Become a Fairy

Chapter 3437 New leader

Chapter 3437 new leader

Sang Ling's tears, Lu Xiaotian's eyes were filled with contemplation, and he once again ended the dialogue with Yuanshi Sword Demon. The black dragon in Dragon Ball, and Ying Langtian are all from the demon world, so they are not very familiar with the situation in the fairy world.

In this regard, the Yuanshi Sword Demon can undoubtedly provide the most help. Since the opponent knows the Chihu Clan and has been to the Land of Heavy Spirits, he must be no stranger to the Tiansang Wasteland and the Sangling Clan.

As a result, when I asked, it was really useful. The Yuanshi Sword Demon also went to the Sangling Clan. At that time, the Sangling Clan did not have the first-level power of Jinxian, but several elders in the clan joined forces. It is not inferior to the strong Jinxian. Moreover, relying on the advantage of the Tiansang wilderness, even the Yuanshi Sword Demon did not get any advantage. Later, the Chihu Clan came to reinforce them, and Yuanshi Sword Demon also retreated in due course.

Even Yuanshi Sword Demon has never seen the tears of Sang Ling, one of the three holy relics of the Sang Ling clan. However, just because he has been to the Sangling clan and fought against the elders of the Sangling clan, this experience is also very precious to Lu Xiaotian.

Just after finishing the conversation with Yuanshi Sword Demon, two powerful auras burst out from the Demon Suppressing Tower. A movement of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness turned out to be a sign of a breakthrough, and there were two ways.

With a hint of joy on Lu Xiaotian's face, after coming out of the Qingguo enchantment, he came to the place where the wolf riders lived in a flash.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and a large amount of fairy spirit gathered here. Although this land of heavy spirits is not small for the suppression of the primordial spirit, the aura of fairy spirits is extremely strong, which is far from comparable to that of the turtle spirit fairyland. The only trouble is that it is unrealistic to stir up the huge spiritual energy vortex with spiritual consciousness and introduce it into the Demon Town Tower. At this time, it is not Lu Xiaotian's own breakthrough, and it is impossible to make such a big commotion.

Fortunately, the two true fairy-level werewolves Langyun and Haifeng who broke through need far less fairy breath than Lu Xiaotian. Importing a part from the land of heavy spirits is enough to meet the needs of two true fairy-level werewolves to advance.

At this time, the other wolf riders were either envious or admiringly watching the wolf cloud and Haifeng rising in the void.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and recruited Mo Yuyan, Xiang Qingcheng, Qingming, Niekong Ant, and Yanlong's primordial spirits. Although they are not from the wolf tribe, it is of great benefit to them to witness the advancement of a real fairy-level werewolf. The benefits, especially for Xiang Qingcheng and Nirvana termites who are about to break through.

Wolf howls in the void, one after another, Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt that the silver wolf that was refined and transformed into the token given by Langtian seemed to be drawn by some kind of inexplicable, as if there was an instinctive call to rush out of the body . Other than that it doesn't seem to have any effect.

With a move of consciousness, Lu Xiaotian didn't particularly suppress the little silver wolf, and let it jump out of his body.

"Wow!" The phantom of the silver wolf in front of Lu Xiaotian raised its head and howled, although it was small in size, it had an inexplicable majesty.

"Wow!" Zai Haifeng, whose aura in the void had already started to change from a true immortal to a mysterious immortal, both Langyun and the other 600 wolf riders also responded one after another.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian felt that these wolf riders seemed to have an inexplicable force gathering in the phantom of the silver wolf, making the figure of the little silver wolf more solid, and Lu Xiaotian also had a breath of dragon essence, which was transmitted to the phantom of the silver wolf. Inside, it was intertwined with the breath of the wolves.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian felt inexplicably more familiar with these wolf riders than before, as if it was an innate sense of identity.

All the wolf riders also looked at Lu Xiaotian in surprise, and there seemed to be a little more recognition and even a sense of trust in the originally lonely eyes.

Perhaps because of the Longyuan aura passed by the silver wolf, Haifeng, who is now transitioning to a werewolf at the Xuanxian level, seems to have undergone a subtle change in the two auras of Langyun, with an imperceptible majesty. This kind of majesty is Xuanjing, which Dushan, the two veteran Xuanxian-level werewolves never possessed.

There seems to be a slight change in the power of this totem, and Lu Xiaotian quickly realized the change. The silver little wolf originally came from Ying Langtian's soul, but now Lu Xiaotian feels that the aura that originally belonged to Ying Langtian has gradually faded. In its place is a whole new breath. It not only maintains the wildness and aloofness of the wolf, but also has the majesty and dominance of the dragon.

Through the power of this totem, not only Langyun, Haifeng, but also other wolf riders are also undergoing a mysterious change.

"Wow——" Two wolves howled in the void, one after another, vibrating in the void inside the Demon Town Tower. Lang Yun, Haifeng is actually a werewolf who has advanced to the Xuanxian level, which is almost the same.

Xuan Jing and Du Shan's eyes flickered slightly. Although Lang Yun and Hai Feng had good qualifications before, they may not be able to match them, but the potential shown in front of them seems to have exceeded their expectations. But no matter what, they had two more Xuanxian-level werewolves in their wolf cavalry, and their strength was strengthened again. The momentum of the entire wolf cavalry array changed again.

"I'm going back to retreat." Xiang Qingcheng seemed to be touched by the process of talent, and after saying hello to Lu Xiaotian, he left.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, but his attention was still on the six hundred wolf riders.

With the addition of two more Xuanxian-level werewolves, the power of the wolf cavalry array has increased by tens of thousands. It can even bring a sense of threat to Lu Xiaotian, but through the silver wolf, it is more of his recognition of the wolf rider in front of him, and Lu Xiaotian also feels that the wolf rider feels the same way about him.

In Lu Xiaotian's eyes, the array of wolf riders in front of him was not so abrupt for the first time, which made Lu Xiaotian also have an urge to blend in.

The way of cultivation is to be spontaneous. With such a thought in Lu Xiaotian's heart, his body swayed, and he reached the front of the wolf cavalry array. The little silver wolf turned into a ray of silver light, forming a wolf-head mask, covering Lu Xiaotian's head.

Xuanjing, Dushan, Haifeng, Langyun, etc. looked at Lu Xiaotian with surprise at this time, and felt that Lu Xiaotian seemed to be a member of the wolf cavalry and their leader.

"Wolf rider, charge!" Lu Xiaotian waved his hand.

"Aww!" All the wolf riders at the scene were obedient from the depths of their souls, and let out a long and proud howl.

More than 600 wolf riders, after Lu Xiaotian joined in, their aura surged again, and the powerful and unparalleled aura directly impacted the little Nirvana termites who were watching in the distant void and flew backwards.

There are more than 600 wolf cavalry, and there is a new leader at this time, that is Lu Xiaotian who is wearing a silver wolf mask in front of the team. He is not the Xiaoyue wolf clan, but he is in command of their wolf cavalry.

"Haha." Leading the wolves under his command to ride on a rampage in the void of the Demon Town Tower, although he didn't fight any enemies, Lu Xiaotian felt an unspeakable sense of joy in his heart at this time.

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