Become a Fairy

Chapter 3533 ??? Strange

Chapter 3533 Weird

Some large and small tribes of the Sangling tribe live mostly in tree houses. These treehouses are scattered on the tall mulberry trees. The daily life of the Sangling tribe is centered on these mulberry trees. The aura of the people living by water is not because these Sangling tribes need a lot of drinking water to live, but because these areas seem to be closer to the aura of the holy tree of heaven mulberry.

And the residence of the Supreme Elder of the Sangling Clan is also in a place where the mulberry forest is lush. Once Lu Xiaotian entered it, he felt a sense of dizziness at the beginning, as if he had entered another completely different world. Based on Lu Xiaotian's understanding of the power of space, he really feels that this place is different from the outside world, and it seems to have some similarities with Mingku Canzun's painting of heaven and earth.

Lu Xiaotian looked at the surrounding sky mulberry forest again, it seemed to be completely different from when he came in before, there seemed to be a tree shadow covering the sky and the sun, and the breath was almost exactly the same as the sky mulberry holy tree.

Then Lu Xiaotian realized that the tree shadow in front of him was not the holy mulberry tree, even if the breath was the same, it was not. He didn't feel the surging vitality from this tree shadow.

But Yin Su who was by Lu Xiaotian's side disappeared out of thin air. Under the shadow of the mulberry tree that day, a slightly thin old man also appeared out of thin air. The other party was like an ordinary old man, sitting on a stone under the shadow of the tree. Holding an ancient book made of wooden slips in his hand, it seems that it should have been left by the sages of the Sangling tribe.

"This is a book written by the sages of the Sangling clan. If you can catch it, you can read it. If you can't catch it, you won't be able to read this book."

The Supreme Elder raised his palm, and the wooden slip in his hand flew towards Lu Xiaotian. This Supreme Elder is exactly the one that Lu Xiaotian met before when he collected the Dragon's Gate, so he has known him.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to grab it, but felt that the book thrown by the Supreme Elder was very illusory, as if it was unreal, so he stretched out his hand to grab it, but it was empty.

"Is this using the power of space?" Lu Xiaotian suddenly came to his senses. At first glance, he didn't see any abnormality, but it's not surprising. After all, the old monster in front of him is a Jinxian-level powerhouse. To what extent, Lu Xiaotian still does not know. However, when Yuanshen still has a gap compared to the other party, as for Xianyuan, it cannot be measured by Dao. Maybe it is not as far away as imagined, and it is more of a difference in realm, and it is impossible to understand the level of the other party. .

From Immortal to True Immortal, and then to Profound Immortal, Lu Xiaotian has deep experience every time he advances. However, the immortal essence has changed by leaps and bounds. It is not that the immortal essence of a Xuanxian is really stronger than hundreds of thousands of real fairyland powerhouses combined. What is more important is the gap in realm. The comprehension and application of the laws between heaven and earth are not on the same level.

Maybe the gods, and even higher realms have something in common.

The Supreme Elder Sang Guhe had a smile on his face, and he didn't mean to give any pointers, but just let Lu Xiaotian understand it by himself.

The wooden slip seems to be still flying towards Lu Xiaotian. At this moment, the distance between Lu Xiaotian and the Supreme Elder Sang Guhe seems to be only a few hundred feet, but the wooden slip seems to be always approaching Lu Xiaotian when it flies all the way. Still separated by a considerable distance, Lu Xiaotian grabbed it twice in a row, but failed to catch it.

This is by no means an illusion, Lu Xiaotian can feel that the wooden slips are indeed real. But with the naked eye alone, even if you can see the real existence of this wooden slip, you can't grasp it. With the naked eye, it doesn't seem to play much role in this case.

Lu Xiaotian simply closed his eyes, carefully perceiving the existence of the surrounding space.

It seemed that there was a mysterious and unpredictable force surrounding him. After closing his eyes, Lu Xiaotian still couldn't sense the existence of the wooden slips, but he could vaguely sense an abnormal spatial fluctuation, which was not very strong. Yet it exists.

Lu Xiaotian carefully comprehended the space in front of him, and vaguely felt that the space in front of him was somewhat similar to the space in the Zhenyao Pagoda, but somewhat different. It seems that the space difference with the Qingguo Barrier is even bigger.

Lu Xiaotian tried to find this kind of commonality, to find the feeling he was familiar with, and his consciousness started to function at a high level inadvertently, trying to find any possible opportunity.

Vaguely, Lu Xiaotian seemed to feel that he had found some opportunity, but when he reached out to grab it, he missed it again.

Grand Elder Sang Guhe looked at the scene in front of him with great interest, and he didn't show any disappointment because Lu Xiaotian didn't get Mu Jianjian. It seems that it should be so ordinary in its cognition.

Lu Xiaotian's movements are slower than a snail's. Every time he makes a move, he seems to have to go through countless times of thinking. Moreover, he can't judge the exact position of the wooden slip that seems to be right in front of him. He can only keep probing.

In the end, Lu Xiaotian didn't know whether he had found it or not, but vaguely, he felt as if he had touched the wooden slip. When he opened his eyes, he found that the wooden slip was indeed in his hand, but he returned it between his jaws. Overwhelmed, the wooden slip was shattered again, turning into a bit of dense green and disappearing into Lu Xiaotian's hands. At the same time, the Supreme Elder Sang Guhe had another identical jade slip in his hand.

"Have you got it?" Sang Guhe asked with a smile.

"The junior doesn't know either." Lu Xiaotian's face was wrong. He really couldn't describe the feeling that the wooden slip seemed to touch the palm of his hand.

"Go and experience it yourself. The other Supreme Elders have also seen you, little friend, you are very good. Go. From now on, you can come and go freely in Tiansang Wilderness. When you think you want to come here, you can come here twice. When exactly? Come on, little friend decides for himself." Sang Guhe waved his hand.

Lu Xiaotian only felt that the situation around him moved, as if he had completed a teleportation, and when Lu Xiaotian reappeared, he had already arrived at the place where Yinsu brought him to find the Supreme Elder.

"Friend Dongfang has been here for so long, meeting the Supreme Elder must be rewarding." Yin Su looked at Lu Xiaotian with an unbearable envy.

"How long have I been in?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"It's been almost half a year, and fellow Taoist Dongfang has forgotten the time?" Yin Su asked in surprise, did the other party complete an epiphany in it? The fortune in the east is probably too good, and the benefits of completing an epiphany under the guidance of the Supreme Elder may be unimaginable to ordinary people.

"It's true that I have forgotten the time." Lu Xiaotian was a little speechless when he heard the words. Seeing the unconcealed envy on Yin Su's face, he probably said that he only did one thing when he saw the Supreme Elder from the beginning to the end, and that was to reach out for it. In the end, he didn't even know whether he got the wooden slip or not. Probably the other party will not believe it if he tells this matter.

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