Become a Fairy

Chapter 3627 ??Memories

Chapter 3627 Memories

Realizing that Lu Xiaotian was going to attack, Bei Chenyue couldn't maintain a calm and clear look like Lu Xiaotian. When the next step is to step into the void outside the giant boat again. Then layer after layer of ice crystals appeared on its body surface, and in a blink of an eye, it became a huge iceberg floating in the void. There was only a faint figure inside the iceberg. Looking in from the outside, it seemed that countless people had passed by. A transparent crystal refracts the general, and can instantly refract thousands of shadows, making people wonder whether they are true or false.

When the spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, it also went back and forth thousands of times, and finally completely lost the sense of Bei Chenyue.

"What a mysterious ice cave." Lu Xiaotian stood with his hands tied on the deck of the giant boat. Before dawn, a Buddha Dharma Body that was exactly like Lu Xiaotian stepped out of the void. This Buddha Dharma Body exuded majesty and majesty With the aura of Xian Yun, he stepped into the iceberg that was like an endless ice cave inside. With a palm stretched out, Foyin covered one of the figures.

A flying ice floe blocked the Dharma body of King Pu Shiming, and even the swirling ice squeezed the Dharma body of King Pu Shiming out from inside.

It's just that almost at the same time, two Buddha bodies with the same appearance but slightly different aura stepped into the iceberg.

Inside the iceberg, the figure of Bei Chenyue and the Buddha Dharma Bodies kept fighting, and the floating ice floes whirling inside kept breaking apart, and the Buddha Dharma Bodies with different breaths but with the same origin were forced out of the iceberg one after another, but the seven Buddha Dharma Bodies were driven out. One or two came out, and others entered, and so on and on. Later, the seven stupa dharma bodies all entered the iceberg floating in the void.

For a moment, there seemed to be countless people fighting in the iceberg. It seemed that they were just countless shadows in the ice layer, and they didn't have much lethality. It's just that in the void beyond the iceberg, there are continuous thunderous vibrations and the sound of heaven and earth collapsing. The people present all looked at the extremely weird scene in front of them.

Until the last seven Buddha Dharma bodies merged into one and exited the iceberg, and then disappeared into the void, as if they had never appeared before.

The icebergs in the void melted and disintegrated, shadows disappeared one after another, and Bei Chenyue's figure was also exposed inside.

"Thank you Dongfang Pill Sage for your mercy, I lost this match." Bei Chenyue was also frank, there seemed to be no trace of injury on his body, and he did not pester Lu Xiaotian to continue the competition at this time. Instead, he surrendered directly.

"My use of space seems to be tricky, but I can't beat you with this method for the time being, so it's not like you lose." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Bei Chenyue in surprise. The opponent's method is indeed extraordinary. Although his use and understanding of the power of space has gone further, Bei Chenyue is also a rare genius. He has completely integrated his own Dao realm with the iceberg, almost forming a closed Dao realm. The cave sky is integrated with this piece of airspace. Under Lu Xiaotian's use of the power of space, it seems that the methods are ever-changing, which makes people unable to figure out, but within that iceberg, relying on the power of space, it can only be regarded as a tie at best. Defeating Bei Chenyue is indeed out of the question.

Of course, this is also the case that Lu Xiaotian did not use other means.

"Dongfang Dansheng is just a small test. I have tried my best and I can't help it. It's meaningless to fight any more. I can't touch Dongfang Dansheng at all." Bei Chen shook his head. Originally, he wanted to get to know through this competition. Lu Xiaotian's supernatural powers in space are just that the means of space retention and teleportation are too short. After fighting for a while, Bei Chenyue also has certain countermeasures. Once Lu Xiaotian's Buddha's Dharma Body appears. It can be sensed immediately in his artistic conception cave.

It’s just that the two sides have been fighting until now, Lu Xiaotian’s spatial supernatural power has invaded into the iceberg, and when the opponent’s Buddha body is hidden, unless the Buddha body actively shows up, he can’t take the initiative to force the Buddha body out of the secluded space . Lu Xiaotian is already invincible in the battle between the two sides. If he can't solve this trick, can't understand the mystery of this trick, and can't force Lu Xiaotian to use other methods, this competition doesn't mean much to Bei Chenyue even if he continues.

"It seems that you can save some troubles, Fellow Daoist Fan. If you realize something in this training, you can do your own thing." Lu Xiaotian nodded and smiled. His supernatural powers lingering in this space look amazing, and they are indeed effective against cultivators in the Mysterious Immortal Realm. If it is replaced by a celestial being, the celestial being's artistic conception is stronger, and the longer his supernatural power stays in the inexplicable space, the more power he accumulates. If other magical powers were used, it would only be a matter of time before Beichenyue was defeated, and even before that, Lu Xiaotian still only separated part of his spiritual consciousness, and his main energy was still focused on that deep and boundless void.

"Dongfang Pill Sage is good at cultivation." Fan Xianzhou nodded, he didn't want to cause trouble at first, at this time Lu Xiaotian had nothing to worry about. It is the best result to be able to come to an end here without any other troubles.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, not intending to talk to a few more people, turned around to look at the boundless and magnificent void, and integrated his spiritual consciousness into it bit by bit.

After this battle, Mu Xia and the onlooker Nie Tianhou realized something. Bei Chenyue and Shi Mengjun each had some puzzles in their hearts, but they couldn't even talk about casual acquaintance with Lu Xiaotian, so they went back to room.

Looking at the void all the way, the sun is blazing, the sun is rising, and the sky is full of red clouds. Or it may be stormy, full of all kinds of dangers. Or shrouded in night, the stars are shining.

What is emptiness, what is a hole in the sky? Lu Xiaotian frowned and thought. At this time, what he comprehended overlaps to a certain extent with his attainments in space. There seems to be some contradictions.

Inadvertently, Lu Xiaotian thought of Ye Qianxun when he was in the spirit world, the swallowing sword that Ye Qianxun practiced, the sword is like an abyss, swallowing everything. Although it is extremely superficial to look at the Tunyuan Sword with Lu Xiaotian's current eyesight, but this way of cultivation is worthy of recognition. After the time passed, Ye Qianxun still left a deep imprint on Lu Xiaotian's mind. If this person hadn't entered the Sword Embryo by mistake, even if he entered another sect, the light on his body would not be able to hide it. If it wasn't for him Accidentally broke the trap he had set up, and took Chizi Youlian to refine the lotus avatar. It is estimated that Ye Qianxun had already used the lotus avatar to get rid of the shackles of the sword embryo.

Thinking of Ye Qianxun's primordial spirit being wiped out in the Qingguo barrier, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help feeling a little bit regretful at this time. After so many years, the former enemies may not be irresolvable. There was not much hatred between him and Ye Qianxun, they just went their separate ways. Shaking his head, putting all these distracting thoughts behind him, Lu Xiaotian recalled Zhigan's aura of swallowing everything with the Tunyuan Sword back then.

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