Become a Fairy

Chapter 3745 ? Wolf Venerable

Chapter 3745 Wolf Venerable

(There are a lot of trivia recently, and the update has fluctuated, sorry. Try to keep it stable in the future.)

Recently, when Lu Xiaotian was in Jiuyang City for more than a thousand years, Lu Xiaotian wandered around in Jiuyang City. You can rest assured that the fairy materials are handed over to Lu Xiaotian, and it is absolutely impossible to hand them over through Meng Delin or others.

During this period, Lu Xiaotian wandered around the Jiuyang city for several months to several years, and Ao Zhan also spent a lot of time for this.

And this time Lu Xiaotian went far away, and once he left, it was more than a hundred years away, and he visited Meng Delin several times, but the return date was still uncertain. Ao Zhan's Heaven and Earth Tyrannical Dragon Body has reached a certain level in his cultivation, and he will need more Heaven and Earth Tyrant Dragon Pellets in the future. At this time Lu Xiaotian is not here, where can Ao Zhan find other alchemy sages to refine this alchemy?

In the meantime, Taoist Yihua also sent someone to look for Lu Xiaotian once or twice, but they didn't hear from Lu Xiaotian, but compared to Ao Zhan, Taoist Yihua's matter is not very urgent. I don't have too much worry about Lu Xiaotian. After all, although Lu Xiaotian is not in the Mysterious Immortal Realm, with the Ganfeng Five Spirit Map and Dragon Soul Battle Clothes, as long as he doesn't go to such a fierce place as Luo Yang Prison, in the huge Honghao Heavenly Court, he can threaten everyone. Lu Xiaotian really doesn't exist much. In the eyes of Yihua Taoist, Lu Xiaotian is a person who can advance and retreat with certainty. He wouldn't do risky things anyway, and with Lu Xiaotian's cultivation and status, there wasn't much need to deliberately take risks.

After so many years, the silver-gray wolf shadow in the void is still wandering aimlessly. With the fluctuations in the space these years, the fist-sized silver-gray wolf shadow has wandered around in unknown places.

A vast land that looks rough but flexible, with high mountains and rivers, interlaced rivers and lakes, towering ancient trees, and vines of various colors spreading everywhere in the void. These vines and forests are supported by the void. The wanton growth in the middle seems to be unrestrained by weight.


Scores of wolves rushed out from the forest in the distance, and the birds and beasts in this seemingly peaceful area were running around. Those snake lizards hidden in it watched in horror as thousands of wolf riders strangled.

All of a sudden, there was a bloody storm in the void. The vines spreading in the void were smashed into pieces by the sharp blade.

The Howling Moon Wolf rode like a strong wind, and the place it passed was a mess. Weak tribes are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and they don't have much ability to resist the impact of wolf cavalry.

Compared with the surrounding area, inside a magnificent palace at this time, there are strict guards outside. While these guards were on high alert, they also kept extremely quiet. It seemed that he was extremely worried about disturbing the owner of the palace.

Suddenly, in this deep palace, a vicissitudes of life, majestic and domineering aura vibrated. Immediately, a huge phantom with a wolf's head and a human body protruded into the void.

"Master Wolf!" All the wolf guards in the palace bowed down.

The huge wolf shadow ignored the crowds of guards in the palace, flew up on its own, and sank into the pure sapphire-like void.

Ying Langtian searched the void for a while following the indistinct fluctuations. Since returning from the phantom mist swamp last time, Ying Langtian has been retreating and meditating in the tribe he governs these years. Ying Langtian and his party in the fairy world suffered heavy injuries. In order to return to the demon world, Ying Langtian paid a huge price. As a result, after returning, the tribe he controlled, or his own strength, fell to the lowest rank among the four wolf masters.

After so many years of continuous cultivation, although Ying Langtian's strength has recovered a little, it is far from what he expected.

Now, in the silent cultivation as before, he suddenly sensed a wave of distraction. Although this wave of distraction is extremely weak, there is a faint sign that he has used the technique of god sacrifice.

It is not uncommon for him to be distracted and drift away, and it is not uncommon for him to survive to this day. When he was trapped in the phantom fog swamp, Ying Langtian made a lot of arrangements in order to return to the demon world. As for recovering so slowly.

At this time, Ying Langtian didn't want to return to the fairy world to recover these distracting thoughts. After all, the price of going to the fairy world is too high. Once found by the fairy world, it is really unknown whether he can go back.

However, it is obviously extremely important for the distracted people outside to use the method of god sacrifice, otherwise they would never use such a self-destructive method. And with the intensity of distraction, it is necessary to rely on other extremely strong distractions to do this.

Ying Langtian, who knew the pros and cons of it, searched for a while in the void, and within a short while, he was far away from the previous palace. Follow the faintly visible fluctuations and search all the way. Finally, above the vast expanse of ocean, Ying Langtian's huge wolf claws grabbed the void, and the void seemed to be pulled out by one of its claws to make a big hole.

Suddenly, there was a burst of explosion in the void. With cold eyes, Ying Langtian jumped into the hole one step at a time.

A moment later, when Ying Langtian stepped out of the cave again, in the void in the distance, sixteen dragon-headed and wolf-body beasts were pulling a Hua Lun, which looked like a small palace.

On the throne, an old man of the wolf clan who was red all over and dressed in a fiery red robe looked over here.

"Why did Ying Tianlang come to my fire waterfall lake and poke a hole in the sky, but it will affect the existence of my fire waterfall lake."

"It just happened to be a trivial matter, the loss on the hot lake side, and I will arrange the tribe to pay the corresponding compensation to Chijie Wolf Venerable, what does Chijie Wolf Venerable think?" Ying Langtian replied.

"What trivial matters should Ying Tianlang Zun not disclose?" Chijie Wolf Zun said with a smile. In terms of conflicts, the four great wolf masters of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan respect each other. Although they are both under the rule of the Wolf Emperor, there is no shortage of conflicts between them.

In the past, Ying Langtian was quite strong and relatively possessed a certain advantage. Since Ying Langtian got unlucky later, the situation has only been reversed relative to Chijie Wolf Venerable. Langtian has many territories, and the Wolf Emperor did not directly take control of them. After all, the Xiaoyue wolf clan respects the strong, and should Langtian's strength decline, it is naturally not enough to rule more places. Passing some out has also become a due act.

Ying Langtian actually jumped into his own territory at this time. Based on Chijie Wolf Lord's understanding of Ying Langtian, the other party's injuries are far from recovered. If there is no extremely necessary situation, he will not go lightly at all. Now that he has come, presumably something happened It is no small matter.

"It's a little inconvenient. Is there anything else that Chijie Wolf Lord has to do? I'm going back if I'm fine." Ying Langtian said in a flat tone.

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