Become a Fairy

Chapter 3523 ??? Chihu Phantom

Chapter 3523 Chihu Phantom

At this time, some other Xuanxian-level sword immortals who were also guarding near the Zhenshan sword glanced at the lotus avatar with envy and even a bit of annoyance. They are also Profound Immortals, but the lotus avatar was unknown before, with a humble background, not a famous immortal sect in the heaven, or the descendants of the immortal family. To be able to get Chu Yangzi, Guan Yuehe attaches so much importance to it.

On the contrary, these mysterious immortals have been overshadowed by the other party's inadvertent brilliance under the Zhenshan sword.

In short, Xuanxian Yixing has various emotions about the existence of the lotus avatar, wanting to befriend, envious, jealous, or unconvinced. In contrast, although Xiao Yu and the others who came here with the lotus avatar could not get close to Zhenshanjian, they could more intuitively feel the changes brought about by the increase in the strength of the lotus avatar.

Originally, people like them from the lower fairyland were not valued very much in these places where there are many fairy troops, and they were even marginalized most of the time. Even if they were fighting against the Tiansang Wasteland, they were often assigned to some In a dangerous position to lure the enemy. It's okay to have bloody battles, because of their status and status, they usually don't receive much respect.

But now people like Xiao Yu can intuitively feel the improvement of their status, and even the supplies sent by the immortal army above are much more abundant than before.

Most of the time, Xiao Yu's immortal army guarded the Zhenshan Sword, and nothing happened. It's just that at this time, as the Chihu clan used the ancient beacon tower in the clan to release black smoke clouds, turning an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles into a land of darkness, and this boundless darkness is still spreading farther and farther rapidly .

The fairy army led by Xiao Yu is also in the black area here. Hearing the howling of tigers and the sound of fighting from time to time, he felt inexplicably nervous. Same. And putting on such a big posture is obviously not a joke. News of the defeat of the Celestial Army kept coming from ahead, and Xiao Yu secretly speculated that this time the Chihu Clan's menacing attack might not be so easy to deal with, and it might not be a tragic battle.

"Order to go down, prepare for battle, and prevent the Chihu Clan from making a surprise attack!" Xiao Yu shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Du Liqing, Feng Wushan, Shi Xiu, Wan Jin, Zhou Feng and others suddenly agreed. As lotus avatars, they came from the old department brought by Wan Jianzong, and they didn't have any sense of belonging to Tianting. First, they were forcibly recruited by Tianting to the Flesh and Flesh Mill in Illusory Mist Swamp. Later, with the lotus clone, he spent a few days in the Mukun Immortal Territory, but the good times didn't last long, and he was immediately transferred to the battle against the Tiansang Wasteland. He was at the bottom of the phantom mist swamp before, but later he joined the Mukun Immortal Realm and was sent to the Tiansang Wasteland, so he was still the bottom of the oppressed.

Even at this time, due to the improvement of the strength and status of the Lotus clone, Du Liqing and Feng Wushan all knew that this improvement was not brought about by themselves. Except for the lotus avatar, there are only a few of Xiao Yu, and no one in the entire fairy army cares about their lives. Whether or not such a team of thousands of people will suffer heavy casualties has nothing to do with the current situation of the battle. .

And once a dangerous situation arises, if they can't handle it by themselves, no one will be so enthusiastic to help them except the lotus avatar. It's just that the lotus avatar is responsible for guarding Zhenshanjian, and the situation they face may not be much better than theirs. If the situation really becomes chaotic, the lotus avatar may not be able to take care of this side in time. Try to protect yourself as much as possible, and don't cause trouble for the lotus avatar.

In the void in the distance, black clouds of smoke billowed, and the Chihu Clan and the various tribes of the Immortal Army fought fiercely, and the sound of fighting came like a tide. Xiao Yu led Du Liqing, Feng Wushan, Zhou Feng and others to lead the thousands of immortal troops assembled under his command to guard against death, lest the Chihu warriors would charge over suddenly.

But at this time, under the cover of black smoke, an indifferent tiger shadow approached Zhenshanjian from Xiao Yu's side.

This Huying's eyes are cold, without a trace of mixed emotions, it seems that the fight in this airspace does not exist for him at this time.

This indifferent tiger shadow approached Zhenshanjian lightly, and had no intention of moving Xiao Yu's immortal army.

And people like Xiao Yu didn't notice Huying's existence at all.

"Phantom of Chihu!" At this time, a middle-aged man with a withered complexion who was stationed near Zhenshanjian seemed to have cultivated some kind of supernatural power, and discovered the existence of this indifferent tiger in advance. Exclaimed directly.

"Little friend Wuming, is there any problem with you taking care of Zhenshanjian?" Guan Yuehe communicated with the lotus avatar with his spiritual sense.

"It's not a big problem for the younger generation to be in charge of Zhenshan Sword for the time being, but the people brought by the younger generation are the only people who are familiar with in the heavenly court. If there is a fight later, I hope the two seniors will take care of it." The lotus clone said, At this time, through the radiation of his sword intent, his consciousness also discovered the looming existence of Chi Hu's Phantom.

"Okay, we will take proper care of your followers." Chu Yangzi and Guan Yuehe said after looking at each other.

The lotus avatar has taken over Yangzi's position to assist in regulating Zhenshanjian's sword intent. As long as the Golden Immortal-level powerhouses from the Tiansang Wasteland don't make a move, there is no need to fully use the Seven Swords of Zhenshan for the time being. After all, there is a price for every use, especially when some of the seven swords are damaged.

Right now, the Chi Hu Clan is obviously planning to take advantage of the opportunity of the partial damage of the Seven Great Swords to further injure the Seven Great Swords. Maybe there are some other changes. At this time, even Guan Yuehe and Chu Yangzi don't know exactly what happened in Tiansang Wasteland.

There is no way of knowing that Honghao Tianting's calculations have completely failed, and Tiansang Wilderness is planning to take advantage of Tianting's defeat to fight back again. In the last defeat, Heavenly Court had already lost a large number of immortal troops. Although relying on the deep roots and strong foundation of the tree in the heavenly court, a larger-scale fairy army was transferred from the farther fairyland, and even the East China Sea Dragon Palace also made a lot of effort.

If they are defeated again this time, if they want to accumulate an immortal army of the same size to counterattack later, I am afraid it will not be something that can be done in the last three to five years. The army is about to be drawn out. The materials consumed are even more incalculable, even for Honghao Heavenly Court, it is not a small burden. If you want to call the immortal army from a farther place, not only will it be an expedition, but the cost will also be several times higher than before.

But out of Yangzi, Guan Yuehe is a powerhouse at the level of Tianxian after all, and he can also know from other channels that the battle situation in the heavenly court is not going very well at this time.

Chu Yangzi and Guan Yuehe need the lotus avatar to exert great strength, and even coordinate with other Xuanxian-level sword immortals. Naturally, they need to win over the lotus avatar to relieve some of their worries.

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