Become a Fairy

Chapter 3713 ? Closed

Chapter 3713 closed

Lu Xiaotian fought against the evil heart demon, but unexpectedly found that the position he was in had moved out of the main city of Jiuyang City. This was obviously the opponent's method.

"Not good!" Lu Xiaotian was startled suddenly, feeling as if a phantom was about to penetrate into the depths of his heart.

"Haha, it's just a young child, in front of this demon, he can be arrested quickly, so as to avoid the suffering of the demons." At this time, a wanton laughter shook Lu Xiaotian's mind.

"Really?" Lu Xiaotian smiled indifferently. Just now, the phantom only felt a twist in the surrounding space. He had clearly penetrated into Lu Xiaotian's body, but there was a sudden blur around his body. Even he himself didn't feel the difference, so he didn't know. Unconsciously, it was transferred out, obviously all the effort just now was in vain.

What a weird way, this kid is already so good at the Profound Immortal Realm, if he can advance to the Golden Immortal in the future, it will be fine. Even Xunyin Leiling in Luoyang Prison may not be this son's opponent.

So this kid can't stay. It's just a pity that the deity has not arrived, otherwise, why would it be so troublesome to kill this beast. But once there is a chance, you can't let this person go.

Lu Xiaotian screamed in his heart that it was dangerous. The method of killing the demons is almost pervasive, with all kinds of emotions and six desires. Whenever a gap is opened by it, various methods will come one after another.

Greed, hatred, joy, anger... Countless heart demons and phantoms arise like a tide, continuous, the other party deliberately let himself see that he has left Jiuyang City and is approaching Luoyang Prison. When Lu Xiaotian saw this scene, he couldn't help but be a little surprised at the method of killing the clone of the heart demon. It's just that the emotional fluctuations and fear were immediately grasped by the avatar of the Erosion Demon.

It's just that the other party is just a clone after all, and before the follow-up methods are used, the surroundings blur for a while, and they get out of Lu Xiaotian's body for no reason.

"Sinister! How dare you break into Jiuyang City to cause chaos!" At this moment, a thunderous voice sounded.

I saw a phantom in the void coming through the sky, it was Taoist Yihua, and at this time Taoist Yihua had an angry look on his face. With one hand, he slashed towards the realm of the heart demon that had melted away from the clone of the eclipsing heart demon.

In the demon realm, the faces of the ghosts could not help but show fear.

I just saw Lu Xiaotian sitting cross-legged in the void, like an old monk in meditation, surrounded by the mighty sound of Buddha, alternating gold, silver and white light on his body, and the brilliance of the light wheels shining behind him. Countless heart demons impacted on it, directly dissolving in the brilliance.

Soon, the Yihua Taoist who was still angrily scolding evil obstacles just now quietly faded away and turned into a phantom, and in the territory of the heart demon, a faint phantom looked gloomy, obviously did not expect Lu Xiaotian to do it so quickly after suffering a small loss just now Out of adjustment, completely enter the state of samadhi, without being moved by foreign objects at all.

It's impossible to insist, Lu Xiaotian has the dragon soul battle suit and the Ganfeng Wuling map to protect himself, and he often fails to succeed with the attack method of the inner demon. If he were an ordinary fairy, he would have been defeated by his repeated attacks. At this time, the avatar of the eclipsing heart demon was also unavoidably a little discouraged.

If you can't attack for a long time, once the time is prolonged, it will inevitably change. At this time, the movement in Jiuyang City has already disturbed the demon of erosion.

"The Taoist Yihua's old man was absorbed by Xue Daoyuan for most of his energy. Once he reacts, it won't take long to find this place." If Lu Xiaotian has been attacked, the younger generation will have already caught it with a few people. It was wasted a lot of his efforts to break into this place.

Glancing at Lu Xiaotian from a distance, the killing demon shook his head, and the surrounding demon realm began to fade away. Suddenly, a huge palm shadow smashed into the demon realm like a giant axe, which had already begun to fade away. The realm of inner demons completely collapsed.

"Dongfang!" Mu Xia, Nie Tianhou, Shentu Zhanfeng and others followed.

"Don't touch him." Taoist Yihua had a serious face, with anger looming on his face. Lu Xiaotian traveled thousands of miles back and forth to the East China Sea to get the things he needed for alchemy and returned. Seeing that he had already stepped into the main city with one foot, he was caught by the heart demon who ate and killed him first and intercepted him.

Fortunately, the other party still has concerns, and the deity dare not come to the main city for the time being, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. At the moment, Lu Xiaotian is still left behind anyway.

"Senior, how is the situation in the East?" Mu Xia's tone did not conceal the anxiety in his heart.

"Shang Ke, fortunately nothing major happened, but being harassed by the realm of demons that ate and slaughtered demons, little friend Dongfang has entered a state of autism. As for when he will wake up, it's hard to say, maybe the next moment Wake up, maybe three to five days, maybe hundreds of thousands of years is also possible."

Yihua Taoist sighed. Originally, it was expected that Lu Xiaotian would play a huge role in the process of refining the Golden Que Nine Polarization Yuan Pill. After all, Lu Xiaotian's alchemy attainment is the top choice among the third-rank alchemy, Lu Xiaotian's own alchemy also has a huge tolerance, and other third-rank alchemy cannot replace it in this regard. Just looking at the current situation, once Lu Xiaotian can't wake up in time, he can only make another plan for refining the Golden Que Nine Polarization Yuan Pill.

"Hundreds of years? Doesn't that mean that Dongfang may not be able to wake up?" Mu Xia's face turned pale, "Is there no other way?"

"His situation is not as serious as Deputy City Lord Xue's. It's just a clone cast with the demon of killing the heart. The little friend Dongfang has a strong heart, and I believe he can overcome this difficulty. Use foreign objects to help him wake up. It is no different to practice in the future. Once he wakes up and his state of mind is tempered in this way, the Golden Immortal Avenue will not be far away in the future. I will take the East back first. Right now, Jiuyang City is not very safe. Let me go together, if the distance is too far, I will be too far away."

Being plotted by the eclipsing heart demon, Taoist Yihua felt very depressed. He simply explained a few words, and without waiting for Mu Xia, Nie Tianhou and others to say anything, he waved his hand and led a few people through the air. And rise.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian has indeed entered the state of autism similar to what Taoist Yihua said, abandoning all perception of the outside world, and has no idea what is happening outside. It's just one clone, for Lu Xiaotian, the methods are ever-changing and emerge in endlessly. Even if he has cultivated to the level of Lu Xiaotian, or even as a Taoist, it is inevitable that he will have seven emotions and six desires. In the process of confronting the avatar of the Corroding Heart Demon, Lu Xiaotian almost fell into the opponent's way, or he used time or space magical powers to combine that The phantom is expelled from the body.

Later on, Lu Xiaotian simply entered this state of closing off his external perception. Regardless of appearance, Lu Xiaotian is no different from a stone at this time.

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