Become a Fairy

Chapter 3528 Negotiation

Therefore, the white-faced lion king is now burning and killing a large number of empty-eating ghost ants with the dark green flame. Su Qing is not particularly concerned about it. The nature of the ants colony under her control is uncontrollable. Give back to the ant nest. In this case, the ant nest is always breeding empty-eating ghost ants.

Even if the White-faced Lion King doesn't do anything, after the ant colony splits out of control, it will still conflict with the group under Su Qing's control. Su Qing and herself will kill these ant colonies with great effort.

After ascending from the spirit world to the ghost world, Su Qing can manifest her original face. Even if she can't leave the ghost nest too far, the time to maintain it is only a few days at a time, which is extremely happy for Su Qing.

The only worry right now is that after arriving in the ghost world, Lu Xiaotian seems to be farther away. There is a fairy-and-devil battlefield between the fairy and ghost world, and the opening time of the fairy-and-devil battlefield is not regular, and the movement is tens of thousands of years. count. Moreover, after the opening of the Immortal Demon Battlefield, the armies of several clans entered the Immortal Demon Battlefield, and the situation was chaotic. It is common for the Golden Immortal-level powerhouses to fall among them. With Su Qing's current cultivation base, it is not easy to go through the Immortal Demon Battlefield to find Lu Xiaotian. too far.

The interface is not static. Occasionally, sporadic passages to connect to other interfaces will appear in the ghost world, but these are also extremely dangerous, which is not what she and Luo Qian can hope for right now.

Shaking her head, Su Qing turned her attention back to the white-faced lion king. The white-faced lion king obviously thought that Su Qing would use the ant colony to consume his strength, so he rushed over and killed a large number of space-eating ghost ants , the white-faced lion king retreated to the back, at this time the army of ghost lions came to kill one after another.

These ghost lions are full of gray-green aura, or they run wildly on the ground in the shape of a lion, or they transform into streaks of gray-green aura and rush towards them.

Without the suppression of the white-faced lion king's dark green flames, the murderous nature of the space-eating ghost ants burst out again at this time, like a billowing black tide colliding with the army of ghost lions on the opposite side. It shattered with a sharp sound wave, and was beheaded by the ghost weapon. It was the ghost lion being devoured by the space-eating ghost ants.

Su Qing frowned. The strength of the white-faced lion king's war this time seemed to exceed her expectations. Obviously, the army of ghost lions had made considerable preparations. She was not worried about the loss of the empty ghost ant colony. Many, as long as the core is not damaged, it is relatively easy to recover. What Su Qing is really worried about is that the ghost army led by the White-faced Lion King is too powerful to attack, so that she cannot delay until the moment Luo Qian successfully exits the level.

In short, the loss of the ant colony is small, but it will affect Luo Qian's cultivation, and the loss of breaking through the realm will be great.

"Century wolves, killing the county, mandrilling corpses, although these space-eating ghost ants are mediocre in strength, they have too many populations, and I can't completely destroy them with my army of ghost lions alone. You guys want to share the weak The benefit of Lei Chi, but unwilling to contribute, this kind of thinking is not very good."

The white-faced lion king looked at the wolf-headed centipede, the skeleton with the word "kill" on its forehead, and the black mandrill corpses. He hummed in his mouth, "If you don't take action, if you fail to beat the ant queen to the ground in this battle, it will be a big deal for me to go back to my own Shiyun Ridge and live behind closed doors. Even if the ant queen drives the ant colony to Shiyun Ling can't get any benefits. As for you guys, it's different. You may not be able to resist the madness of the madwoman Queen Ant."

"The ant queen is not a crazy woman. I heard that the ant queen is quite beautiful, glamorous and charming." The centipede wolf said droolingly.

"Even if you are beautiful and charming, it is not enough for your small body. If the white-faced lion king did not show up today, it would be difficult for us to work together to force the queen back. If the white-faced lion king withdraws, it will be difficult for us in the future." Have a good day." The black mandrill corpse said with flickering eyes.

"Why are you still hesitating, now is the right time to join forces to defeat the space-eating ghost ant colony."

"Okay, then let the lion king and mandrill army attack the front section first, and then we will alternate attack and defense to rest. Try to defeat the ant colony in one go."

The leader of the skeleton, Shajun, and the centipede wolf looked at each other and came up with an idea. Then, with the approval of the white-faced lion king, he used the excuse to rectify his army and separated from the white-faced corpse king.

"These two guys still have their own ghosts up to now. If they really shit at a critical moment, the Lion King, let's go back and deal with them?" The black mandrill corpse looked at the white-faced Lion King and said.

"Let's see how they are. The ant colony is powerful and has been entrenched in this Cangguiyuan for a long time. The foundation is already there. If we can't work together, it will be difficult to eradicate the ant colony. In this case, even if we don't do it, the queen will also die They won't let them go." The white-faced lion king shook his head.

"Century wolf, it seems that we are going to be ruthless this time. Although the white-faced lion king is suspected of taking advantage of us, but that guy can attack Cangguiyuan when he advances, and defend Shiyunling when he retreats. The two of us are incomparable. I don't know if we will get enough benefits if we really want to join forces to expel the queen ants, the black mandrill corpse has already stood with the white-faced lion king." The leader of the skeleton, Sha Jun, said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, Cang Guiyuan still has a ghost spring and dark river, first hit the ant queen, if the situation is not right, at worst, let's escape by going to the ghost spring and dark river." Centipede Wolf said hesitantly.

"That's all there is to it." The skeleton leader Sha Jun nodded.

A large group of ghost lions formed a burst, and the dark green aura rolled in the places they passed, and the sound waves of the ghost lions vibrated, like a flood, shaking the space-eating ghost ants to pieces. In terms of individual strength, the ghost lion is much stronger than the empty ghost ant. But when it comes to quantity, the sum of several ghost armies is far less than the huge ant colony.

Ordinary space-eating ghost ants with extremely low spiritual intelligence are less afraid of death than these ghost troops, and even become more manic under this kind of culling, densely packed black ants roll on the ground, waving their weak wings and walking in the air . Swarms of space-eating ghost ants wrapped many defensive ghost lions in formations and gnawed at the defensive masks formed by the opponent's green aura.

The two sides went back and forth in a see-saw style, and a large number of space-eating ghost ants were killed, but there were always times when the ghost lions couldn't hold on. Once the defense showed a flaw, the space-eating ghost ants would definitely swarm in. Climbing onto the ghost lion layer by layer, it devoured the ghost lion and died.

In this kind of battle, the Space-eating Ghost Ants, while losing a large number of battles, can also get a certain amount of supplements. Almost without exception, the ghost lion army rushing to the front was wiped out by the ant swarm.

Even though the white-faced lion king was psychologically prepared for such a loss, the skeleton leader Shajun at the rear, the centipede wolf felt his scalp go numb for a while.

Even if the most powerful army of ghost lions present suffered such a serious loss, one can imagine the situation of the two of them going up from behind.

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