Become a Fairy

Chapter 3440 Spark Meteorite

Chapter 3440 Spark Meteorite

After withdrawing from the Qingguo Barrier, a group of Xuanxian powerhouses, wolf riders, Kumano, etc. fell into cultivation again.

Almost everyone can find their own partner. But Kumano is the most belligerent, like a fighting machine. Constantly challenge the same level of powerhouses in the wolf cavalry.

Originally, wolf riders were quite belligerent and arrogant, but under Kumano's repeated challenges, some wolves of the same level were also a little annoyed. Kumano's special physique is extremely special. Not only is his defense extremely strong, but his recovery ability is particularly remarkable.

Under repeated challenges, some defeated Kumano, and some were defeated by Kumano. In addition, Qingli and the little white python couldn't hold back their loneliness. Especially when the little white dog and the little fire crow were preparing to break through one after another, the little white python, who had lost two little companions, liked to go to crowded places. The wolf rider was greatly affected by the breath of the real dragon, but compared to From Qingli, the little white python is much worse.

Originally, even if they were not direct descendants of the Xiaoyue Wolf Clan, these wolf riders had enough pride, but after fighting for turns, the original arrogance naturally disappeared. Not to mention the guy with abnormal physique like Kumano, Qingli, Little White Mang, or Xiang Qingcheng and others who seldom get off the ground, among the same rank, these wolf riders are rarely able to match.

However, as a whole, wolf riders get stronger when they are strong. Those who really feel a sense of crisis are Yingqing Daoxian, Mingcheng, the purple centipede demon, and the triangle thunder monster. In the past, as the first batch of Xuanxian powerhouses who were imprisoned here by Lu Xiaotian, Lu Xiaotian was only in the real fairyland at that time. They had a huge advantage in the realm, and they were still up for grabs. Advice to Lu Xiaotian could play a considerable role.

At this time, the wolf cavalry has completely surrendered to Lu Xiaotian, and there are as many as four Xuanxian experts in the wolf cavalry alone. Lu Xiaotian's own strength is far beyond any of them, or they are not Lu Xiaotian's opponents when they join forces.

People are not afraid of being used by others, what they are afraid of is that they are not even worth being used. The strength of the wolves has improved like a raging fire, and they have gradually been marginalized.

In terms of loyalty, I'm afraid they can't compare to wolf riders. In terms of strength, compared with the group that came in later, such as Qin Runan, Qin Gang, Zhen Jingshan and others, there is a big gap. In Mingcheng, the Triangle Thunder Monster and his party are much stronger.

As for the three white pythons, because the little white python is very popular with Lu Xiaotian, and has a very good relationship with Lu Xiaotian's fairy pets, the three white pythons naturally don't have such worries as Mingcheng and the triangle thunder monster. It can be regarded as the faction closest to Lu Xiaotian.

"Fellow daoists, stay and sharpen these wolf riders for me, and guide the younger generation in their cultivation." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Qin Runan and the others again. Famous teachers produce outstanding apprentices, although their cultivation methods are different, and the improvement of their cultivation base is mostly By relying on oneself and encouraging others, one can achieve the goal of improving the cultivation of the younger generation. However, getting certain pointers from the Xuanxian powerhouse, or even competing with the Xuanxian powerhouse, can also make the wolf cavalry get enough improvement.

It is inconvenient for Lu Xiaotian to release these Xuanxian powerhouses for the time being, but the wolf rider has now become a trump card in Lu Xiaotian's hand, and it is his capital to compete with the heavenly powerhouse. The strength of the wolf cavalry battle formation, but Lu Xiaotian still has to cultivate by himself. The wolf cavalry battle formation also needs to compete with different Xuanxian powerhouses. In this way, these Xuanxian powerhouses can play a considerable role.

After explaining some related matters in the Zhenyao Pagoda, Lu Xiaotian went to the side to practice quietly, and went through the previous exercises and spatial supernatural powers, and then Lu Xiaotian immersed his mind on that crystal grain. Although I have initially realized the supernatural power contained in this crystal grain, it is very powerful.

When Lu Xiaotian's consciousness sank into the crystal grain again, it went much smoother than last time. There was a slight change in the eighteen monks before, and a Zen stick appeared in each of these monks' hands. Eighteen monks share time

I don't know how long it took, Lu Xiaotian waved the five thunder arrows casually, and countless arrows filled the void, shuttled like rain, at first glance, it seemed that it would take a thousand miles to recover, and there were only faintly visible ones in the void The trajectory, the arrow has returned to Lu Xiaotian's hands. Turn into five kinds of arrows.

At this time, there was a smile on the corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth. Although it was the same kind of supernatural power that he had used before, being able to apply this time supernatural power to his own fairy weapon was also a brand new breakthrough for Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian was about to take the Five Thunder Arrows back into his body when he suddenly sensed a slight movement from the outside world. Lu Xiaotian put away the Five Thunder Arrows and came out from the Demon Suppressing Tower. The sun is shining. But all around was a deep darkness.

The flame quickly diffused to Lu Xiaotian's place, and in the original deep darkness, countless stars and flints could be seen.

"Xinghuo Meteorite!" Lu Xiaotian was shocked in his eyes.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian sensed the existence of the Xinghuo Meteorite, the little white dog chasing spirits in the Zhenyao Tower had a subtle sense.

Lu Xiaotian's expression was complicated for a while, and the change of disaster fighting was either life or death. The little white dog has accompanied him so far, although the role that the little white dog can play is extremely limited, but for Lu Xiaotian, the little white dog and the little fire crow are his companions, and the relationship between the two parties will not be due to Whoever's strength is higher or lower will decline somewhat.

Lu Xiaotian didn't want to let the chasing little white dog face a tragic death because of his choice, in order to let the little white dog advance to the rank and improve his strength.

But when Lu Xiaotian was having a hard time making a choice, Little White Dog already had his own choice. The not-so-majestic long howl of the little white dog in the Demon Town Tower sounded. It seemed as if he had received some kind of summoning.

"That's all." Lu Xiaotian already knew the choice of chasing the little white dog, and with a flash of inspiration in the town demon tower, the little white dog appeared from the town demon tower. Shaking his head, he turned around Lu Xiaotian twice, rubbed his head against Lu Xiaotian's calf, and then stared seriously at the endless sparks spreading in the void.

"Go." Lu Xiaotian nodded, and he had already made a decision in his heart to let the little white dog make his own way. If something unexpected happens, he will naturally do everything to save it.

"Woof." The little white dog nodded, and there was a little excitement in his serious eyes. He rushed towards the intense star fire in the distance.

The star fire in the void seemed to be drawn by some kind of traction, rolling towards the chasing little white dog. It is also mixed with large and small spark meteorites.

"Oh——" the unimposing howl of the little white dog in the void spread far away. A spark essence came, but it was directly swallowed by the little white dog. At this time, the little white dog's snow-white long hair seemed to be stained with a spark of brilliance.

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