Become a Fairy

Chapter 3630??? Dilemma

Chapter 3630 Predicament

"Damn it, you bald donkeys, you just stayed in Tengyunling to mine the fairy crystal mine honestly, but you actually thought of running away. Now that you're all right, it's okay to kill yourself, and I'm so tired that I want to send you to Wanhan A ghostly place like a cave."

A man in the lead with a long and thin face cursed, he was still puzzled while cursing, he flicked a long whip in his hand, and with a bang, a shadow of the whip hit a monk's back, and the old monk grunted, Bleeding from the corner of the mouth.

Xiang Hua's face remained the same, and the thin-faced man gave him a few more whips before he could relieve his anger.

"Stop here, Brother Xue, look at these bald donkeys. We are almost at Mingshan City ahead. Let's take turns going to Mingshan City to have fun. After passing through Mingshan City, we will go all the way to Wanhan Cave, but there are hardly any people." The thin-faced man said. "But as I said above, these bald donkeys are a bit tricky, you should be careful, don't make any trouble, otherwise you and I will not be able to bear the blame."

"Brother Chen, don't worry, go ahead, leave it to me, and keep it safe." The man surnamed Xue responded quickly.

"Well, Brother Xue, I can rest assured that you can do things." The thin-faced man nodded and raised his left hand, "Team E, follow me to Mingshan City. After we come back, we will change to Team Shen."

Several real immortals and Xuanxians belonging to Team E cheered after hearing it.

After the thin-faced man left, there were only two real immortals left, and a hundred other immortals were guarding here.

After a while, the two monks who were imprisoned in the cage with Xiang Hua looked at each other, and then suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood. The ropes on his body seemed to be inexplicably affected by the blood. It has become a little more relaxed.

"What are you doing, you bald donkeys, how dare you seek death!" The man surnamed Xue, who had been resting with his eyes closed, was startled suddenly. After noticing the movement here, Void took a step and came to the top of the cage.

"This is a cage made of heavenly fire wood, just because my father wants to rush out of it, you ignorant guys, since you are asking for trouble, then I will make you happy." A long red whip appeared in his hand, and he whipped it down several times, and the shadow of the whip jumped over the cage and hit several monks directly. Several other monks, including Xiang Hua, were also affected, and were directly counted by the man surnamed Xue. As far as this man surnamed Xue dared to disturb his dream, no matter whether other people were participants or not, they would all be punished together.

After a few whips, the two leading monks screamed incessantly. The whip marks ripped through the clothes. It seemed that there was a flame sticking to the skin and burning it.

Except for Xiang Hua, the other monks were all weaker and looked even more miserable.

However, the two middle-aged monks who took the lead spat blood on the cage one after another, and the restrictions on the cage made by Tianhuomu began to flash one after another. It was here that Xiang Hua, who had been acting as if he hadn't exceeded the rules in the slightest, suddenly became violent. I saw his palms clasped together, and suddenly moved outwards, the brilliance of the relic flashed, spinning like a light turning knife wheel, and even the loose restraint in the cage directly destroyed the restraint inside, with a bang, Tianhuomu was caught by his palms Hit it, and the void exploded everywhere.

"How courageous!" The man surnamed Xue stretched out his hand, and braved the vermilion bird seal to suppress Xiang Hua in the air.

Xiang Hua stretched out his hand to shine a light, and there were thousands of blue lights flickering in the void, intertwined with the flames from the Vermilion Bird Seal, and the entire void was burned to the point of crackling.

The man surnamed Xue found that his Vermilion Bird Seal showed some signs of being unable to hold on. The man surnamed Xue looked terrified, obviously he didn't expect that the monk who had been silent all this time was the most powerful among them, and even he couldn't suppress him. The man surnamed Xue exclaimed quickly, "Jia Yuan, Tao Qiu, this evil monk is so powerful, please help me."

"Here we come!" Jia Yuan and Tao Qiu immediately flew towards them, a fairy ax slashed towards the sky, and flakes of golden sand rushed towards them.

"Go and release the others first, I'll stop them!" Xiang Hua shouted at the few monks who had just been whipped. Immediately, seven relics flew out of Xiang Hua's body, like seven Buddha wheels, and frequently clashed with the immortal weapons sacrificed by the men surnamed Xue.

Xiang Hua fought three enemies with his own strength, among them was a man surnamed Xue and another red-haired old man with a higher level of cultivation than him. The flames in the void were blazing, rolling all the way to many stars, and these stars and meteorites exploded under the fierce fighting of several people.

After fighting fiercely for a while, a group of monks were rescued from the cage one after another. Hundreds of immortal escorts faced off against two middle-aged monks who had reached the level of real immortals, even though the two middle-aged monks had already been seriously injured. How could these hundred immortal escorts who failed to form an army formation in a hurry be opponents.

He was cut into half by the killing general before he started, but at this time Xiang Hua was a little bit unable to resist in a one-on-three situation. He was originally imprisoned in the cage and suffered some injuries. After entering the Yuxuan Heavenly Court, no one is safe, and the three enemies are not weak, and two of them are even more advanced than him. Hum, the seven relics that looked like wheels of light were knocked back into a circle and flew back backwards. Xiang Hua also spat out a mouthful of blood involuntarily.

"How dare you resist, kill him!" The man surnamed Xue had a ferocious expression on his face. The monk in front of him was really powerful. It was only with the combined strength of the three of them that he could barely suppress him, and the man surnamed Xue could sense that the monk was injured. In the body state, if he was not injured and fought fiercely with the three of them, relying on his incomparably powerful Buddhist supernatural powers, even if the three of them joined forces, they might not be able to subdue him.

Before the man surnamed Xue could finish his sentence, the woman who joined forces with him flicked his finger, and several silver flying needles pierced through the golden sand and roared towards Xiang Hua's vital parts.

Xiang Hua resisted for a while, but with one enemy three times, he was forced to keep retreating. The two middle-aged monks came to help them before, but their injuries were more serious, and they were beaten to vomit blood within a few strokes.

"Amitabha, Yuxuan Heavenly Court has always suppressed my Buddhist sect the most. Little friend Xiang Hua and the poor monk have shallow skills and are not enough to take on the important task of revitalizing the Buddhist sect. You have hope, so go away." The two middle-aged The young monks looked at each other and sighed each other. After finishing speaking, a blue flame ignited behind them, obviously planning to buy Xiang Hua a chance to leave at the cost of burning himself.

"No. Let's go together, these people may not be able to keep us." Xiang Hua took a breath. Before he came to the fairy world, although he had certain ideas about the fairy world, he never thought of it. will be reduced to the present situation.

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