Become a Fairy

Chapter 3516 ??The gate of closing the dragon

Chapter 3516 The Gate of the Extreme Dragon

Roar! A huge phantom of the green dragon appeared behind Lu Xiaotian, carrying a huge spiritual pressure and rewinding towards the gate of the extreme dragon. At the same time, Lu Xiaotian radiated the power of space accumulated in his body to the surroundings, trying to make it less obvious to the outside world. It's just that the extreme dragon's gate brought too much pressure on Lu Xiaotian, and Lu Xiaotian didn't have the slightest idea whether he could hide it from people like Chongyun. Right now, he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

The difficulty of this Extreme Dragon Gate is still beyond Lu Xiaotian's expectations.

Amidst the long dragon chant, due to the intrusion of the abnormal aura from Lu Xiaotian, huge dragon shadows appeared on the edge of the Extreme Dragon Gate, facing the phantom of the green dragon behind Lu Xiaotian tit for tat.

At this time, Chong Yun and other Xuanxian-level powerhouses who were originally collecting Luo Xumi's ring suddenly looked at Ji Longjian and Lu Xiaotian, their eyes were full of doubts.

Although Lu Xiaotian used part of the power of space to cover it up, they still sensed the extremely pure dragon aura from Lu Xiaotian. Although it is not clear what method Lu Xiaotian used, this aura is definitely not something that the Sangling Clan can have. If it weren't for Lu Xiaotian fighting side by side with them before, it can be said that they were born and died together. At this time, they have already regarded Lu Xiaotian as an enemy to guard against.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian didn't care too much about the conflict with the Extreme Dragon's Gate, and the phantom of the green dragon behind him became more and more solid, but compared to the powerful dragon shadow that appeared on the Extreme Dragon's Gate, it was relatively too thin.

The tyrannical power poured in from the gate of the extreme dragon, and it exploded Lu Xiaotian almost instantly.

The power of the surrounding space that Lu Xiaotian surrounded couldn't bear it, and it gradually collapsed. In the eyes of Chongyun, Chonghai, etc., the phantom of the green dragon behind Lu Xiaotian became more and more solid. After each of these people looked at each other, their faces were puzzled and at the same time with unprecedented perplexity and solemnity.

Although from the time Lu Xiaotian appeared, he saved their lives and saved a huge loss for Tiansang Wilderness. Avoid shaking the foundation of Tiansang Wasteland. But judging from the situation in front of him, Lu Xiaotian still has some reservations after all, the other party is definitely not the Sangling Clan!

"Oops, Brother Dongfang seems to be no match for the dragon shadow above the Dragon's Gate, should we help out?" The bearded man put away the doubt in Chongyun's eyes, and replaced it with an anxious expression.

"Brother Dongfang is not from our Sangling clan. I don't know where he came from?" The tall and slender Nan Xiao frowned.

"Why do you care so much? You can find out afterward by asking Brother Dongfang. If he really had some bad intentions, we people would have died long ago. The sacred mulberry tree is also difficult to preserve." Chongyun said carelessly.

"That's right. I can help you. I'll ask Brother Dongfang for details later. Our Sangling Clan has always had a clear grievance. No matter where Brother Dongfang came from, we should repay the kindness we have had for us and the Tiansang Wilderness!"

Several other people also responded to drink.

At this time, Chongyun and his party once again assembled into Sangyue's battle formation, and rushed towards the Dragon's Gate with great momentum.

The huge dragon shadow on the other side of the Dragon's Gate was impacted by Sang Yue's battle formation, and its momentum was stagnant. The Qinglong phantom behind Lu Xiaotian took the opportunity to fight back.

At this time, the Extreme Dragon Gate seemed to turn into an endless abyss, and the phantom of the green dragon behind Lu Xiaotian seemed to find no end when it flew in. It even made Lu Xiaotian feel trapped in it.

A powerful force poured into Lu Xiaotian's body from inside, and Lu Xiaotian found that he didn't even have a chance to resist. This powerful force caused chaos in Lu Xiaotian's body, causing a lot of damage to the meridians in Lu Xiaotian's body. It's fine if Xiao Zai is just an ordinary Xuan Xian or Dragon Clan, but there is a green fruit barrier in his body that is similar to a world.

When Lu Xiaotian was forced to have no choice by this force, he opened the green fruit enchantment again, and absorbed all this force into it. At this time, the original brilliance of the entire Extreme Dragon Gate subsided. The azure blue precious mirror faded in the void, and disappeared without a trace along with the phantom of the green dragon.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, and generally understood what was going on, the Seven Tribulations Hidden Dragon alone was not enough to completely open the Extreme Dragon Gate, allowing hundreds of thousands of elite immortal troops to teleport here. Originally, there was an unparalleled power in this extremely dragon's gate, not even much worse than the power used by the black dragon using the dragon ball.

It also comes from the power of the Dragon Clan. And the Seven Tribulations Hidden Dragon is only highly consistent with the power breath in it. Maybe even a blood relationship. No matter what, this treasure belongs to him for the time being.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief, another tyrannical divine sense swept across the void, apparently staying near Lu Xiaotian's body for a while.

Lu Xiaotian's body froze, this aura was no weaker than the one in Jilong's Gate just now. Moreover, the opponent's aura blended almost perfectly with the surrounding sky mulberry forest. Obviously, the opponent was probably an old monster from the Sangling clan.

Lu Xiaotian turned around and glanced sideways if he had sensed it, and saw a phantom with white hair and beard standing in the air that looked a little thin, surrounded by white clouds and a gentle breeze.

"I've met the Supreme Elder!" Chong Yun and the others saluted immediately when they saw the person coming. At the same time, Chongyun winked at Lu Xiaotian.

"I've seen you, senior." Lu Xiaotian followed suit and gave a salute to the other party.

"I actually have dragon blood in my body, what is the purpose of this trip to Tiansanghuangyuan?" The old man with white beard and hair asked softly.

Lu Xiaotian felt that his aura was completely locked by the other party, even though he had already cultivated the supernatural power of space, he still felt that his surroundings seemed to be imprisoned. Even if he wanted to leave, he might not be able to walk under the eyes of this old monster.

"Elder Supreme, Brother Dongfang has made great contributions to our Sangling clan this time." Chong Yun quickly explained, giving a general idea of ​​what happened before.

"The younger generation has a relationship with Silkworm Venerable. Seeing the catastrophe in Tiansang Wasteland, he came here looking for it. After a few shots, he got something." At this time, Lu Xiaotian had to take out the black cloak given to him by Mingku Silkworm Venerable.

Silkworm Zun? The other party was taken aback for a moment, and then the look in Lu Xiaotian's eyes softened obviously. After seeing Lu Xiaotian's black cloak, he didn't ask any more questions. This black cloak is indeed the property of Cangzun Mingku, so there is no need to verify it.

"Leave the tears of Sang Ling that you have obtained to the old man." After a moment of astonishment on the old man's face, he didn't doubt too much.

Lu Xiaotian held up his palms as he said, and the two vials containing Sang Ling's tears flew towards each other.

"Based on the great achievements you have made this time, it is understandable to reward you with the Tears of Sang Ling, but this thing is of great use to the clan. I put it away first and see if there are other things that are more suitable for you." The old man Reach out and take the tears of Sang Ling into your hands.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, heaving a sigh of relief. It seems that the other party still doesn't know that he has more tears of Sang Ling in his hand.

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