Become a Fairy

Chapter 3847 The army is under pressure

But Lu Xiaotian's not worrying doesn't mean that other people can be as calm and clear as Lu Xiaotian. For example, Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu, the two people with the highest cultivation bases in this fairyland, saw the dark clouds of war in the void. The boat is coming. The two of them were suddenly overwhelmed with horror. Their fairyland might not be able to gather tens of thousands of people, but it was not very useful to compete alone. The tens of thousands of people on the opposite side were more well-trained than them. The battle formation is also much more rigorous. Such a team, even if they organize several times the number of people, they will still be repelled by the opponent.

What's more, since the other party can organize a group of such people, they may not have no backup.

"Through the entire region, only the Great Sun Immortal Sect can do such a thing. Did we offend the Great Sun Immortal Sect somewhere?" Zou Jiufeng frowned and looked at Tian Zhongyu, who was also frightened.

"The Great Sun Immortal Sect is far away from us, and there is a Thunderstorm Sand River in the middle, and there are several dangerous places in the Lihen Fire Realm. In the past, even if we wanted to attach ourselves to the Great Sun Immortal Sect, the other party would ignore it, after all, they are too far apart. .We have always been in harmony with each other. Occasionally, when someone wanders over, we treat each other with courtesy. If there is more than enough respect, there will be no offence. These people may not come for us." Tanaka Yu said with flickering eyes.

"It's not for us, what is it for?" Zou Jiufeng asked suspiciously.

"If you ask in the past, you will know. You and I will go together." Tian Zhongyu said.

It's just that before the two of them could take any action, the huge battleship in the middle came out more and more, and an extremely powerful divine sense swept over them.

"Do you have these two people in your fairyland?" The middle-aged man in the golden robe stretched out his hand and pointed at the sky, and the images of Lu Xiaotian and Yuanchen Yaoxian appeared. Before the two opened their mouths, they asked directly.

"I've never seen it before." Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu watched for a while.

The middle-aged man in the golden robe suddenly appeared in front of the two of them. The powerful aura oppressed Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu so that they did not dare to move at all, and cold sweat broke out on their backs. The two of them could also feel the unkindness of the middle-aged man in the golden robe.

The questioning eyes of the middle-aged man in the golden robe swept over the two of them, trying to see the flaws in them.

However, although Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu were afraid of the power of the middle-aged man in the golden robe, they did not lie about this matter. The man with the huge Tai Chi pattern may be related. But I have never seen Lu Xiaotian and Yaoxian Yuanchen.

With no regrets in mind, even though the middle-aged man in the golden robe had sharp eyesight and discerning every detail, he naturally couldn't see any flaws in the two of them.

"Immediately mobilize the entire Immortal Territory to search for these two people." The middle-aged man in the golden robe darkened his face, and immediately ordered the two to speak.

"Yes! Senior!" Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu did not dare to disobey.

"Zuo Chengxiao, you take a thousand people to supervise their search." Naturally, the middle-aged man in the golden robe would not leave the matter completely in the hands of Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu. Sending someone to supervise has become a logical move.

Tian Zhongyu and Zou Jiufeng looked at each other, their eyelids twitched, but they didn't show anything unusual. Even if the other party found out about the strangeness in this fairyland, they couldn't blame them. After all, they had never seen each other want to I found these two people. Da Ri Xianzong wants to supervise and let him supervise. It would be fine if the Great Sun Immortal Sect was close at hand, the two would definitely surrender to each other, the difference in power between the two sides was just that the Great Sun Immortal Sect had no ambition at all, and it was far from easy for Emperor Shan Gao to be controlled by the other party. They have also heard a little about the usual style of the Great Sun Immortal Sect, and they are not an ideal target for investment.

Lu Xiaotian originally did not intend to confront the tens of thousands of people who formed the battle formation of the Great Sun Immortal Sect. The killing atmosphere accumulated in the battle formation was enough to break through his artistic conception. In the state, if you want to live alone with the other party, it will definitely not be easy to go anywhere.

It's just that the team of people sent by the lord of the Great Sun Immortal Sect was not a simple search. It tossed the fairyland here for a while, and the Golden Crow Sect created by the little fire crow accidentally ran into the other party. In a rage, the crow killed some of the opponent's men. Naturally, Little Fire Crow alone couldn't defeat a large group of opponents. As for the Golden Crow Cult, they were naturally uprooted by the opponent. At this time, Little Fire Crow was complaining to Lu Xiaotian about the atrocities committed by the Great Sun Immortal Sect.

Because of Little Fire Crow's actions of the Golden Crow Sect, the Great Sun Immortal Sect also learned that a person of unknown origin but extremely high cultivation had intruded into the Xueqingfeng mountain area. They were also annoyed at not reporting the information, and regardless of whether the person they were looking for was in Xueqing Peak or not, they directly arrested Tian Zhongyu and Zou Jiufeng. And killed hundreds of people in this fairyland.

Just when the Great Sun Immortal Sect was on a killing spree and searching the Xueqing Peak Domain extensively, the Yaoxian Yuanchen hadn't completed the breakthrough yet, and was already awakened by the current movement.

"Why don't you hand me over." Yaoxian Yuanchen looked at the dark warship in the void, even if the murderous aura was not directly directed at her, it still made her feel like a dark cloud overwhelmed the city feeling.

"The other party is not just looking for you, the Great Sun Immortal Sect will not launch such a battle just for a mere piece of True Black Pole Stone. It seems that there must be another purpose, or there is something mysterious about Thunder Cloud Valley." Lu Xiaotian looked at Yuan Chen Yaoxian glanced at it, and then glanced at the largest warship in the void that had sailed out of the battle formation. Before that, the ship of the suzerain of the Great Sun Immortal Sect rarely left the battle formation. Now Zou Jiufeng, Tian Zhongyu and their confidantes were captured. The battle array moved forward.

"You two are so courageous that you didn't report the abnormalities in the Immortal Territory." The middle-aged man in the golden robe snorted coldly.

"We've seen the girl from Xueqing Peak before. She's stronger than us, but she's not the one senior is looking for." Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu said with bitter faces.

"You still dare to quibble, you don't know yourself when your death is imminent, and you really don't cry when you see the coffin. Anyway, I happen to be short of a few targets to kill chickens and monkeys. Since you two are stubborn, don't blame me for being rude." It's gone." The middle-aged man in the golden robe had a murderous look on his face.

"The former, the senior, and the junior were at most negligent for a while, and there was no deliberate deception. The crime is not fatal. I hope that the senior will be a large number of adults. Ignore the process of the two juniors, and spare the two juniors a life. "Zou Jiufeng and Tian Zhongyu saw each other's murderous aura, their faces changed drastically, and they begged the middle-aged man in golden robe for mercy.

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