Become a Fairy

Chapter 3641 Overweight

"After destroying this guy's two fairy pets, I will make his life worse than death in the next competition!" Chu Zhaoyang's slightly narrowed eyes radiated a dangerous light. Before the defeat of the city, there were not many people in Yuxuan Tianting who knew about it, but after Lu Xiaotian yelled like this, sooner or later it would spread widely. And I'm afraid that the reputation will be even worse, after all, he can't beat him, so he wants to use the opponent's fairy pet, which is a bit vulgar no matter how you look at it.

Right now, Lu Xiaotian's two fairy pets are using the spark meteorite to improve their strength in the Chaotic Starfield. This opportunity is rare, and Chu Zhaoyang, Lou Yikong, and Fu Lianyue have not given too much preparation, so they can only start as soon as possible, otherwise once Lu Xiaotian If they took back the fairy pet, they would have no chance even if they were wise and resourceful. The harm of the two phases is the lesser, even if you bear a bad reputation, you don't care so much at this time.

But even if Chu Zhaoyang had some calculations, he didn't expect that Mu Xia would hand over the Ganfeng Five Spirit Map to Lu Xiaotian without thinking, and Lu Xiaotian's strength couldn't be regarded at the level of ordinary Xuanxian. In Chu Zhaoyang's eyes, sending three celestial beings was enough to stop the opposing celestial powerhouse and complete the matter. After all, several celestial beings Zhu Zhenghao had already searched for the battleship in Fanxianzhou before.

Of the limited number of angels, one or two should be left to guard. Even if two celestial beings could come out, one celestial powerhouse would be enough to deal with the little fire crow and the spirit chasing little white dog in front of them. And it doesn't take long at all, it's not easy for one Heavenly Immortal to deal with two Mysterious Immortal-level pets.

However, I thought there was nothing wrong with it, but something went wrong at this time. The five Gan Fengling figurines fell directly from the void, and the five giant axes that swirled out formed a huge seal, directly blocking two of the celestial powerhouses.

"Om!" The two celestial immortals directly printed their palms, and the palm prints landed on the seal formed by the five giant axes with the force of thunder. The giant ax seal rotated slowly, but it didn't break directly.

"How is it possible?" At this time, even Chu Zhaoyang and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded, Lu Xiaotian actually blocked the joint attack of two celestial beings with that weird picture book.

"Ganfeng Wulingtu, it is said that Immortal Dongli bought it from somewhere. It was passed on to his daughter Mu Xia as a life-saving item at a critical time. I didn't expect Mu Xia to hand it over to this Dongfang Dansheng .”

However, Fu Liyue saw the origin of the Ganfeng Wulingtu, and her face was full of strange expressions, "This Dongfang Dansheng can develop the Ganfeng Wulingtu to such an extent, which is beyond the reach of capable people."

"Senior Xu, you two should go too. Since the matter has been done, it must be done thoroughly." Fu Lianyue glanced at the two celestial beings beside her and said.

At this moment, the two angels who were guarding Fu Lianyue nodded and flew into the chaotic star field. Lu Xiaotian's complexion changed when he saw that two more heavenly experts had come. Those who can protect Chu Zhaoyang and Fu Lianyue are all strong among the gods. It is not bad for him to block them with the Ganfeng Wulingtu. Now there are two more, it seems that the other party is almost ready to kill.

"Master, don't worry about us, Xiao Hei and I will hide in the star field for a while, and then we will come to you later." The little white dog Huo Dou said to Lu Xiaotian via voice transmission.

"Will it be dangerous to go deep into the Chaotic Starfield?" Lu Xiaotian frowned.

"It doesn't matter, the spark meteorite can't hurt me, but we really can't deal with the opponent's celestial powerhouse." Xiaobaigou Fudou said.

"Okay, then you should be more careful, let's move inside together and see how long these angels can last." Lu Xiaotian's tone was somewhat murderous.

"Master, you don't want to go, I can protect Xiao Hei, no more." The little white dog Fudou directly rejected Lu Xiaotian's words.

"It doesn't matter, the defensive ability of the opponent's powerful immortals may not be stronger than my Ganfeng Wulingtu, you go first, hurry up!"

Lu Xiaotian directly ordered that the Chaotic Star Field is relatively in the outer area, so there will be no major problems. Even if the other party's celestial powers want to pursue them, they may not be able to last as long as him in the Chaotic Star Field. If he really pushed him into a hurry, he summoned the power of the dragon wolf totem and then drove the Ganfeng Wulingtu to kill these guys, even if he had to take some risks. Yuxuan Tianting's tricks this time really angered him.

"Go, go, Xiaotian, don't force yourself too much, lest you become a burden and drag us down. Xiaobai is not what he used to be now, these spark meteorites can't hurt him, croak!" The little fire crow had no fear at this time , directly urging the little white dog to fight, as if he didn't think it was a big deal. At the same time, he warned Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian's complexion turned dark, if it weren't for the strong enemy outside, Lu Xiaotian would have wished to catch Little Huoya and pull out a few hairs of the opponent.

After unifying their opinions, the little white dog immediately turned to the depths of the Chaotic Star Field. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm, and the Ganfeng Wulingtu flew into his palm. Turn into the depths of the Chaotic Star Field.

"Stop those two evil beasts!" The elder Xu Jianfeng, who was the leader, let out a whistle. If Little White Dog and Little Fire Crow were allowed to escape into the deeper areas of the Chaotic Star Field, even they, the celestial powerhouses, would be in danger. There will be too much danger, but it is only relative, and it is not necessarily necessary to go deep into the riot star field.

"You are an evil animal, your whole family is an evil animal!" The little fire crow grabbed the long fur on the back of the little white dog and scolded back.

"Looking for death!" Xu Jianfeng raised his hand and slashed his sword. Under the shadow of the huge sword, the nearby Xinghuo meteorites all solidified at this moment. It seems that a huge sword shadow shrouded the front. It looked like the little white dog and the little fire crow were running away, but it felt like the distance between them was getting closer.

Lu Xiaotian made a move with both hands, and the five Gan Fengling figurines slashed forward at the same time, and the five palm shadows gathered together and turned into a five-color giant axe, which slashed on the opponent's sword shadow with a bang.

The Xinghuo meteorites in the surrounding area were all shaken away, and the entire space shook.

Little White Dog Huo Dou heaved a sigh of relief, and more spark meteorites came, and the figures of the two little guys quickly disappeared among them. Once caught up, it is really dangerous.

"You guys, stop him!" Xu Jianfeng's face was full of anger, and the five celestial powerhouses made a move, but Fan Xianzhou blocked it for a while. If he was blocked by Lu Xiaotian, a junior Xuanxian, even if the other party had the Ganfeng Wuling map in his hand, It is still a great shame for them.

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