Become a Fairy

Chapter 3492???

Chapter 3492 Bone Retraction

Lu Xiaotian's heart is as firm as iron, and he has already passed such a test in the dry mulberry forest before, repeating the old tune, even if the spiritual attack emitted by Ying Gougu is weird and powerful, there is nothing he can do to win Lu Xiaotian.

Although Lu Xiaotian has never experienced the real battlefield of immortals and demons, but from a monk in the refining period to the present point, he has experienced countless corpses and seas of blood. Tens of millions of casualties.

Lu Xiaotian still remembers the devastated, desolate and dead scene after the war. At this time, the prosperity and prosperity of the people, demons, demons and other races. The tragedy of the war. The desolation after the war is like a fleeting image, crossing in Lu Xiaotian's sight

It's just that no matter how fierce and strange these spiritual attacks are, and the corpse gas entering the body cannot pose a threat to Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian has increased his chances of winning to a certain extent.

However, it is still not easy to control the corpse energy transformed by Ying Gougu at this time, Lu Xiaotian is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for a trace of immortal energy left by Emperor Honghao to limit the corpse energy transformed by Ying Gougu. Then reap the benefits.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness guided the power of the totem and the spirit of the dead body to chase back and forth inside the huge mountain range. All of a sudden, he felt a handprint grabbing towards him in the depths of the endless void. For a moment, Lu Xiaotian felt that he and Ying's dead body Qi and even this huge mountain were going to be caught in the palm of that hand.

Lu Xiaotian felt that the opponent's power didn't seem to be great, but he had a feeling that it was difficult to escape his control. It seems that the opponent's power is already another existence beyond Lu Xiaotian's cognition.

Lu Xiaotian had a feeling that mobilizing the power of the totem was not much worse than the other party, but facing the handprints captured from the void, he couldn't do anything.

However, for Lu Xiaotian, he couldn't understand the existence of this handprint, but for Ying Gougu, he hadn't reached such a point yet. I saw that Ying Gougu's transformed body energy suddenly turned into dozens of corpses, culling them towards the handprint. The corpse qi itself gave up on Lu Xiaotian and began to withdraw calmly.

Ying Gougu has been fighting with Emperor Honghao's celestial essence for so many years, although he was unable to completely expel or kill it. But he also has a certain ability to protect himself, but in the process of entangled with this ray of immortal energy of Emperor Honghao, he has no time to pay attention to Lu Xiaotian, a junior.

In the process of Lu Xiaotian getting ready to go, the handprints also turned into tens, and each handprint seemed to be in a different world, but the dozen or so handprints seemed to be right in front of him, Lu Xiaotian had a feeling at this time, these ten handprints Even if several handprints are in front of his eyes, it is difficult for him to attack the opponent.

With these dozens of handprints moving together, they form a formation of their own, but Lu Xiaotian is a little baffled by this formation now. It was still far away before, and Lu Xiaotian still felt somewhat sure, but now once he gets close, he feels a little uncomfortable. Knowing the true face of Lushan Mountain is only due to the feeling of being in this mountain.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaotian didn't quite understand Emperor Honghao's means of immortal essence, but he had certain countermeasures to win the corpse gas transformed by Gougu. The two sides entangled and fought fiercely. Originally, Lu Xiaotian saw the dozen or so handprints as clouds and mist, but now that the other party moved, Lu Xiaotian felt that there was a trace of traces to follow, as if there were extremely subtle spatial fluctuations.

"The other party also learned space magic?" Lu Xiaotian was not surprised. Space supernatural powers are not exclusive to him alone. The Sky Cauldron he refined was obtained from Yuanshi Sword Demon when he was in the spirit world.

After seeing the old monsters such as Yinggou, Mingkucanzun, and Jiang Chen, Lu Xiaotian realized that for these old monsters, space magic is not so difficult to deal with.

It's just that for Lu Xiaotian at this time, the other party's artistic conception is too far away from him, it's like looking at a flower in a fog, it's impossible to see it clearly, and it's impossible to talk about it, but this space fluctuation has some enlightenment for him.

It's just that even if the fluctuations in the fighting skills of the two sides are not very strong, the impact caused by the immortal energy and corpse energy is far from enough to hurt Lu Xiaotian, but Lu Xiaotian always feels strangely uncomfortable in his head when he watches it from a distance.

In his realm, it seems that he has accepted too many things that are far beyond him at once, and he can't accommodate them at all.

Hum, the dozens of handprints and corpse aura in front of me suddenly became blurred, as if two different forces were twisted together to form a paste, and then the corpse aura transformed by Ying Gougu swayed from it out. On the other side, the trace of immortal essence left by Emperor Honghaotian seemed to be in a bad condition.

Lu Xiaotian forcibly suppressed the discomfort in his heart, facing this level of power, the opportunity is fleeting, how could Lu Xiaotian miss it. Immediately, the power of the totem was aroused to the extreme, and at the same time Lu Xiaotian stretched out a finger, this finger shadow seemed to pass through the endless void, and seemed to spread to the entire mountain range, forming a huge space formation in the void.

"This little friend has actually touched the mystery of the law of space?" General Chen Tiandu's eyes were also a little surprised. It is not uncommon to use some treasures to display space supernatural powers, but Lu Xiaotian did not use any external force at the moment. It's not the Nirvana Ants who are gifted with supernatural powers. In terms of Lu Xiaotian's current state, it is really rare.

"It's a little different from the usual laws of space, this little friend is indeed a bit unique." Mingku Canzun Xuying nodded. At this time, the fighting between the two had stopped. Lu Xiaotian has already disappeared into the huge mountain range that Ying Gougu transformed into, so it doesn't make much sense for the two to fight again at this time.

Lu Xiaotian originally thought that his formation, which was born out of the space blockade, could take the opportunity to completely block Ying Gougu. It's just that in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, the impenetrable space formation is as if watching Ying Gougu's transformed corpse a little bit to escape.

Lu Xiaotian's heart tightened, and he raised his palm quickly, and the Demon-Suppressing Tower flew out, turning into a huge tower shadow covering the sky, completely enveloping the corpse energy transformed by Ying Gougu.

If it wasn't for a sliver of immortal energy from Emperor Honghao Tiancai just now, Ying Gougu's corpse energy would never have been so easily trapped in the space formation.

The power of space that Lu Xiaotian can use alone is limited after all, but once he is shrouded in the space attached to the Town Demon Tower, it is not so easy to get out.

At this time, a trace of immortal energy of Emperor Na Honghao Tian saw that Deying Hook Bone's corpse energy was trapped, but there was no other change. This part of the corpse qi rushed left and right under the Demon Suppressing Tower, and Lu Xiaotian tried his best to block it. Even in the Demon Suppressing Tower, Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit was already close to the level of the Golden Immortal, and this part of the corpse qi was also blocked. It was extremely hard to block.

As if countless years had passed, when Lu Xiaotian was almost exhausted, the corpse aura under the shadow of the huge tower finally gathered and turned into a broken skull shape.

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