Become a Fairy

Chapter 3775 ?? Canyon of Seven Emotions

Chapter 3775 Seven Emotions Canyon

"Okay, you don't have to pretend to me anymore. It's just that you don't want to worry about it. You just want to refine the Qiqing Shuming Pill in advance." Yanji glanced at Lu Xiaotian with disdain. It's justifiable, but she always feels disgusted by pretending to be smart and pretending to be confused.

"Senior's eyes are like torches, am I worried that the toxicity of the Seven Emotions Soul Eater Thorn cannot be controlled, once it conflicts with the Emperor Xiao Mopeng, there will not be enough time to refine the pill later." Lu Xiaotian said with a smile accompanying him, I didn't feel embarrassed at all when I was touched by Yan Ji. After all, what he said was true, and he was already helping Yan Ji solve her difficulties. As for the benefits that Yan Ji said, it has not been seen yet, so he has to think more about himself.

"You've come all the time, let me tell you if the other things are still useful, just do it yourself." Yan Ji snorted lightly, ever since she got to know this kid, even if she planted a seed bat into his body, she didn't see Lu Xiaotian like other pawns. She is in awe of her, Yan Ji knows that Lu Xiaotian is a very assertive person, and the calculations in her heart cannot be dispelled so easily.

Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, this would be the best, he would not really give up his thoughts just because of Yan Ji's few words, since Di Xiao Mo Peng's avatar can pose a huge threat to Yan Ji at this time, Yan Ji Although the previous realm was extremely high, far from what he can hope for now, but after all, he has been severely injured, Lu Xiaotian is not afraid of Yan Ji now, and does not do anything to her. There is room for mutual support behind actions that are unfavorable to him. His identity as a dragon is not visible.

After all, he is only a fairy-level dragon right now, but Yan Ji used to be a fairy-level existence. Even if she suffers a serious injury, she will recover one day sooner or later. The threat is not the same as that of Lu Xiaotian.

After passing through the restriction, the situation here is similar to what the outside world looks like. There are thick mountains up and down, and a narrow strip of varying heights in the middle. There are also some caves separated by the mountains connecting the upper and lower mountains, forming a staggered communication terrain. .

Some areas in the middle of the upper and lower mountains are tens or even hundreds of miles high, and the low places are only a few feet or even a few feet. Old trees of all sizes are connected up and down, and green vines hang down from top to bottom. It makes everything in front of you look like a dense jungle.

The leaves of the whole plant are as green as jade, and the flowers on mature spines are seven colors, which seem to symbolize the seven emotions of people. There are fiery reds that are passionate and unrestrained, and grays that are depressed and confused. The flowers on a thorn compete for beauty, and there are such soul-eating thorns everywhere.

The large and small flower clusters formed by these Seven Emotions Soul Eater thorns are all over every corner of the line of sight, but there is only a difference. There are also some other kinds of immortal plants, but the proportion is far less than Seven Emotions Soul Eater spine.

It looks so gorgeous, but the beautiful area is full of murderous threats. These Seven Emotions Soul-devouring thorns are not dead objects. Once the hidden thorns are approached by foreign enemies, they will automatically detach from the plant and attack foreign enemies like flying needles.

As far as the Seven Emotions Soul-eating Thorn is concerned, if one batch falls off, another batch will be produced soon. Although the Seven Emotions Soul-eating Thorn needs to consume its own source to generate these spikes, but compared to the eye-catching piece of seven As far as the soul-eating thorn is concerned, such consumption is nothing.

These spikes are not completely tangible objects, but between the demon element and the real thing. In this special area, there are green leaves everywhere. It is not easy to completely defend with the naked eye. Once the time is extended, this area will suffer endless attacks.

Lu Xiaotian just came in, standing at the edge of this area, there were already dozens of thorns shooting towards Lu Xiaotian.

Naturally, a dozen or so thorns can't do anything to Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian just flicked his finger, and a small light curtain blocked it, Lu Xiaotian's body flickered, and he flew past a small clump of Seven Emotions Soul Eater thorns. Whoosh, whoosh, hundreds of thorns shot at Lu Xiaotian from several directions at the same time. No matter how fast the speed is, it is difficult to completely avoid it.

And after these hundreds of thorns are combined, the seven-color flowers on the Seven Emotions Soul Eater thorns also emit halos, and they are combined like a seven-color rainbow, but this beautiful seven-color rainbow floats softly from the surroundings, and it actually forms a shape for Lu Xiaotian. A certain amount of restraint.

As for the monster butterfly dancing on the Seven Emotions Soul Eater thorn, the monster bee also regards Lu Xiaotian as an intruder from outside, fluttering its wings to sprinkle a large amount of butterfly powder, or sticking out sharp and poisonous stingers.

There are also python monsters and other monsters haunting this place, but compared to outside intruders like Lu Xiaotian, the thorns of the Seven Emotions Soul Eater Thorn and the rainbow halo formed by the seven-color flowers are the biggest threat.

And the halo emitted by the seven-color flowers of the Seven Emotions Soul-devouring Thorn is also consuming the source, if it cannot be picked in time before its consumption is too large, it will be collected later, and it will not be possible to refine it into a pill.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his finger and flicked it, with vigor like a knife, and cut under dozens of flowers.

Puff, there was a low noise from the Seven Emotions Soul-eating Thorn. Although most of the dozens of flowers of the Seven Emotions Soul-eating Thorn were cut off, they didn't break completely. Instead, they healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

These hundreds of thorns shot from all directions, although it was difficult to get close to Lu Xiaotian's body, but when the second wave and the third wave of thorns were shot out, it was already The brilliance faded, and the spirituality was greatly lost. Even if it is cut off from the thorny vines, it is difficult to make a pill.

"How is it? It's going well?" Yan Ji saw Lu Xiaotian's actions, and there was a sense of schadenfreude in her eyes.

"I didn't expect these seven emotions and soul-eating thorns to be so difficult." Lu Xiaotian didn't get too angry after eating a turtle.

Without preparation, it seems that it is not easy to collect the flowers of the Seven Emotions Soul Eater Thorn, but it is not so difficult that it cannot be dealt with.

"If it were really so easy to deal with, the Seven Emotions Soul Eater Thorn would not have had such a great reputation in the fairy world in the past. Even in the Tantric Buddhism, there were not many monks who could enter the Seven Emotions Gorge to collect flowers."

Lu Xiaotian nodded, there are very few people who can cultivate to the level of celestial beings. Xuanxian powerhouses are suffering every step of the way in this kind of place. The celestial level powerhouses have a certain ability to survive, but if there is no antidote, entering this thing Sooner or later, it will be a dead word, and eventually become the nourishment of various fairy plants and demon plants in this place.

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