Become a Fairy

Chapter 3784 Change

Surrounded by a monstrous devilish energy, this devilish energy is almost condensed into a liquid, filling the surroundings like a substance. The speed of the emperor's magic peng was originally as fast as the limit that the strong in the fairyland can reach, and now it is released This kind of magic energy obviously wants to further limit Lu Xiaotian's space magic power.

"This demon is really you, do you have other methods?" Lu Xiaotian said to Xing Shiyuan while resisting the attack of Emperor Niao Mopeng, Jian Tiangang said.

"Fellow Daoist, help us temporarily get rid of the shackles of this altar, and you can help fellow Daoist!" Jian Tiangang said with a weak look.

"How to help the two get out of trouble?"

"As long as fellow daoists can transfer the place of fighting skills to the altar here, and disturb the operation of the altar!"

"Okay!" Dixiao Mopeng's offensive is extremely strong, Waiting for Tianxian is not his opponent at all, Lu Xiaotian also wants to transfer the pressure to other places.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy!" How could Di Niao Mopeng let Lu Xiaotian get away easily. Lu Xiaotian flickered, and approached the altar.

The surrounding demonic energy squeezed towards Lu Xiaotian from different directions. Without the black tide and the external interference from the Qiqing Canyon, Lu Xiaotian also deeply realized the power of the Emperor Niaomopeng at this time.

The dragon shadows and python shadows in the void are still fighting with the densely packed Peng shadows. Although Emperor Niao Mopeng was injured and escaped from the Qiqing Canyon before, but after he came out, he should have joined his tribe and was able to use new methods. However, Lu Xiaotian could clearly sense the hidden Peng Ying around him, and Di Niao Mo Peng had never displayed such supernatural powers before.

The mighty devilish energy continued to attack from all around, and Lu Xiaotian was a little bit restrained for a while.

On the other side, the Jiemo Bead controlled by Hao Qingyao was inextricably fighting with the one-armed light and shadow giant Buddha. When Lu Xiaotian was thinking about the way to fight against the Emperor Xiao Mopeng, suddenly a trace of extremely pure energy appeared in the Longchi. Dragon air.

"Moo..." the countless dragon python phantoms on Lu Xiaotian's side hissed and roared, and there were waves of dragon chants in the dragon pond suppressed by the emperor's magic seal, and the ground under the faint void was surrounded by the dragon pond The center began to shake quietly.

Di Niao Mopeng's heart skipped a beat, the aura in Lu Xiaotian's Fangtian Painting Halberd was completely compatible with Longchi here. Longchi here was originally suppressed by the Emperor's Demon Seal, but now inspired by Lu Xiaotian's Fang Tianhuaji, there are already signs of breaking through the Emperor's Demon Seal.

Lu Xiaotian originally fought with Emperor Niao Mopeng, although he would not lose for a while, but under Di Niao Mopeng's means, he could only parry for the time being, but he did not expect that the breath in Fang Tian's painted halberd would accidentally trigger it. I left Longchi here.

The Dragon Pond here obviously has the same origin as the Hualong Pond on the other side of the Qiqing Canyon. It's just that the dragon aura here is more refined than the dragon aura of Hualongchi in Qiqing Canyon.

Realizing that this might be the key to breaking the game, Lu Xiaotian immediately injected a large amount of dragon yuan into Fang Tian's painting halberd. With Lu Xiaotian's raise, the ground centered on Longchi trembled even more alarmingly.

The sound of the dragon chant inside was high-pitched and then high-pitched. Although Di Niao Mopeng intensified his attack on Lu Xiaotian at this time, he couldn't make much progress in a short time.

Waves of attacks were blocked by Lu Xiaotian one after another, and with a bang, a piece of the emperor's magic seal with the pattern of three magic birds on it was suddenly thrown into the void.

A series of dragon shadows, headed by a five-clawed golden dragon, flew out of the sky. These dragon shadows shuttled to the area where the demonic energy was vibrating. Under the breath of the dragons, they kept pushing back the condensed demonic energy.

Lu Xiaotian also took advantage of this rare opportunity to escape from the gap in the devil's energy.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian could no longer be suppressed by the Emperor Mopeng, his figure flickered out of the void, and he stretched out his hand to make a move, and the Emperor Mopeng turned into a three-headed Mopeng and landed on the altar in the distance.

Booming, the altar began to shake violently, and the aura of the Heavenly Demon Race inside was shaken and spread out to the surroundings.

"Despicable!" Hao Qingyao saw the cracks on the altar continue to expand, and couldn't help scolding with a cold face like iron.

"After this demon kills this damned dragon clan, I will help you achieve your goal!" Di Niao Mopeng's eyes were cold and stern, and the turbulent demonic energy descended mightily.

Jian Tiangang and Xing Shiyuan received the greatest shock at the side of the sacrificial offering. Under the violent shock, the two human celestial beings bled from their seven orifices. Affected by the emperor's magic seal, a huge amount of devilish energy gushed out from them. The two of them knew that there was no hope of getting out of the predicament, even if they managed to get out of the predicament, there would hardly be any room for them to survive under the watchful eyes of so many enemies.

"Fellow Taoist Jian, there is no hope of survival this time, so let's join hands to spread the news of this place, how about it?" Xing Shiyuan looked at Jian Tiangang frantically and said.

"Okay!" Jian Tiangang knew that it was hard to be lucky at this time, so he gave it a go. Even if he was going to perish here, he would never let these demons have a good time. As for the dragon clan in Lu Xiaotian's area, it's not within their consideration at all.

The two celestial beings of the human race roared immediately, and their respective bodies began to burn like a white fireball. The blazing white flames submerged into the altar. Although it was far from being comparable to the devilish energy gushing inside, it also opened a gap in the corner of the altar.

"This is actually an ancient teleportation array connecting different regions!" Jian Tiangang and Xing Shiyuan also occupied a corner of the altar under the frenzied actions of Jian Tiangang and Xing Shiyuan, and transmitted their auras to each other.

The aura coming from inside the altar is quite complicated at this time, including the auras of Tantric Buddhism, Mozu, and Jian Tiangang and Xing Shiyuan, two human race gods.

In addition, Lu Xiaotian felt the different responses of several breaths from inside the altar. Among them, the largest number is the breath of the demon clan, and the screams of many monsters in it are responding to the fluctuation of the emperor's magic seal.

This altar covers the largest area within the Tantric Buddhist gate, as if several different gates inside have been opened at this time.

At this time, a large number of dragon shadows in the dragon pool did not enter the altar, and the emperor's magic seal could not suppress it, and a large amount of dragon energy gushed out from the altar.

Lu Xiaotian looked at the location of the altar with a complex expression. Xing Shiyuan and Jian Tiangang had already transmitted their breath to the outside world through the altar here. I'm afraid that Yuxuan and Mingluo Heavenly Court will respond soon.

Although Huo Dongya and other celestial beings from Honghao Heavenly Court have all fallen, the changes in Yuxuan and Mingluo Heavenly Court may not cause a series of reactions. With the light and shadow giant Buddha in his arms to restrain him, he has no time to clone himself, and his summoning of other demons through the altar was also interrupted by Di Niao Mopeng's actions.

As part of the dragon shadows penetrated into the altar, the remaining power in the secret realm of Tantric Buddhism was also inspired, and the silent secret realm of Tantric Buddhism might become lively again.

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