them.

Although these dragons have also practiced for many years, they couldn't help feeling ups and downs at this time. As far as Heavenly Court is concerned, these dragons come when they are useful, and go away when they are useless, and they will not care about their life or death.

Only his own clan would take care of them like this, otherwise why would Lu Xiaotian's Ying Feng waste so much energy on them.

Lu Xiaotian didn't have the pretensions of a fairy-level powerhouse, and knew that he would not be able to do well in front of these fairy troops, so he sat cross-legged with these dragons, and taught them the way of breath adjustment and healing through sound transmission. At the same time, each Dragon Clan got a piece of Dragon Clan Kungfu from Lu Xiaotian via sound transmission.

Zishan Palace Master Yu Jing and the rest of the Dragon Clan's hearts were filled with enthusiasm, and the excitement could not be concealed on their faces. In the past, even in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, apart from the two most powerful Xuanxian-level dragons, their status was not very high, and it was even more difficult to get in touch with the core inheritance of the Dragon Palace. At this time, even though the exercises that Lu Xiaotian gave them were not the core inheritance of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, they were still very important to most of them, and it was a level that was difficult for most people to touch.

"Outsiders are by your side, there is no need to be polite." Lu Xiaotian directly used the sound transmission to restrain the dragons who wanted to get up and salute. These exercises are nothing to him, if it is inconvenient for Zishan Palace Master Yu Jing and other dragons to enter the Qingguo Barrier, the exercises they come into contact with will definitely not be as small as they are in front of them.

Lu Xiaotian thought over and over again, of course the dragon power in the Qingguo Barrier must be constantly replenished, it is his base camp, but outside, Lu Xiaotian still needs his own power or eyeliner. The Great Sun Immortal Sect is just a random move by myself, and at present, Yu Jing, the owner of Zishan Palace, and a group of dragons are perfect.

Zishan palace master Yu Jing, Wen Kun and Shun Xiao, two Xuanxian-level dragons, have relatively outstanding aptitudes and are suitable for key training. And Ying Feng, who Lu Xiaotian pretended to be, is a celestial-level powerhouse of the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and the younger brother of the South China Sea Dragon King Ying Zhong, who is a generation older than Ying Xuanming and Ying Xuanling. There is also a direct descendant force in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, but this will be checked after the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

It's a pity that he is currently restrained by trivial matters in the Weichi Immortal Territory, otherwise, after he arrives at the South China Sea Dragon Palace, he might have taken advantage of the battle with the East China Sea Dragon Palace to collect a considerable number of dragons to enter the Green Fruit Barrier.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiaotian also shook his head secretly, we can only wait until we go to the South China Sea Dragon Palace.

Shao Qing, the general of the immortal army, glanced at Lu Xiaotian from time to time. In fact, the identity of Ying Feng played by Lu Xiaotian is also very high in the South China Sea Dragon Palace, and his cultivation level is even higher than that of most immortals. True immortals are hard to come by. However, Lu Xiaotian sat cross-legged on the ground with a dozen other dragons without any airs, ignoring the gazes of other immortals on the battleship. This kind of magnanimity is indeed much higher than that of Miao Qianmu.

As for Miao Qianmu, Shao Qing had also dealt with him a few times, and whenever the other party returned to the Weishan Immortal Territory, or boarded a boat, he must be treated with a high standard. Miao Qianmu seldom deals with people outside of her acquaintance. For most of the immortal army, it is not easy to get close to Miao Qianmu. Like Lu Xiaotian, who can sit on the ground with other members of the same family, even if their cultivation base is one or two realms lower, it is estimated that Miao Qianmu will not be able to do it.

As a general in charge of the army, Shao Qing is naturally more appreciative of Lu Xiaotian's quality.

Lu Xiaotian has nothing to do right now, and a small group of primordial spirits are assigned to guide these people to use exercises to regulate the wounds in their bodies, and at the same time, they are alert to the external situation. At this moment, Du Xin and the two celestial beings had already heard the huge roar and vibration in the void, and it was obvious that the two sides were fighting fiercely.

At this moment, Shao Qing stretched out his hand and waved, and the sound of war drums on the largest warship rang out.

Fifty warships on each side are clamped forward like the double claws of a giant crab.

Only a small number of people remained on the warship, and most of the others had already pulled out and lined up in the void, and the vibrating drums had already reached the ears of Miao Qianmu and Du Xin on the other side of the big boat.

Two clear whistles sounded, and Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched when he heard it. It seems that Miao Qianmu must have suffered some injuries.

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