Become a Fairy

Chapter 3558 Quarrel

"The environment in Luoyang Prison is extremely harsh, and many of the detainees couldn't bear the torture of the evil spirits and resentful souls inside, and fell into it. Now I don't know how many important criminals from the Heavenly Court are still imprisoned in Luoyang Prison." Xie answered several questions from Lu Xiaotian and Heilong one after another.

"If that's the case, then why does the Heavenly Court keep imprisoning people in the Luoyang domain, why can't they just kill them?" Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but wondered.

"Things are naturally not that simple. The existence of Luoyang Domain is even longer than that of Jiuyang City. In addition to the previous wars that broke out around Luoyang Domain, countless souls have been absorbed into Luoyang Domain. Just now At the beginning, Honghao Tianting did not find anything wrong. Later, the grievances in it swallowed too many existences, and it has grown stronger. Under the accumulation of resentment, it has become a huge whirlpool that no one dares to touch."

"Just over 60,000 years ago, Xianjun Killing Yuan personally led the immortal army into the interior to conquer the Xunyin Thunder Spirit and many resentful souls inside. That battle shook the entire Luoyang Region, and Xianjun Killing Yuan also He came back injured, and the immortal army who followed him into the Luoyang domain also lost troops and generals."

"What, Immortal Lord Killing Yuan led the immortal army into Luoyang domain and returned in a disastrous defeat, why haven't I heard anyone mention it." Not only Lu Xiaotian, but even Heilong's tone was full of shock at this time. The four great immortals of Honghao Heavenly Court are second only to

"Honghao Heavenly Court is aloof and thinks it controls everything. How can such a scandal be spread everywhere. It ruined the great reputation of Honghao Heavenly Court for nothing." Wu Xie said mockingly.

"Since Luo Yangyu has been endangered to such a degree, how could Emperor Honghao tolerate the existence of Luo Yangyu?" Lu Xiaotian was full of doubts. At the same time, he conveyed this doubt to Ying Langtian's Yuanshen, and Yuanshi Sword Demon knew about it.

"Why not, isn't Honghao Heavenly Court's conquest of the Tiansang Wasteland also quite constrained?" Wan Xie asked back, "Although the Heavenly Emperor is supreme, except for a few equal Heavenly Emperors in the fairy world, no one can directly challenge their authority, but Definitely not everything goes your way.”

"You also know about the Tiansang Wasteland?" Lu Xiaotian said in surprise.

"Don't forget that I have already escaped from Luoyang's domain and have come into contact with the outside." Wu Xie said with a hesitation.

"The entire fairy world, even the ghost world, the demon world, and the demon world are a big game of chess. The Emperor of Heaven has to consider the entire chessboard. Perhaps for the Emperor of Heaven, the time to calm down Luo Yangyu is not yet ripe, and it will affect the entire situation. development, and the Xunyin Thunder Spirit in the Luoyang domain must absorb enough grievances every once in a while, otherwise it will be restless and attack the prohibition of the Luoyang domain more frequently. Although Luo Yangyu is a hungry White-eyed wolf, but if you want to maintain the status quo, Heavenly Court can only do so."

"It seems that the situation in the fairy world is much more complicated than I imagined." Lu Xiaotian sighed with emotion. In Lu Xiaotian's eyes, Emperor Honghao must be one of the most powerful existences in the entire fairy world. However, it seems that even under the rule of Honghao Tianting, there are still considerable hidden dangers that have not been resolved. It's just that outsiders don't know about it. If it wasn't for a ray of primordial spirit that happened to meet the scorpion, Lu Xiaotian would have no way of knowing the situation in the Luoyang domain.

However, in Lu Xiaotian's cognition, the Xunyin Thunder Spirit has accumulated countless resentful souls and hides deep in the Luoyang Region, which is as convenient as the Tiansang Wasteland. The Celestial Army can do nothing for a while, once it rushes out, I'm afraid that's not the case anymore.

"You are a Xuanxian junior, even though you have the great power of Jinxian by your side, how can you know too much if you have not reached that level of cultivation? Even if you know, what's the use?"

Wu Xie said disdainfully, if it wasn’t for the Black Dragon Ball here, he wouldn’t be bothered to say a few more words to Lu Xiaotian, “It’s not easy for you, Black Dragon, to be able to cultivate to such a level. Such a realm?"

"I'm from the demon world." Heilong said in a hey voice.

"Come from the demon world? That's no wonder. I heard that although the dragon clan in the demon world is not too happy, it's a lot better than the fairy world."

Wuxie may have been imprisoned in Luoyang Prison for too long, and at this moment, he finally escaped from a clone. It can be said that he just came out of the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den. Seeing that the black dragon has also fallen into such a situation, he couldn't help but sigh He said half-sarcastically, "You said that you are a golden fairy-level dragon, and you stayed well in the demon world. Why did you come to the fairy world? Do you think it is easier to mess around in the fairy world than in the demon world? You have lost your body until now, only A dragon ball. You lost your body in the demon world, but you have to be careful when you come to the fairy world."

After finishing speaking, the scorpion laughed dryly.

"How the hell do you think you're going to be any better? You finally escaped from Luo Yang Prison with a ray of primordial spirit, and now you're captured again. You must have lived well in Luo Yang Prison." Heilong immediately retorted. "The inside of Luoyang Prison is so good that even the immortal army can't get in. Why do you still think of a way to escape?"

"I'm happy, if it wasn't for the absence of my deity, I would be able to beat you, an old reptile, out of shit." Wu Xie scolded.

"Anyone can brag about cowhide. Now that you are the soul, I don't even bother with you. You must have been imprisoned in Luoyang Prison. When I find your real body one day, I will dismantle your bones." .” Heilong also cursed loudly.

Lu Xiaotian originally wanted to ask how the ray of Yuanshen, the scorpion, escaped from Luoyang Prison. Now that the black dragon is yelling at Wuxie, it is estimated that Wuxie has no time to pay attention to him. Serving these old guys is really a headache.

Lu Xiaotian let the black dragon and the scorpion scold each other, but it didn't stop the black dragon from destroying the soul of the scorpion, and let them move on their own within the green fruit barrier. After all, the effect of the black dragon on Lu Xiaotian is much greater than that of the soul of the scorpion. Because of their relationship with the dragon clan, no one else can replace the black dragon's role on Lu Xiaotian at this time. Besides, the primordial spirit of Wuxie had indeed been imprisoned in Luoyang Prison for a long time, so it's no wonder that he was killed.

The only trouble is that the news about Luoyang Prison has to be collected separately, and Lu Xiaotian has nothing to dissatisfy about it. After all, it is unexpected to have such a harvest after coming to Jiuyang City, and there is nothing wrong with it. fulfilled.

Honghao Heavenly Court has existed in the Immortal Realm for an unknown number of years, and Lu Xiaotian did not expect to bring it down all at once. In other words, Lu Xiaotian never wanted to live forever with Tianting, all he wanted was a place to live, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind kept blowing, Tianting couldn't let him go after knowing his identity as a dragon.

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