Become a Fairy

Chapter 3830 stop

"Everyone who comes here is a guest. It's not easy for you and me to cultivate to the current level, Daoist friend. If there is anything you can't say well, you have to fight and kill." Tian Zhongyu smiled when he heard the words, and didn't seem to be annoyed at Little Fire Crow's words Meaning, if you have cultivated to such a level, it is better not to use your hands, otherwise it will be a huge loss if you accidentally hurt your vitality.

"Well, what you said is quite reasonable. The presence of the Great Immortal here has really made your walls shine, but it is really boring to live here. What interesting things do you have here for the Great Immortal to play with?" If there is no one, please pay tribute quickly, if there is no one."

Little Fire Crow's two eyeballs moved around, looking malicious.

"What if you don't have one?" Zou Jiufeng had already been irritated by Little Fire Crow's arrogance. If the other party was really stronger than him, it would be fine to keep his voice low. After all, he has big fists and he hasn't reached out yet. This guy looked bossy, how could Zou Jiufeng be able to swallow this breath.

"No? That would be difficult." The little fire crow quacked dryly.

Tian Zhongyu also frowned at this time, thinking that Zou Jiufeng's airs were already big enough, but he didn't expect a mountain to be as high as a mountain. Since they couldn't agree on an agreement, Zou Jiufeng was willing to be this early bird, so it was a good idea.

"Then draw the line down." Zou Jiufeng snorted.

It's just that before Zou Jiufeng finished speaking, a small fireball, which looked ordinary, flew towards him, just like a fireball spit out by a low-level monster.

Zou Jiufeng frowned, who did he look down on? Immediately, he stretched out his hand, and a blue long knife slashed out. The collision between the two did not cause much fluctuation, but Zou Jiufeng's complexion changed before the two came into contact.

Chi Chi—a trace of water vapor emerged from the blue long knife. The blue above was unstable for a while. Obviously, some of them couldn't bear the amazing power of the fireball.

"Fellow Taoist, it's better to get rid of enemies than to tie them up. If you have something to say, why do you have to do it?" Seeing that Zou Jiufeng suffered a small loss just after the fight, Tian Zhongyu hurriedly persuaded him.

"Go away, pull the side frame and think that the Great Immortal can't see it, if you want to fight, just hit it together." The little fire crow croaked, and seven fireballs sprang up under the flap of its wings. It's not that the little fire crow can't create the aura of the sea of ​​flames, it's just that it will easily scare people, and it won't be fun at that time. Besides, it is easy to destroy the surrounding green mountains and green waters, which will affect Lu Xiaotian's meditation. On this point, Xiang Qingcheng has explained to it.

"That would be an offense." Tian Zhongyu saw that the several blue fairy knives that Zou Jiufeng summoned again were easily suppressed by a few small fireballs that looked ordinary. After a while, there were also a few fireballs and Zou Jiufeng outflanking him. If he stood by and stood by at this moment, with the arrogant tone of this little fire crow, he might turn around and deal with him.

Tian Zhongyu and Zou Jiufeng have lived together peacefully here for tens of thousands of years, and their relationship with each other is pretty good, but we can't just sit back and watch them suffer serious injuries.

It's just that before Tian Zhongyu made a move, a little white dog flew in the air from a distance, sparks and meteorites surged around the little white dog, like accumulated volcanoes that could erupt at any time.

Tian Zhongyu froze immediately, and froze on the spot for a while, not daring to make any unnecessary movements. He secretly thought that the other party had a bird and a beast, and this crow-like demon bird looked so arrogant that he had no friends. It stands to reason that the two monster birds here may not be the same group, but after this trial, Tian Zhongyu discovered that the other party was not only a friend, but the relationship should be extremely deep. There was no need to call at all, and he rushed over directly, which was obviously better than his side and Zou Jiufeng who had some calculations with each other.

"Xiaobai, don't worry about it, let him come here. Boy, if you have the ability, you can go along with him." When the little fire crow saw the appearance of the little white dog, he immediately dissuaded him.

At this time, Tian Zhongyu's face was a little hot when he heard it. Originally, he was calculating in every possible way here, hesitating back and forth, but the black bird didn't take him seriously at all. For this black bird, it doesn't seem to matter whether he gets up or not, and the opponent doesn't mind a one-for-two.

"Fellow Daoist misunderstood, I just want to stop the fighting between the two sides. After all, it is not easy to cultivate to this level, fighting and killing will hurt your peace." Tian Zhongyu smiled wryly, he originally wanted to help Zou Jiufeng, who was already at a disadvantage, to rescue the siege It's just that the appearance of the little white dog made him not dare to act rashly at all, and Zou Jiufeng's failure was revealed at this time. On the other hand, the little fire crow looked unsatisfied, and glanced at Tian Zhongyu from time to time.

"Fight, why don't you fight? It's as if I was friendly with you before." The little fire crow was not happy when he heard it, Chichi. Zhang Jiufeng's face flushed. The blue fairy knife controlled by it frequently emits white steam, and the aura on it is unstable. The tone of this little fire crow is surprisingly insolent. Although Zhang Jiufeng was extremely angry, he had no good way to deal with Little Fire Crow, even if he wanted to distract the other party, he couldn't do it. Little Fire Crow suppressed him too strongly. Moreover, Zhang Jiufeng was also worried that if he accidentally said something, he would offend Little Fire Crow, a guy who couldn't be treated with common sense.

Since he couldn't fight back, Zhang Jiufeng could only grit his teeth and hold on tight.

Quack, quack. The little fire crow made a loud cry, looking very excited.

"Okay, stop for a while, don't make a mess here." When Zhang Jiufeng was a little at a loss, it seemed that an extremely ethereal voice came from a distant direction.

Tian Zhongyu stared blankly, and there seemed to be a projection of a bamboo hut in the void. Inside, there was a beautiful woman holding a scroll of scriptures in her hand. Little Fire Crow said.

"Quack, quack," Little Fire Crow responded twice, with a bit of dissatisfaction in his tone. But it was done anyway. As soon as the wings were retracted, those little fireballs were re-swallowed into the belly of the little fire crow.

"Thank you Fairy for stopping me. Shimoda Zhongyu and Zou Daoyou didn't come here for the purpose of provoking a quarrel. They just heard that people in this area have been missing in this area of ​​Xueqing Peak, so they came here to check it out. But unexpectedly, there was still a conflict." After Tian Zhongyu lost his mind for a short moment, he bowed his hands to the projection of Xiang Qingcheng in the void.

At this moment, the little fire crow stopped, Zou Jiufeng was greatly relieved, and bowed his hands to Xiang Qingcheng to salute, this little fire crow was too powerful. I was about to exhaust my strength, but the other party was far from exerting all my strength. Next to me was a little white dog with the same terrifying breath. The star fire meteorite floating in the void was not easy to provoke.

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