Become a Fairy

Chapter 3803 Raging Magic Flames

In comparison, Lu Xiaotian's attack paled in comparison. It's just that since Yan Ji confessed in this way, it naturally makes sense, and Lu Xiaotian didn't stop because of his weak attack.

"Jiuzhuan Longyin Dharma King actually imparted his natal supernatural powers to you, a demon race. You really don't repent, and you are ashamed of being the Dharma King of Tantric Buddhism!" Over the alchemy furnace, the light and shadow of Burning Cloud Ancient Buddha looked extremely outraged.

"If you don't stick to your own opinion and cause the Tantra to split, why will there be disasters in the future? No matter how bad it is, you can still keep the Tantra Buddhism like the current Tiansang Wasteland. "

Speaking of this, Yan Ji is even more monstrous demonic flames, and there is also a surge of magical light in the pill furnace. It seems that there is a round of magical sun that is dusty under a certain deep sea. At this time, she is about to jump out of the sea and return to the sky .

However, under the mighty sound of Buddha in the pill furnace, the surging magic sun was suppressed.

The nine flames of the Great Compassion of the Devil Dragon flew out one after another, suspended below the slant of the alchemy furnace, and traces of black breath seemed to escape from the nine black flames. Surrounding the lower part of the alchemy furnace, the dragon energy that was defeated by the burning cloud ancient Buddha in the alchemy furnace did not disappear without a trace, but merged into a ball of soul power, like a cloud floating in the alchemy furnace. roll. At this time, Burning Cloud Ancient Buddha seems to intend to show these in front of Yan Ji and Lu Xiaotian.

"Dharma King Longyin is too kind. The Dragon Clan has ulterior motives in the Tantric sect. The Dharma King Longyin has forgotten his identity as the Dharma King of Protecting the Patriarchy, and he regards himself as a Dragon Clan. Nine turns of the Dragon Seal is indeed an ancient miracle, but The Fawang is too addicted to the dragon power of all beings. But he has forgotten the fact that he is not a dragon. If he is not a dragon, how can he display the true meaning of the dragon power of all beings. Letting the sworn dragon become the source of the magic flame is another kind of way of being."

"Now that the magic flame has been completed, with great compassion for the world, it can refine everything in the world. Since you are stubborn, let's start with you. Without you, the Dragon Seal Dharma King may return to Tantra."

"Really? Then it depends on whether you have the ability."

Yan Ji snorted coldly, behind her was a black demonic sun hanging high, and the inside of the pill furnace was constantly shaking. The sound of Tianmo's piano became louder and louder, and the surrounding space changed from the original weak ups and downs to violent surges and continuous collapse.

However, the esoteric sect's inheritance pill furnace, Tian Moqin, Yan Ji, and the nine demon dragons and great compassion flames under the pill furnace have not wavered in the slightest.

And the previous restriction that isolated Haoqing Yao and other Realm Demon Beads from Di Niao Mopeng suddenly collapsed at this moment.

In some places farther away, the floating islands that had previously floated in the void exploded one by one, and dust sprayed all over the sky.

"Find the formation!" The immortal army who entered here several times in batches at this time, and the generals of the immortal army led by each roared. The violent explosion impact made the place that seemed peaceful and quiet filled with murderous secrets.

Buzzing buzzing. Under the continuous impact, the guarding army supported by several Mingluo immortal armies belonging to different places was like an angry boat in a storm. Stormy waves beat over from time to time.

And the four-winged, Youshui, Chiyan and other different magic roc tribes called into this area by several golden-winged magic rocs are also within the range of being impacted at this time.

It's just that the magic rocs spread their wide wings and soared in the void at an astonishing speed, and the enchantment formed by the surge of magic energy also covered the surroundings. It's just the sand and dust blasting around, but the chaotic atmosphere has not stopped. I don't know when, the raging magic flames are everywhere, and the dragon shadow is faintly flickering in the magic flame. As the dragon shadow roars, the oscillating sound waves threaten With the monstrous dragon power swallowing, destroying everything around.

"Damn it, you actually refined all the sounds of the heavenly demon piano into this magic flame. This old bald donkey really has a hand." Di Xiao Mopeng saw the amazing scene in front of him. Singing and howling, the power became more and more out of control.

"I didn't expect such a powerful old bald donkey to exist in this Tantric Buddhist sect. If it wasn't for its involvement, the sum of all of us might not be enough for one of them to make a fuss, join my demon tribe, and then make a fuss ?" Di Xiao Mo Peng looked at Hao Qing who was looking at the Realm Bead and said.

At this time, the tens of days of demons around Hao Qingyao also showed fear on their faces when they saw the grand scene of destruction beyond the world magic bead like a doomsday collapse. The movement in front of them has far exceeded the limit that their current realm can accept.

Even seeing such a big scene for the first time in his life, if sister Hao Qingyao hadn't controlled the magic bead in this world, under this violent storm, it would only be a blink of an eye.

"Mozun, let's go. I came here for the Tianmoqin. Now that the Tianmoqin has appeared, naturally I won't find another place." Hao Qing shook his head and shook his eyebrows anxiously.

"Then it's up to you." Di Xiao Mopeng spread his wings before saying a word, flying past the edges of the black magic flames at an astonishing speed. Although these black magic flames are powerful, before they have accumulated enough power, the Emperor Xiao Mopeng has already flown briskly. Under such danger, any powerhouse in the Celestial Immortal Realm, even Lu Xiaotian's current strength, is far away. It is impossible to lift weights lightly like Di Xiao Mo Peng.

The monstrous raging magic flames pierced through the large formation defense of the Mopeng tribe. Seeing that these black flames began to spread death everywhere, even the leader of the Golden Winged Mopeng was seriously injured. Although the current situation is not irreparable , but it is not something they can do.

"Nine-eyed Abyss Devouring Formation!" At this time, the three heads of Dixiao Mopeng appeared in sight, and the Mopeng tribe that had fallen into chaos suddenly became a little calmer, and even a little more fanaticism. Even if the situation is still dangerous at this time, there are constant magic flames devouring these magic peng tribes. But since the appearance of the Emperor Xiao Mopeng, the Mopeng in the edge area is no longer in turmoil. Facing the surging magic flames, the Mopeng in the edge area knows that the flames will burn them a little later, and they still spread their wings. One after another of peng feathers shot out like sharp blades, or a golden light was sacrificed, and the overwhelming frost and magic flames were intertwined.

Many magic pengs were devoured by the magic flames after their original yuan was exhausted, or even before they were exhausted. Just seeing that they were about to face death, these magic birds didn't back down at all.

Dixiao Mopeng's eyes were cold, and he didn't even need to do anything, he just needed to sit in the big formation, and these Mopeng would be able to take over.

After paying a large number of casualties, the big formation opened up once again. Protect all the remaining Mopeng tribes in it.

"The situation has changed, go join other tribes immediately." Di Xiao Mopeng glanced at the Golden Wing Mopeng and said.

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