Become a Fairy

Chapter 361

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For the remaining two, Di Kun had already gone to hunt down the tall and thin man who was flustered before, and he alone could not prevent Lu Xiaotian from attacking these mid-stage foundation-building flying knights, and he couldn't even play a role in delaying them.

The Earth-Splitter Knife was thrown by Lu Xiaotian with a flick of his hand, blood mist exploded in the sky one after another, and the corpses of the Flying Cavaliers and Spirit Eagles were continuously cut open by the Earth-Splitter Knife in the air.

From the trajectory of the ground-splitting knife, the sky is full of blood.

The thin and tall man in the later period was also caught up by Di Kun, and was killed by Di Kun again.

There were more than 30 cavalry from ten to ten, seven flying cavalry warriors including Wu Hong, at this time there was only the last old man with thick eyebrows who was slightly older, and eleven mid-term clansmen with panic expressions.

"Go!" The thick-browed old man roared sadly, with endless sadness in his roar.

The rest of the flying cavalry warriors in the mid-term looked at the silver-haired young man with fear in their eyes, and involuntarily moved closer to the old man with thick eyebrows, and fled in embarrassment in the direction they came from.

Di Kun, who was fighting vigorously, still wanted to pursue them. With his speed, he could definitely catch up to some of them.

Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, and called Di Kun back. The fierce battle just now didn't take long, but the middle process was extremely dangerous, and he even had to use the Yunyuan Orb once. The Yunyuan Orb in his hand was a flaw. The product is not as good as the one in Su Qing's hand, it can be used repeatedly, and the one I use a few times will probably be scrapped.

Including the previous time, the members of the Flying Cavalry tribe were not familiar with his strength. At the beginning, they focused on Di Kun, who was the first to win, but they were caught off guard by him. As his strength was exposed more and more, Yifei The rich combat experience of the cavalry tribe will definitely change the previous style of play, and the subsequent situation may be somewhat unfavorable. Similar to the previous situation, the other party insisted on fleeing, and he couldn't keep all the members of the Flying Rider tribe. In this case, it didn't make any difference to him whether he escaped one or ten. With the character of the Flying Cavalry Tribe, there will never be only such a wave of Flying Cavalry to deal with him. Perhaps it is more intentional to delay his progress.

After thinking about this point, Lu Xiaotian directly recalled Di Kun, and looked at Qing Fengfan who had been sent to the side one step ahead of time, and heaved a sigh of relief. This time, he was lucky, and the people of the Flying Cavalry Tribe did not choose to attack Dongfang Yi, otherwise He could only use his sub-primordial spirit to control Qing Fengfan to evade the pursuit of the flying knight warriors, but at the same time he had to fight, the situation would undoubtedly be even more unfavorable.

This time, the members of the Flying Cavalry Tribe did not start from the breakthrough of Dongfang Yi, which does not mean that they will not do so next time.

In the distant sky, there was a strong wave of spiritual power, Lu Xiaotian's complexion changed slightly, he no longer hesitated, and he didn't even bother to clean up the battlefield, so he directly took the green wind sail and headed towards the forbidden area of ​​Lingwu.

At this time, Zhu Ling, Leng Qiaoyu and the others in the cracks in the ground were still immersed in the fierce battle where Lu Xiaotian killed the Quartet just now. They did not expect that the more than 30 flying cavalry warriors who rushed over aggressively, from the fierce battle to the fighting method The end, the middle adds up to only a moment's work. The whole process can be described as dangerous and abnormal, full of twists and turns. Lu Xiaotian, who was supposed to die in the eyes of them, actually killed all directions, causing the Flying Rider tribe, which they feared like a tiger, to suffer heavy casualties, and finally had to flee in embarrassment.

When he reacted, the blue sail that Lu Xiaotian was riding on had turned into a blue light, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Ling felt a little annoyed immediately, "I should have called Senior Brother Lu to stop just now, but now he is running away alone, and I don't know what dangers he will encounter later."

"Is this really a disciple of your Lingxiao Palace?" The white-browed old man still looked horrified at this time. It was the first time he saw such a fierce foundation-builder cultivator, who was famous for beating Fei in the airspace. The cavalry clan could barely lift their heads. There were seven late-stage foundation-establishment monks in this wave of flying cavalry warriors, and with the help of spirit eagles, they moved in and out of the air like the wind. The white-browed old man thought to himself that it was not easy to deal with one of them, let alone an enemy dozens of times stronger than himself. Although the flying silver corpse is quite scary, in the eyes of these people, the vast majority of people from the Flying Cavalry Tribe died at the hands of Lu Xiaotian.

"Of course it is absolutely true. In the Scarlet Forbidden Land, Senior Brother Lu was able to overwhelm Yuan Hao, the genius disciple of the Ancient Sword Sect, and also thwarted the sneak attack of Meng Yu, a sinister villain. It's just that I didn't expect that after the foundation was established, it would be so powerful. Even the Flying Cavalry Clan, which is far more numerous than him, is no match for Senior Brother Lu. His golden saber is absolutely unmistakable." Leng Qiaoyu said proudly, and glanced at Meng Yu next to him. Yu's face was already black and blue, obviously thinking that he had offended such a terrible enemy during the Qi refining period, and he really didn't know what the consequences would be if he encountered it in the future. Perhaps only by staying with the Golden Core cultivator can he be protected.

"I didn't expect you to have such a character in Lingxiao Palace." Several monks in Qingdan Palace felt terrified when they thought of the battle just now. Fortunately, they were not enemies, otherwise they would have no power to fight against such an enemy.

"It's a pity that Senior Brother Lu's speed is too fast. We were all distracted just now. I think that since Senior Brother Lu is going in that direction, it's better for Senior Sister Zhu to chase Senior Brother Lu." Leng Qiaoyu suggested.

"No, so many people in the Flying Cavalry Tribe have died, I'm afraid you won't let it go, and your fellow sects are so fast, even if we want to keep up with our cultivation, there is nothing we can do. If we really meet a monk from a foreign land, it will drag him down instead. Hind legs." The white-browed old man said calmly.

"No, keep quiet." Someone in the crowd gave a warning, and within a short while, there was a dark patch in the sky, nearly a hundred spirit eagles, and hundreds of foundation-building monks.

"Hiss—" At this time, I rushed to the place where the tribe and the silver-haired youth were fighting just now, and seeing a large number of blood-stained eagle feathers flying in the air, as well as some corpses falling on the ground, the people present couldn't help but gasp Take a cold breath.

"What a terrible breath, what a terrible monk!" The Golden Rat sniffed the air, trembling.

"Take us to chase down that silver-haired young man, the ends of the earth, and catch him too. I will use his spiritual sense to light a sky lantern!"

Seeing the bloody and tragic scene in front of him, Wubi almost ran away with fear at the same time. With the eyesight of a foundation cultivator, he could naturally look at the corpses of spirit eagles and flying warriors scattered around, at least More than 20 people died in battle here, plus the previous loss of manpower, the Wuzhi tribe who died at the hands of this silver-haired young man has exceeded 30 people, and there are several of them who have cultivated in the late stage of foundation establishment. Adding the Spirit Eagle, this kind of loss is not only for the Wuzhi tribe, but even for an immortal sect, it is extremely heavy. Thinking of these people coming because of the sound transmission talisman that he intercepted, Ubi couldn't help but bleed.

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