Become a Fairy

Chapter 3561 Luo Huzhi

"It's such a joy to have friends coming from afar. Lu Xiaoyou, counting it, we haven't seen each other for a while. It seems that you are doing well in the fairy world." A middle-aged man dressed as a scholar with a handsome complexion didn't know what to say. At that time, he had arrived at the mountainside not far from Lu Xiaotian, holding a green branch in his hand, and looked at Lu Xiaotian leisurely, with a smile on his face, as if he was waiting for a friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Senior finally broke the seal, congratulations." Lu Xiaotian looked at the other party up and down and said. "It seems that the one who came to the fairy world is just a distraction from the senior. I'm afraid that the body of Duoshe will not be able to let the senior show much strength."

"Do you think that I can't show much strength now, and in Jiuyang City, you, a third-rank alchemy, or the most powerful person among Xuanxian, can kill the old man?" The middle-aged scribe laughed, He said so, but he didn't worry about his own safety at all.

"Senior was joking, I didn't have much enmity with senior in the past, I just offended for self-preservation. Even if senior is a demon, it's far from my turn to be an alchemist." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and said.

"Haha, what a alchemist, interesting, interesting." The middle-aged scribe laughed aloud, then looked at Lu Xiaotian with great interest and said, "To be honest, after the old man came to the spirit world, he knew that you had sneaked into the fairy world, so he went all the way. I also came to the fairy world. When I first arrived in the spirit world, I was quite surprised to hear that you had achieved such a great reputation. It is really not easy for me to grow from a mere ordinary person to where I am today."

"Senior has won the award." Lu Xiaotian said, "I don't know why senior called me here?"

"The person who tied the bell needs to be untied. It's not impossible for the old man to break through the seal on the other side of the Nether Blood Cave, but it was only when he was approaching the last step that he found out that Shi Xingkong's old bald donkey still had a hand. If you really want to print it forcibly, I'm afraid the injury in your body will be further damaged. It will be troublesome to recover in the future. The old man also heard that you came to the fairy world, so he tried his luck to find you, but luck is not bad." Middle-aged said the scribe.

"Senior's deity is far away in the Nether Blood Cave, and I am far away in the fairy world. The distance cannot be measured by Tao. Even if he is willing, how can he help Senior?" Lu Xiaotian pretended to be surprised on his face, but his heart was inexplicably shocked. The blood hole, breaking the seal, is undoubtedly the middle-aged scribe man who was distracted by this guy, Luo Hu.

After so many years, and across different interfaces, the Immortal Realm is far from the plane where Qingyu and Chiyuan Continent were located. It was really not easy for Luo Hu to find this place. At this time, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly, counting himself as a little Xuanxian, there are really many old monsters who have dealt with, and this guy Luo Hu came before him. The last time I met Luo Hu, although Lu Xiaotian was already invincible in the spirit world, but in the eyes of Luo Hu, an old monster, he was not enough, maybe not even an ant.

Even if the strength of the middle-aged scribe controlled by the other party's distraction is stronger than him, they are no longer as far apart as before. Maybe Luo Hu will have such emotion.

Now that the other party has found him, there must be a way for him to cross the interface and affect the seal on the other side of the Blood Cave. Lu Xiaotian waited quietly for the other party to propose a solution. Facing this, Lu Xiaotian was also very interested in it, and used the dragon yuan to assimilate the totem power of the Xiaoyue wolf clan, and derived it into the current dragon wolf totem. Originally, Lu Xiaotian thought that he already had the strength to kill the immortal-level powerhouse. In fact, Lu Xiaotian has indeed killed Duanmu Huojiang with wolf cavalry, and has faced other immortal-level powerhouses.

But who knows that the power of the totem is too great, it has exceeded the limit that Lu Xiaotian's current state can bear, and it has brought serious hidden dangers, so Lu Xiaotian dare not use it easily. Under such circumstances, Lu Xiaotian naturally thought of the former Shashi tribe, the race that was dragged out of the quagmire of genocide by him, spurned and bullied by other races.

Now that Lu Xiaotian has mastered the totem for the first time, with the Yeshi clan, Lu Xiaotian is confident that he can condense the power of a more controllable totem.

If Luo Hu really has a way to cross the interface, Lu Xiaotian naturally wants to return to the spirit world to bring the Yeshi clan and all the old stories from the spirit world to the fairy world. After all, the number of people who can ascend from the spirit world through the channel of Ascension to the Immortal World is extremely limited, and it is too dangerous to sneak across the pastoral world to the Immortal World.

"It's a bit more difficult, but there is always a way, and your luck is also good, you even got the empty sky tripod, and you have just glimpsed the threshold of the power of space, the old man was sealed by that old bald donkey Shi Xingkong After so many years, I finally saw a bit of an opportunity. This can be regarded as a destiny in the dark." The middle-aged scribe laughed.

"I would like to hear the details. If the younger generation can do what they can, they will naturally be willing to help the senior get out of trouble." Lu Xiaotian said, this Luo Hu is the blood of the demon ancestor, even if he is saved, he will be one of the opponents of the Heavenly Court in the future, and it will not hinder Lu Xiaotian too much.

"It's not within my power, even if I try my best and fail with my life, I still have to help this old man get out of trouble, otherwise, even if this old man keeps his promise, he won't be angry with Qingyu, Chiyuan Continent, or even the spirit world, but your past, The old man can wipe out all the people he cares about. You should know that this is no more difficult than lifting a finger for the old man. The old man also knows some of your past deeds and knows that although you Most of the time, but he is a nostalgic person, he should not let those old things die tragically for no reason, and his body and spirit will be destroyed." The middle-aged scribe's tone suddenly became cold and stern.

"What should the junior do?" Lu Xiaotian asked with a stern look in his eyes, and then he remembered the identity of the other party. Even though he didn't have much enmity with him, after all, Luo Hu was a former demon world tycoon, and I don't know how much blood was stained on his hands. For the sake of the purpose, I am afraid that it will do whatever it takes.

"Your current strength is still a bit weak. Aren't you a third-rank alchemy saint? I heard that you are about to reach fourth-rank. The old man has a kind of alchemy formula here. You can study it first, and wait for the materials on Luo Qi to collect it. Refining the elixir and then talking about other things, and try to collect some space-related materials and treasures, such as the starry sky demon essence and the like. There is one thing available in Luoyang Prison, but your strength is still too weak, and It’s not easy to take, let’s just leave it like this for now, it’s not convenient for the old man to stay in Jiuyang City for too long, I’ll come to you if something happens later.” After speaking, the middle-aged scribe faded away and disappeared from Lu Xiaotian’s eyes up. A faint book page flew towards Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian took the empty pages with a thoughtful look on his face.

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