Become a Fairy

Chapter 3619 ??? Golden Eagle, woman

Chapter 3619 Golden Eagle, Woman

A towering mountain of ancient trees guards the pearl-like lake in it. The verdant ancient trees and colorful flowers and plants are reflected in the mirror-like clear lake water, creating a pleasing scene.

Monster butterflies are flying around, and the blue sky and white clouds are so pure that they are spotless.

Yo. A high-pitched clear sound came from afar in the void. The golden shadow flitted across the void, and a golden eagle soared across the mountain area. The sharp eyes looked down at the mountains, and saw that the precipitous and vibrant mountains guarded a pearl-like lake. The golden eagle's eyes lit up, and its wings fluttered slightly, and it turned into a golden light and shot down. Descending into the air, the golden eagle figure suddenly stopped.

Suddenly, an indifferent restriction loomed in the void, blocking the golden eagle's way.

The golden eagle's sharp eyes flashed, and its claws scratched down in the air, and several claw marks floated down immediately. Grasping on the restraint, the restraint shone with brilliance, and when the claw marks disappeared, the aura of the restraint also weakened a little.

"I have taken my fancy on this treasure land. I don't care who you are, so I don't care about leaving this seat. If you don't know how to fight, don't blame this seat for being unpredictable." The golden eagle folded its wings and stood in the void. Turning into a man with a pale face and a pair of golden wings on his back, his eyes flew across this calm and profane lake.

"That's a big tone. If you have the ability, go for it yourself." A crisp voice sounded, but no one appeared.

"Well, I will break your restriction first, and I will meet you later." The golden eagle snorted coldly, stretched out his sleeves, and a golden eagle shadow pierced through the air. At the same time, the Golden Eagle's body moved, and it moved in this airspace with lightning speed.


hum! In the violent impact, the restraints in this area trembled violently, but the golden eagle also discovered that the restraints in this area had an extremely agile force, and the moving speed was even faster than him. Everything was so strong that he couldn't make an inch of it. It's just that the incomparably agile power kept blocking him in front of him, which blocked his way.

"Very good, I haven't encountered such an interesting formation for a long time, but this formation can only block me for a while." The golden eagle laughed wantonly, if the other party is really capable of dealing with him, why bother now Still huddled in the formation and couldn't come out.

Although the Golden Eagle himself did not have the ability to crack this formation, it did not mean that he had no way to do it. Before long, there was loud drumming in the void, and clouds floated over. count.

The monster clouds floating in groups almost covered the air space above the lake in front of me.

At this time, large shadows appeared in the clear and pure water of the lake for no reason, and layers of water mist began to form on the surface of the lake. In the mist, shadows were faint, and a chilling air rushed away.

The golden eagle was startled. It hadn't been discovered that there was an army of monsters hidden in the lake before. According to his eyesight, there shouldn't be such a mistake. Could it be because of the formation of the guard outside?

No matter so much, let's break through the opponent's formation first. The golden eagle waved its hand, and groups of demon soldiers rushed towards the formation with thunder and drums. Hum, an indifferent ban stood in front of a group of monster soldiers. These monster soldiers each sacrificed their own demon weapons and smashed them down, causing the ban in front of them to shake violently.

Not long after, a big hole was opened in the area shielded by this formation. A large group of demon soldiers poured into it from the gap. Rushing into the lingering water mist on the lake, the sound of fighting inside was loud, and the water mist on the lake was already stained with a layer of blood.

It's just that it's strange that the blood melted into the mist and stopped abruptly, and couldn't drip into the clear lake. Even the golden eagle watching the battle from a distance was quite curious at this time. The lake in front of him was full of weirdness. The Golden Eagle was ordered to attack this area. Now that he had already made a big fight, there was no turning back when he opened his bow. If there was no result, it would be difficult to stop. Otherwise, after going back, he would be laughed at by other monster clan fellows, and might even be looked down upon by the camel ape demon temple, this is unacceptable to the golden eagle. Tuoyuan Yaosha is the master of his demon domain, controlling countless monster clans, and at this time, a conflict broke out with the strong neighboring monster clans. The golden eagle thought to himself that his performance should not be too bad, otherwise, once he was squeezed out, the demon army that had managed to gather with great difficulty might lose his mind again.

"Damn it, the mountain panther didn't say how difficult it is to break into the Yuche Lake. I dare say he fell for it. After returning, he must take good care of this one-eyed leopard." Jin Diao cursed inwardly, The golden eagle uttered a high-pitched chirping sound again, and the demon army that floated above surged down.

At this time, the mist on the lake became thicker and gradually spread into the void. A large number of demon soldiers died in the battle. The water mist was already like a huge dancing blood dragon. At a glance, it was impossible to know how many enemies were hidden inside.

At this time, the golden eagle is still commanding the demon soldiers to attack the formation with all their strength, trying to expand the gap in the formation to a greater extent.

The golden eagle saw the slow progress of the demon army under his command, not to mention the many casualties, and the murderous intent in his eyes, but he kept his eyes open. With a wave of his hand, a golden feather turned into a slender fluff and landed on the grass The time is inconspicuous.

After finishing this point, the golden eagle turned into a stream of light and shot towards the opening of the formation, but when it just passed through the gap in the formation, the formation began to slowly heal again.

The golden eagle secretly thought that something was wrong, at this time the water mist on the lake broke open, and a streak of moonlight inside flew towards the golden eagle like a horse. In the moonlight, the shadow of the sword moved. Although the moonlight was like water, the hidden sharpness made Jin Diao's heart tremble.

At this time, a beautiful woman with picturesque features walked out of the water mist. She looked like a fairy, but she had a faint demonic aura about her body. The other party held a long sword in his hand, and his eyes, which were clearer than that of Yuche Lake, passed over the golden eagle. The mouth is casual and authentic.

"I thought it would be the Weichi Mountain Demon under the command of the Tuoyuan Yaosha, but I didn't expect a young man to die. If this is the case, then I will send you a ride." The long sword in the woman's hand was unsheathed. , Just like a bright moon hanging in the sky, a calm sword intent shrouded the golden eagle like a clear moon.

With a wave of its wings behind the golden eagle, a golden light shines, and the golden light is entangled with the indifferent moonlight, fighting each other. Just a moment later, the indifferent moonlight and sword glow broke through the golden light.

The golden eagle was startled secretly, spread its wings behind its back, and in a blink of an eye, it was a hundred miles away. The golden eagle was confident, and when it came to speed, the woman in front of him was not as fast as him.

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